The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 205 Make Wizard Great Again!

After the Easter holidays, the Scottish Highlands have entered the most comfortable period of the year. The clear, warm sun and floral-scented breeze make people a little tipsy, but the little wizards in fifth and seventh grade are trapped in Reviewing in the house, walking in and out of the library tiredly. Harry pretended that his bad mood was all caused by the approaching exams. His fellow Gryffindors were already distracted by their homework

Hermione ran to Tom's office whenever she could. They chatted, studied, ate snacks, practiced magic spells together in the office, and played two games of improved wizard chess in their free time.

The two of them often spent the entire afternoon in this way.

As the O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. exams approach, pamphlets, flyers and notices about various magical professions have also appeared in the lounges of various colleges, and the school bulletin boards are filled with recruitment notices from major companies.

Hogwarts is recognized as the best magic school in the world. Its ancient and long history, excellent teachers, and the powerful Dumbledore are the foundation of Hogwarts. Although Ilvermorny has gained momentum in recent years, and Beauxbatons has become increasingly wealthy with the support of Nick Flamel, when it comes to the best magic school, it is Hogwarts.

With such a top diploma, just as Professor McGonagall said, any young wizard who graduated from Hogwarts can get a decent job - as long as he does not have a huge disadvantage in status or is uneducated. Companies founded by wizards and wizards who have graduated from Hogwarts for thousands of years naturally prefer to recruit students from the school. Various companies in the wizarding world, such as giants such as Comet Trading Company, also prefer to recruit students from Hogwarts. Campus recruitment takes place here.

As an official professor at Hogwarts, Tom was also issued a document, which included the requirements for N.E.W.T. scores for his respective positions and the general content of his work.

Naturally, Hermione also saw these flyers.

"So Hermione, what do you want to do after graduation?"

Hermione shook her head, "It's really too early for me to talk about this now. You see, this job in the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters looks interesting," she said casually, raising money from Gringotts Wizarding Bank. The spellcaster's flyer was put aside, "The spellbreaker requires arithmetic and divination. I have to finish third grade before I can judge, but I'm not very interested in banking..."

"Wow! This job of liaising with Muggles looks really cool! It doesn't require many qualifications. They only require an O.W.L Muggle Studies certificate. Do you think I will be sent to liaise with the Prime Minister?" Hermione It seemed like I had discovered some treasure. Wizards are doing their best to cut off contact with the Muggle world, so Muggles who want to be actively contacted by the magical world must have an unusual status.

"Actually, you can consider working at the Ministry of Magic. A large number of outstanding wizards have joined the Ministry of Magic after graduation." Tom sorted out the pamphlets that Hermione had messed up and pulled out the Curse Breaker leaflet.

"Ministry of Magic?" Hermione raised her head, "Then what do you think I am suitable for?"

"I can't say for sure, maybe you can become the Minister of Magic!"

Hermione covered her mouth to keep from laughing.

Tom said seriously: "I even thought of a campaign slogan and a governing platform for you: MWGA and WU."


"Make Wizard Great Again and Wizards, unite!"

Hermione couldn't hold it in any longer, she burst out laughing, and she didn't care about her image at all.

"If I were the Minister of Magic, what would you be?"

"Let me be the cabinet secretary," Tom thought for a while, "I will set up a stable civil service system for you. You will not have to worry about it at all in the future. Just leave the matter to us humble wizarding officials... …”

Hermione narrowed her eyes and glanced at her. She could see through Tom's calculations. The civil servants of Great Britain are extraordinary creatures. Even though they say they are humble social servants, in fact they are the controllers of the country. As the saying goes, "the civil servants are tough and the ministers are smooth".

"If I become the Minister of Magic, I will send you to clean the toilets! If you want to be a cabinet secretary, there is no way!" Hermione thought fiercely in her heart. She took out Tom's calendar and tapped his wand lightly. The small squares in the timetable suddenly flashed with colorful colors.

"I remember that there are only a little more than four weeks until the end of the semester. You should start preparing for review."


The next moment, he suddenly realized that although he was assuming an identity and did not need to take the exam, he would regain his identity when the mandrake matured, and at that time, he would need to face the second-grade final exam!

If he doesn't take the exam or fails the exam, he will repeat the grade!

Tom was unlucky to say the least. If the Chamber of Secrets incident had lasted longer, the final exams at Hogwarts would have been cancelled. At that time, even if he was absent for most of the school year, he would not have to worry about repeating a grade. Professor McGonagall and others also considered the situation of Tom Yoder. Originally, the professors wanted him to repeat the grade, but after Dumbledore's persuasion, they changed their minds.

As the O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. exams approach, a wave of anxiety is brewing in Hogwarts—only for fifth- and seventh-year students. The students in the lower grades are still in the theater-watching stage where they should eat and drink, while the mood of the sixth-grade students is a little more complicated. They are a bit like the sophomore students passing by the college entrance examination examination room. In some areas, the high school entrance examination is a few days later than the college entrance examination. The mood of the little wizards in sixth grade now is roughly the same as the feeling of the junior high school students who are about to take the high school entrance examination on June 7th when they watch the senior high school students enter the examination room.

Professor McGonagall was aware of this anxiety, but she had nothing to do: she had to provide career counseling to the entire fifth-year Gryffindor House students. This is a short meeting that all fifth grade students are required to attend during the first week of the summer term. They will discuss future employment issues with their college dean.

So during this period, many absurd things happened at Hogwarts: some little wizards were overly anxious and became hysterical in class - which was also called dissociative disorder or hysteria. Hospitalized after taking a "brain-tonifying" potion of unknown origin...

In the period before the exam, all kinds of magic amulets, cheating props and strange potions emerge one after another. Students from all walks of life seemed to be bound to the card drawing system overnight, and more than a dozen Snape and Nico Flamel were drawn from it. They obtained super potions and alchemy talents, and developed countless "powerful" creations. "Potions and props - memory-enhancing potions, auto-answer quills, auto-correcting ink.

However, most of these items can only have a placebo effect, and some may even have negative effects.

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