The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 408 Can I still study hard?

Seeing Mr. Granger hurriedly leaving, the good girl Hermione sitting quietly doing her homework, and Mrs. Granger humming while putting the dishes into the dishwasher, Tom felt a headache. .

Don't think too much about it, it's just the close relationship between father and daughter. Tom comforted himself in his mind. He believed Hermione wouldn't yell at him.

He spread out his History of Magic textbook, took out a roll of parchment, took out his quill and started writing quickly. Tom plans to write a history of magic paper first.

Time passed by, and the only sounds left in the huge dining room were the rustling of quills sliding on parchment and the clatter of turning pages. Well, there’s also Crookshanks’ purr.

"Hermione, what was the name of the minister who stepped down due to the Goblin Rebellion?" Tom flipped through "History of Magic" for a long time, but couldn't find the answer, so he had to turn to Hermione.

"There are two, Albert Bute and his successor Basil Fleck, they -" Hermione knew the answer as expected, just when she wanted to tell Tom in detail about the lives of these two ministers and their work She was interrupted by a sound as she was performing in the Goblin Rebellion.

It's six owls. Together they clutched an elongated package.

After a lot of effort, the owls finally delivered the package to Granger's house and dropped it on the table.

Tom and Hermione could guess what was in the package just by looking at its appearance. The only suspense is which broomstick this is.

Tom tore open the package.

Harry tore open the package.

"Damn it, Firebolt!"


Different places, different people, issued the same exclamation.

Harry looked at the broom in front of him with a shocked expression, and was so surprised that he couldn't breathe.

The broom was so beautiful that Harry thought it must be the result of human aesthetics, it even sparkled!

Harry recognized it immediately. It was the Firebolt that he had always dreamed of. He had seen it once before in Diagon Alley and fell in love with this broom immediately.

Unfortunately, the price is too expensive. Although Harry's parents left him a considerable inheritance, Harry has been afraid of poverty since he was a child. He has developed a calculating character and is very cautious about spending money, so he is not willing to buy it. .

Harry, who grew up in such an environment, naturally had no such thing as pocket money in his life. It is rare for such a person to maintain his original intention and not squander it wantonly after suddenly receiving a large sum of money.

But if Harry were to answer this question himself, he would definitely not mention his own good qualities. The fundamental reason why he doesn't spend money lavishly is fear. He was afraid that he would spend all his parents' inheritance and then have to ask the Dursleys for living expenses.

The reason is quite real.

But the money James left behind was really not something that a young wizard who had not yet graduated could squander - it was an entire vault of gold galleons!

Harry chose to be thrifty and restrain his desires, but Sirius did not. The life creed of Sirius Black, a wealthy young man, a noble son of a wealthy family, and the richest and handsomest man in the wizarding world, is: being a man is like making clothes, they must be colorful and vigorous.

save money? nonexistent.

His godson lost his broom in an accident? Buy, buy the best! He also bought one for Tom as a token of his gratitude.

Harry finally had the opportunity to see and touch the Firebolt up close.

The Firebolt was identical to the one he'd seen in Diagon Alley. Harry could feel it vibrating slightly as he picked it up. As soon as Harry let go of his hand, it floated in the air without any support. Even more subtly, the Firebolt was at the perfect height off the ground for him to ride.

Harry opened his eyes wide and saw from the golden serial number on the top of the broomstick to the completely smooth and streamlined end of the broomstick.

"Thank you, Sirius." Although there was no personal information on the package, Harry still guessed that it was Sirius' hand gesture.

"Do you like it?" Sirius folded his arms and leaned against the door, asking lazily.

"This is the best Christmas present." Harry's eyes filled with tears.

"This is a good Christmas present, isn't it?" Hermione said sourly.

Tom always thought that he was not very interested in flying broomsticks. He now admits that he was wrong. Just like firearms, armors, cold weapons, Gundams, machinery and other items, boys may say "I don't like it" or "I'm not interested", but their true nature will still be revealed after they actually see those beautiful machinery.

The precise gears, the luminous blades, the powerful exoskeleton... all of them make people fascinated.

The same goes for broomsticks.

When Tom actually sees this beautiful broom, he will still fall in love with it. His previous misconception that he was not interested in brooms was simply that his brooms were not beautiful enough.

This Firebolt, even Hermione admitted, was really beautiful.

But here's the problem. Hermione compared the Firebolt with the scarf she gave her, and felt a sense of inferiority in her heart. When she saw Tom's intoxicated eyes, she felt even more sour. Her current mood was a bit like seeing her boyfriend being given a supercar as a gift, while she was only given a handmade scarf.

"Hmm... But it's just krypton gold. There's not much intention in it." After Tom said "hmm" subconsciously, he instinctively sensed something was wrong. The word "danger" seemed to appear on his head, so he immediately He added half a sentence and rounded it out.

"This Firebolt is very valuable." Hermione said quietly. She calculated the price silently in her mind, and then realized that this broom was really not something she could afford.

"The broomstick will be replaced next year, but the scarf will still be as warm next year." Tom told the true situation of the flying broomstick - when Tom entered the first grade, the Nimbus 2000 was the top broom, but when he was in the second grade This crown was transferred to Nimbus 2001. Nimbus 2001 didn't last long, and Firebolt came out in the third grade.

So who knows how long Firebolt will stay on top of the list? Maybe next year there will be a broomstick that's better than the Firebolt.

"It sounds nice, but the scarf will get old." Although Hermione said this, she was still coaxed by Tom to feel comfortable in her heart.

"Would you like to try riding it?" Tom pushed the broom slightly toward Hermione.

Hermione looked at the streamlined broom in front of her and felt a little moved.

So she leaned sideways towards the broom and wanted to sit on it, but the Firebolt swung slightly and shook her, making her sit upright and fall to the ground.

He's mother was in the kitchen, listening to the voices of her daughter and Tom, and couldn't help covering her forehead: Can you still study hard?


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