The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 206 Visitors from the Wizarding Examination Authority

June arrived in an atmosphere of anxiety and panic. The exam is just around the corner. During this period, teachers of various subjects no longer assign homework to fifth- and seventh-grade students, and no longer teach new knowledge in class. Instead, they use all classroom time for review. The fifth and seventh grade students spend almost all their time in the library. Review takes up all their spare time - even Wood has reduced his Quidditch training time.

Fortunately, before the exam began, the ownership of the Quidditch Cup had been settled, otherwise Wood would have faced the most difficult decision in his life.

The topics that students talked about gradually turned into the daily review time and various gossips.

Percy seems to be a little manic. He will habitually ask how long other people have studied. If he finds that others have learned more than him, he will fall into anxiety and decide to study for an extra hour at night. Of course, he is also keen to debunk rumors about exams. For example, as long as you have friendship with the examiners of the Wizarding Examination Authority, you can be "raised"

As a professor, Tom is also very busy. He has to summarize knowledge points, answer questions, issue warm-up papers, and...

"Meyer! Hand over what you have in your hands." Tom stopped two sneaking students in the corridor. After his name was called, Gus Meyer panicked and tried to hide a jar, but Tom snatched it away with a flying curse.

"What did he tell you this was?" Tom looked at another student - he remembered it was a fifth-year Hufflepuff boy.

"Dragon Claw Powder, Professor," he lowered his head and said, "You said in class that this powder can improve memory and make people's brains particularly bright within a few hours."

Gus Meyer also bravely said that he was able to get 8 excellent grades in the O.W.Ls. exam last year precisely because he took this powder to enhance his memory during review.

Tom nodded, he had indeed introduced this magical powder.

Tom glanced at the jar of powder, showed a hint of disgust, and said to the prospective candidate: "Then you should have the most basic ability to identify, and you should be able to tell that this is the dried feces of a fox. Although it is not poisonous, But I don’t think you can strengthen your memory by eating it.”

Candidate:? !

The anger in his eyes almost turned into substance.

Tom confiscated the jar of powder and poured it down the drain.

This is just a small detail of his daily work.

The day before the exam, the examiners from the Wizarding Examination Authority also arrived at Hogwarts before dinner.

Dumbledore led all the professors to greet this group of examiners whose average age was over eighty years old outside the gate of Hogwarts. They actually came here on broomsticks. Among the examiners, the first one was a very small hunchbacked witch. Her face was covered with spider web-like wrinkles. She looked like an old witch from a fairy tale.

Dumbledore showed a kind smile after seeing her, "Gsilda, welcome back to Hogwarts! Did the journey go well?"

It could be heard that Professor Marchbaby seemed to be a bit deaf, because her voice was surprisingly loud when she answered Dumbledore.

"The trip went well!" she said with a smile, "It's been a long time no see, Albus, the scene during your exam seems like yesterday!"

Then, she told her colleagues about the scene when Dumbledore took the N.E.W.Ts exam. When Dumbledore took his graduation exams, his examiner for Transfiguration and Charms was in March's class. The magic that Dumbledore achieved was something she had never heard of or seen before.

Tom was secretly stunned. Dumbledore was born in July 1881. He was 17 years old when he took the exam in 1898. It is now 1993. Gsilda Marchbain is at least 113 years old. If you consider Due to the special nature of the position of examiner, she is most likely over 120 years old! And she has worked in the Wizarding Examination Authority for more than a hundred years!

a hundred years!

Who can do a job for a hundred years? More than a century! When she joined the Wizarding Examination Authority, Tsarist Russia still existed. Now that the successor to Tsarist Russia, the Soviet Union, has passed away, she is still working at the Examination Authority!

In the subsequent conversation, Tom also learned that this Marchban was also a veteran of the Wizengamot. Before the Ministry of Magic, there was the Wizengamot, a sort of combination of a court and a parliament.

After seeing Professor March, Tom suddenly understood why the magical world was so incompatible with the non-magical world - the magical world itself is slow-paced, and long-lived wizards like Gsilda still retain the charm of the early 20th century. Living habits, but at the same time, Muggles' technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, which suddenly widens the gap between Muggles and wizards by an era.

Who would have thought that in just fifty years, technology could advance to this extent!

Fifty years ago, who would have thought that people could talk over long distances through two disconnected boxes?

Gsilda Marchbain was interrupted. The person who interrupted her was also a veteran of the Wizengamot named Tiberus Ogden. He and his friend Professor Tofty shouted together. : "Gsilda! Do you have to repeat this sentence every year you see Dumbledore? We have heard it dozens of times!"

Griselda was not angry at being interrupted and followed Dumbledore into the school.

Professor Tofty quickly caught up with Tom and shook his hand. By introducing himself, Tom knew that he was the examiner for this year's practical examinations of Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts and Astronomy.

"I heard that you are this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?" He glanced at Tom with a scrutinizing look, "I have seen your test papers in the bureau, which is very interesting - I heard that you also have a person who can fight automatically. Alchemy doll?”

Tom chatted very patiently with this interesting old man. When they entered the auditorium, dinner had just begun. The entire auditorium was quiet, and everyone was eating dinner quietly. People from the administration walked by, attracting the attention of most people.

Tonight, countless little wizards have no sleep. Everyone wanted to seize the last moment to review and hold Merlin's feet before the battle, hoping that Mr. Merlin could bless them, but no one seemed to be able to gain Merlin's favor.

Finally, in anxiety, the little wizards fell asleep one after another.

After breakfast the next day, the little wizards from other grades went to class as usual. The fifth and seventh grade students were left in the hall. After a while, they would go to the examination room.

According to the time schedule, there is a written test in the morning and a practical test in the afternoon.

At nine o'clock, Tom and Professor Flitwick walked into the foyer. They were going to do a final check before the exam.

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