The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 409 The Gap between the Magical World and the Non-Magical World

"Ouch!" Hermione fell to the ground solidly.

"I didn't expect it to recognize its owner." She laughed self-deprecatingly, "I have never had the talent to fly."

"I'll teach you slowly when we get back to school." Tom took back the Firebolt. At this time, he also noticed that He's mother in the kitchen seemed to be interested in flying broomsticks.

So he stretched his neck and shouted: "Auntie, my friend gave me a flying broomstick, do you want to come and play with it?"

Before He's mother had time to answer, an excited shout came from upstairs: "Okay!"

Mr. Granger rushed to the first floor with a vigor that belied his age, staring intensely at the broomstick in Tom's hand.

"Is this really a broomstick? I mean, can it carry people into the sky like the novel says?" Mr. Granger looked like a happy child.

"Of course! Do you want to try it?" Tom handed over the Firebolt.

As if he had found a treasure, Mr. Granger took the broomstick and gently stroked the slender handle of the Firebolt. That technique was as if what he was touching was not the broom, but his wife's tender skin.

Apparently, Mr. Granger can't resist the charm of a broomstick - a tool that allows people to conquer the sky like a bird!

"The name of this broom is Firebolt..." Tom explained to Mr. Granger the various performance parameters of Firebolt. The two sides chatted more and more speculatively, and soon progressed to the test drive stage.

Mr. Granger carefully mounted the broom. He thought he would fly out or hit the table with a bang in the next second, but in the end nothing happened. Caught between his legs, it remained motionless, just like an ordinary broom.

Mr. Granger:?

"Do I need any formula? Should I shout 'drive' or open sesame or something like that?"

Hermione on the other side couldn't stand it any longer and interrupted to pour cold water on the two of them: "All modern broomsticks can block the use of Muggles...non-magical people.

Because wizards choose brooms as flying tools in order to take advantage of the broom's concealment. The most commonly used flying tools must be unobtrusive and easily concealed. A broom that is easy to carry, cheap and can exist openly at home is the ideal choice.

But if any Muggle can get on a broomstick and fly around, what's the point? So in the hands of non-magical people, a broomstick is just an ordinary broom. "

Hermione's tirade caused Mr. Granger to fall silent. He felt very clearly the gap between the magical world and the non-magical world.

The last time I felt this way was when my daughter entered Platform 9. Hermione managed to enter the wall, but he was isolated by the cold brick wall. He could not enter until someone helped him and watched his daughter go.

Mr. Granger's mood became depressed. He returned the broom to Tom and forced a smile: "It seems that Hermione's Chocobo gene is inherited from me!"

After the broom returned to Tom's hand, it revealed its magical side again: even if Tom let go of his hand, it did not fall to the ground, but quietly suspended in mid-air, waiting for its owner to ride.

"Okay, you two hurry up and do your homework, and we won't disturb you anymore - did you put the broom upstairs for you?"

The Grangers left the kitchen, leaving only Tom, Hermione and their cat Crookshanks in the huge kitchen.

The little guy was woken up from his sleep by the owl just now, jumped off the table, and has just come back now. It snored and gasped, and lay down on the table, forming a big yellow ball.

"Wait, there are other things in the package." When Tom was packing up the broom's wrapping paper, Hermione's sharp eyes discovered that there was actually a small bag next to the broom's packaging.

Hermione took off the bag, turned it to the front and took a look at the label on it, with a surprised look on her face: "Cat food?"

The bag was only the size of a palm, wrapped in brown paper, and was the same color as the Firebolt packaging. There is a picture of a cat feasting on food on the front of the bag, and there is also a sentence: "There is a kind of hunger, which is when grandma thinks you are hungry. Pat cat food will give your cat the feeling of returning to grandma's house."

This line really shines.

Tom, Hermione:...

This is a bag of magic cat food, because the cat on the bag is eating, and because the line of advertising slogans is flashing and changing colors.

There is also a small card attached to the bag.

【Gift to the cutest kitten in the world. By:Bigfoot】

"This is Sirius' gift to Crookshanks." Tom picked up the bag and weighed it, it was probably less than a pound.

Crookshanks, who was sleeping in a ball, suddenly raised his head.

Maomao seems to have heard something terrible? Crookshanks' tail swayed, his eyes staring straight at the bag in the black-haired breeder's hand.

"Meow (hurry up and present it, I can't wait)!"

The black-haired breeder opened the bag obediently, and an alluring aroma wafted from inside. It was also mixed with an indescribable smell, which was extremely tempting.

vomit! Tom tried to smell it, and a strong fishy smell hit his face. The bag was full of meatball-shaped things, which looked terrible.

At this time, Tom felt his sleeves being pulled twice by something. When he lowered his head, he saw Crookshanks staring at him with big watery eyes.

"You want to eat this?"

"Meow meow meow!" Maomao nodded.

"No problem." Tom poured out a few balls, and Crookshanks quickly pounced on them, swallowed them into his mouth, and then looked at him eagerly.

Tom wanted to fall again, but Hermione stopped him.

"No matter how delicious the food is, it must be done in moderation," Hermione said, looking at Crookshanks' increasingly rounded body. "I don't want my Crookshanks to look like the big orange next door."

"Indeed." Tom agreed with Hermione's point of view and sealed the opening of the cat food bag. Crookshanks was so anxious that he kept rubbing his head on Tom's hand and meowing, hoping that the scavenger could give him some more cat food. However, Hermione was watching eagerly from the side. Between Hermione and Crookshanks, Tom decisively chose Hermione and put away the cat food bag ruthlessly.

No way, who told you to be just a cat?

Crookshanks meowed angrily, jumped off the table, and walked away with cat steps.

One day, we must make black and brown hair look good! Crookshanks thought angrily.


Today we are going to introduce the story of Josephina Flint, the thirteenth Minister of Magic. The minister is a member of the Flint family, one of the twenty-eight pure-blood families. Marcus, the captain of the Slytherin team, is from the Flint family.

Josephina Flint, Minister of Magic from 1819 to 1827. During her time as Minister, she displayed a pathological anti-Muggle bias and dislike of new Muggle technology. She believed that the telegraph would interfere with the normal functioning of the wand.

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