The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 295: Renovation of the whole city

Following Fu Sheng's reminder, Gu Zheng opened the front storage compartment and pulled out the red-headed documents with some curls inside.

This kind of document is distributed to the lowest level, and there are only specific implementation plans and regulations on it.

As for why such a decision is made, only the upper-level figures can understand.

On the contrary, Gu Zheng carefully read the document many times on the deadline, and then stuffed the one-page document into the storage compartment of the car.

He sighed lightly and said something that only he and Fu Sheng understood: "There is only half a year."

"Yeah. I don't know what will happen then."

New planning and new tasks for the urban management of Beijing North City and Capital City.

The first move is the big task that is all pressured on the Urban Management Bureau.

Ban all privately built open-air and semi-enclosed market sheds and bazaars in urban areas.

Banned communities, streets, municipal and publicly constructed convenient markets, bazaars, and small wholesale and retail malls with an area less than 1,000 square meters.

Strictly investigate the self-built and self-renovated commercial facades and rental houses in all civil communities, and strictly investigate the behavior of privately built and disorderly construction of the first and second floor commercial facades of the commercial and residential dual-use apartments.

Strictly investigate the illegal transformation and expansion of commercial office buildings and low-end businessmen in high-end commercial districts.

Once a person or unit that has been found to have committed the above and resisted law enforcement, it may notify the public security, fire protection and other relevant departments to investigate and deal with it, and when necessary, notify the armed police unit to coordinate the process.

This is going to be changed drastically!

Dredge the current situation of serious congestion in the inner city of the capital city, and change the illegal construction and unauthorized construction in the city.

A large-scale urban reconstruction task that returns space to ordinary citizens.

It is said that these flattened places may become urban public communities, small squares with greenery and free equipment.

For the construction of a modern and civilized city in the entire capital city, there are considerable benefits.

But for their urban management team, it was simply a matter of killing them.

After sighing, the work that should be done is still to be done, and Uncle Fu's car drove into the alley in silence like this.

And within ten minutes of their car having just left the parking lot of the Urban Management Brigade, a very ordinary Volkswagen that had passed by them stopped in.

Under the leadership of the secretary to the director, the director in charge of personnel affairs of the Fengtai Urban Management Bureau met with the staff of the Municipal Sports Commission in a friendly and harmonious atmosphere.

"I took the liberty to visit today because of the thing we talked about on the phone yesterday."

"I don't know if the urban management team can bear the pain and transfer this child to our municipal sports committee."

"Hahaha." The deputy director put his hands together in an official tone: "It's not that I won't help you, Director Tie, it's Comrade Gu Zheng, strictly speaking, it's not something we can do. "

"Oh? The transfer of personnel within the system is not that difficult, right?"

Although the span of our two systems is a bit far away.

"The difficulty is, he is now our temporary employee. During the contract period, as long as he does not go according to his wishes, everyone can pat his **** and leave."

"What's more, our unit has always accepted the kind of retired athletes from your sports committee system. When do you want units like yours to dig people from us?"

"I think it is not necessary to be a professional athlete to win glory for the country. I think it is a very good thing to be able to win a score and medal for the country with an ordinary urban management status."

"Such a topic is full of sex, do you think it is the old iron?"

"Does this also play a good role in improving the image of our urban management team?"

Hearing the director Tie here, he had already turned the deputy director over and cursed again in his heart, but he had to bow his head under the eaves, and he could only accompany a smiling face in the urban management brigade.

"Do you think this is okay? Can we meet Gu Zheng, this comrade, maybe people are willing to be an athlete who can win honor for the country?"

Hearing this, the opposing deputy's hand was just a meal. Later, as if thinking of something, he picked up the teacup on the side table, blew the froth on the top, and took a sip.

"This is natural, but I can't help you now, because it's just time for our brigade to work. When you came in just now, the vans that you drove out, maybe there was a middle seat in it. I'm looking for the person you are looking for."

"Otherwise, Gu Zheng told my secretary that when he comes back from work, he will come to my office to receive his certificate and trophy."

"By the way, thank the leaders of our bureau for this opportunity."

"Can you come back then? Will you see it then?"

"How long does it take?"

"This is hard to say. You also know the difficulties of our Fengtai Urban Management Bureau. It has a small manpower and a large jurisdiction. If it is a general patrol, when there is no trouble, two hours will be over."

"If this happens to someone who doesn't cooperate with the inspection on duty, it's hard to say."

Feelings still can't see anyone today!

The old iron who doesn't believe in evil, his eyes rolled, and he thought of a way.

"Then, Comrade Director, since he just came to work, there should always be an area of ​​attendance and an inspection route, right? Are there any work arrangements for Gu Zheng's inspection film? Let's just take a rough look."

"We go to his jurisdiction and talk to him in detail. Of course, it will never affect his work."

"Ten minutes at most, what do you think?"

This is not a big deal. The deputy director lifted his eyelids from the tea cup, and placed the cup on the edge of the table, and pointed his finger in the direction of the parking lot where they had parked the car.

"That's okay, this is not a confidential task that cannot be made public."

"Our urban management team serves the citizens in a fair, just and open manner. The jurisdiction of each team, the inspection range and general route of each team are located at the public notice board near our gate near the parking lot."

"Together with the big picture of the industry pacesetter, it's especially obvious."

"What? Didn't you see it when you walked in?"

I am a coach of the sports committee, and I am not a small business hawker, who should pay attention to who your team’s industry champion is!

The old iron who felt that he could not talk about it this day, he said goodbye to the deputy director directly.

When they came out, the coach of the long-distance running team next to Lao Tie looked at the patrol table of the urban management team with some concern.

"At first sight, the director just didn't want to cooperate with the posture of letting people go. Now it is so difficult to get a small city management?"

The old iron on the side was pale. He saw Gu Zheng's patrol and after receiving it, he only said one sentence: "Go! As long as this kid wants to change careers, even if it is the king of heaven and I will not let go, I will also find a way for him. Pry it over."

"The premise is that he really needs to have that ability and nothing else, as long as he runs the previous marathon again."

"Even if I'm rolling around in the office of the Director General of the State Sports Commission, I will get this kid in our bureau!"

"M's! I don't believe it anymore, our city bureau can't produce a good seed of Chinese track and field!"

This is another person who has been driven crazy by the current situation of Chinese men's track and field.

Gu Zheng, who was crazy or not, didn't know, he knew he was going crazy.

Because just as he and Lao Fu were wandering through the first hard-hit area, they didn’t find any serious violations. Those small vendors who were crowded on weekdays didn’t know if they had taken the rectification and construction of Hongmen Village. The impact is actually much less.

In these years, there are still many smart people, and those who have received news from the Seven Aunts and Eight Aunts, who doesn't expect to get a position recognized by the government in the latest market?

Most of the people around here have gone to look for opportunities, and naturally fewer people come out to make trouble.

However, people in Gu Zheng's jurisdiction do not cause trouble for him, which does not mean that people in other jurisdictions do not cause trouble.

No, when he and Fu Sheng were about to patrol the second street, they received a call for reinforcements requesting unification.

A few blocks away from them Xiaohongmen Wholesale Market with the densest population and the most shops, not only sent emergency support information, but also had countless mass alarm calls. Within the hotline of the City Administration.

What they were talking about was the urgent danger they encountered this time. The illegal traders in the whole alley that had been built indiscriminately confronted the attendants of the urban management brigade.

This is a big event.

For Fu Sheng, he has spent his entire life chasing small merchants and hawkers and robbing mobile vehicles with each other.

This is the first time he has encountered such a big incident, and it seems that the red head document of the rectification order was the cause of the trouble.

Fu Sheng and Gu Zheng looked at each other, and drove from the corner of this street towards the colleague's jurisdiction with a turn at the front of the car.

As for the entire Fengtai management sentence, the manpower of the field staff did not know whether it was enough for this incident.

Because just as their vehicles were slowly driving towards the wholesale market in Xiaohongmen, when they were still more than 100 meters away from the place where they were going to rush to the rescue, they were already blocked by the impenetrable people. The way forward.

Most of these onlookers are vendors in the small wholesale markets around here, individual owners who routinely purchase wholesale goods here, and a small number of capital citizens who are mixed in among them.

Because the surrounding market is extremely complex, there are four or five buildings in the malls that rent out wholesale stalls.

In addition, the surrounding high-rise buildings in Xiaohongmen are the center, and the gradually expanding street bottom and door faces have formed the scale of a big market of tens of thousands of shops.

And this time in the city's rectification plan, the commercial streets of the peripheral informal shop system like Xiaohongmen have become the places with the greatest rectification efforts.

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