The shops here do not meet the requirements and regulations of the state in all likelihood, and the behavior of illegally building and occupying streets is even more serious.

This is no longer something that can be solved simply by finding the owners of the shops leased to these shops.

Because these merchants have transformed these shops or houses that should be used for civilian or commercial purposes into a combination of home and business.

To dismantle these and move these merchants without legal formalities out of this street is simply an SSS-level task with difficulty.

Relying on the pitiful manpower of only two people on the three or four streets of the Fengtai branch, their strength is very different, and they have risen to the level of a task that is basically impossible to complete.

But this matter is still to be handled by people like them.

Because superior leaders only need to see the results of their work, it is one thing to fail to do it, but not to do it is a question of attitude.

It was ashamed of the skin they wore, and even more ashamed of the monthly salary of the front desk of the small company of the Urban Management Brigade.

While Gu Zheng was still looking out the window and analyzing the crowds who were not too busy, Fu Sheng, who was driving beside him, felt a little bit in his heart.

He really intends to turn the car around now, and just leave here.

Because he has always been like a loach, he actually saw a smell of danger in the expressions of the microscopic masses.

But when the car got here, people had to bite the bullet.

Gu Zheng, who was on the side, turned his face and saw Uncle Fu's ugly expression. He immediately understood, but he was relieved and comforted.

"Uncle Fu, the more people there are, we shouldn't be afraid."

"If you know that there are so many people around here, the policemen at the Little Red Gate should have also received reports from the masses."

"For a congestion of this scale, maybe the Fengtai branch police will follow. If there is a riot, it will not be within the responsibility of our urban management brigade."

"Furthermore, if there is anything really going on, Uncle Fu, you should run first, leave me alone, I am a young and strong guy with a good body, how can I slip away."

"I'm a long-distance runner, it's still very useful at this time."

Don't tell me, Gu Zheng's comfort is quite useful. Fu Sheng is afraid of making Gu Zheng tired.

The young man was originally his own small individual enterprise, and he did a good job. It was because of his death that he was drawn to the urban management team.

It had only been a few days since he was on duty, and such a big event happened. If something really happened, his own conscience would not be able to explain it.

Seeing that Uncle Fu Sheng was still struggling over there, Gu Zheng hurriedly pointed in a direction outside the car.

"Uncle, there is an empty spot over there, so stop right now. It's a good spot and it's good for escape."

After hearing this, Fu Sheng chuckles and laughs.

Is he still worried about this kid? Gu Zheng would never be the one who suffered.

Fu Sheng, who had given himself courage, turned the steering wheel and slowly stopped the car in the open space moved by the side of the road.

It looks like this place is a black parking space specially cleaned out.

The kind of private parking lot where the bicycle parking lot has been remodeled, and two spaces have been removed and the parking fee will be charged.

I didn't see that there was a straw hat buttoned on the folding chair next to him. Even if the people around him are crowded like a vegetable market, is the uncle who is still calmly taking a nap?

That should be the manager of these parking spaces.

Sure enough, when Fu Sheng stopped the car, the expert who closed his eyes and meditation in such a noisy environment shook his ears twice, lifted the straw hat on his face, and got out of the folding chair. Stood up.

Staggered towards Gu Zheng's car.

But when the uncle saw the sign of the city management on the car, the pace under his feet stopped, and it was a very slippery circle. After two steps, he returned to his seat position and buckled his straw hat. Started to pretend to be asleep again.

The quickness of his movement and the quickness of his face change simply shouldn't be something a person of his age can do.

And just when others thought that the uncle was really in a state of second sleep, they just pretended to unconsciously rolled up their sleeves.

All of a sudden, he covered the red embroidered hoop on his arm that was disguised as the parking lot keeper around him.

In this way, as long as he refuses to admit it, even the city management can't help him.

There is no rule. You can't take a nap on the crosswalk, isn't it?

However, it is not difficult to see the chaos in the management of this market from the small people who can't be smaller in the black parking lot.

Even the toll collector of an illegal parking space is so confident, so how difficult it is for the vendors living in this outermost street.

It's no wonder that their colleagues in the Fengtai sub-bureau, after receiving the order, first started from the periphery and pushed forward one by one, clearing the surrounding areas where illegal shops could breed.

Only in this way, the shopkeepers of the formal shops in the commercial building will obediently store the goods in the warehouses stipulated by the city management, and honestly rent ordinary houses for life.

I will no longer affect the lives of ordinary residents in this area because I don't care.

Their ideas are good at that time, but it's a bit difficult to implement.

The reason is that there are few people, no law enforcement power, and the people's fear of the urban management industry is too weak.

Feeling helpless, Gu Zheng and Fu Sheng simply sorted their clothes and got out of the car.

When I opened the car door, I felt the high temperature heat wave brought by the surrounding people.

The kind of people who watch the excitement with an indescribable mentality, the things in it are not so close to them.

Gu Zheng, who couldn’t understand this mentality, could only shook his head. When he tried to squeeze out a passage among this group of people, he found this group of people. Whenever they found out that they had come here, they would Actively let them out of the channel.

There were even quite a few people cheering on them while they were walking inside.

"Hey, hey, the city management is coming again."

"Only two came this time, not enough to see!"

"It's okay, there will always be more and more people. Don't stand in the way of the people in front of you. Give them a concession, yes! Let them pass quickly!"

Such a reaction not only failed Fu Sheng's mind, but became even more nervous.

Gu Zheng could only sigh, he stood in front of his body consciously, and began to take the lead with arrogance.

It was only when they came to the corner of this street that they understood why the melon-eaters were so enthusiastic to give them their way.

Because just at the corner of this important street, their urban management team was blocked here, and they couldn't make any step forward.

At this time, the gate of the street was actually blocked by a group of unconcerned old ladies from all over the world.

It seems that if anyone wants to enter this street, they have to step through the usual bravery in front of their bodies.

Facing them are the field staff in the brigade. The leader is their field captain, who is two levels higher than the old section chief, who is taking the lead in persuading these women to leave the way.

It's a pity that even half of it has no effect.

"Eldest sister, we are focusing on clearing up the illegal activities of illegal traders in this street in accordance with municipal regulations."

"If this street is reorganized, the people around will be able to live in a safer and more secure way?"

But such kind words are useless to these old ladies at all.

Instead, one by one they retorted with saliva.

"Fart! Why doesn't my old lady know it's insecure? Why is it inconvenient?"

"I have lived here for more than two years!"

"I haven't heard of anyone's reaction at all."

"I think it’s just that you group of people are idle and doing nothing. You don’t want us at the bottom to live a good life. If there’s nothing to do, the city will be We can’t stay in this place anymore, so that Those landlords renovated and rented out to those rich, right?"

"I spit! No way!"

"We are determined to fight unreasonable law enforcement agencies to the end!"

Seeing that the other party was not letting go, the captain on the opposite side stretched out a finger and pointed in the direction of the most serious old lady who cursed inside.

"Hey, I warn you that lesbian, keep your mouth clean and forget it if you don't cooperate with law enforcement. Why are you still cursing!"

Foul language, humiliating parents. It's quite immoral.

However, the captain made no mistakes during the confrontation, but because of this single finger, he caused himself a big trouble.

Because he just stretched his finger forward over there, an old lady suddenly rushed over from the crowd, and stood under the finger, following the team leader’s surprised eyes when she looked down. , She shook her chest that had drooped to the navel, and with an extremely exaggerated posture, she slowly fell to the ground.

And she, who was lying on the ground, was still not idle, like a defeated general, and began to shout loudly towards the crowd.

"The city management hit someone. Oh my god! It hurts my head!"

What can I use to beat you?

One-finger Zen, or six-channel magic sword?

The magical skill of tapping acupuncture points in the air reproduces the world?

The city administrators on Gu Zheng's side are completely Mongolian, and the old ladies' team seemed to be dressed in a reasonable battle suit, and suddenly became proud and invulnerable.

When Gu Zheng was thinking about how to solve this farce, suddenly a group of camera shots were inserted obliquely from the crowd, and as the crowd separated, one was crowded like two fools by the crowd. The reporter rushed in from the crowd.

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