Super Tycoon

Chapter eight hundred and seventy-fourth to develop cloud services

In the past two years, many people in the Zhiduoxing factory have retired, and some who are in good health and willing to come back to work have been rehired. Anyway, they are basically mechanized, not manual labor.

There are also some short-term contract workers, mainly doing odd jobs, etc., and some are fresh graduates recruited by Zhiduoxing Group to come here for internships.

Those who do hardware research and development basically have to come to the factory to do job rotations, and those reserve cadres are the same. They have never been to the front line, so how do they know how to manage the front-line work?

Even though many people have left the Zhiduoxing Group, the number of people in Zhiduoxing Group has increased, mainly because of talents in software and other fields.

In the previous life, China was relatively backward in terms of software. The most powerful software is the United States, such as Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, HP, Cisco, Google, Apple, etc., each of which is famous.

In Europe, Germany's SAP (SAP) and France's Dassault (DS) are the leaders, followed by some small and medium-sized software companies.

In Asia, the island countries are in an absolute leading position. Many of them used to do hardware, but now they have adjusted their focus. Like IBM, they do more software, and only design hardware, basically no production.

For example, NEC, Fujitsu, Hitachi, etc. have low risks and high returns. Many times they encounter operational difficulties and only need a simple layoff to solve them.

Especially after the global economic crisis in 2008, many hardware companies have transformed. They all saw IBM's successful experience and wanted to become a giant like Microsoft.

On Huaxia's side, only Zhiduoxing can enter the top 100 rankings, and there is another company that is expected to enter the top 100, which is Neusoft Group, which specializes in enterprise software outsourcing services.

In everyone's impression, Qiandu, Alibaba, Lianxiang, etc. with strong software capabilities cannot enter the ranking at all, because software is not their main revenue.

Zhiduoxing Group was able to enter it, relying on two, one is the Zhiduoxing system series, relying on the operating system to drive the sales of various application software, and the other is game software, which is the industry leader.

However, in terms of software sales and profits, there is still a big gap with giants such as Microsoft. Now Zhang Yang wants to narrow this gap. Although Zhiduoxing can't attack Microsoft's position in the PC industry, it can suppress Microsoft and become the overlord on mobile devices!

The companies ranked second and third also have something to learn. Oracle is mainly engaged in big data and cloud services. It has provided solutions such as enterprise cloud for many enterprises. It can make a lot of money just by selling some data every year.

The same is true for IBM, which develops enterprise solutions and develops various software patents at the same time. Patent Machine Company is not just talking about it.

For Zhiduoxing Group, Zhang Yang has already made it very clear to everyone that game consoles are basically the last generation, and there will be no new cross-generational products within ten years, mainly relying on software to make profits.

Therefore, this part of the hardware development can be put aside temporarily, and it is enough to prepare for the upgrade. In fact, after two years, the semiconductor technology has improved, and the structure does not need to be changed, so that the product performance can be significantly improved.

Mobile phones, tablets and smart TVs are the company's future research and development priorities. The easiest thing to grow is actually software.

The sales of hardware products are getting better and better, and everyone's demand for software is also increasing, and the market inside will also expand rapidly.

And Huaxia's software talents are also pouring out. With the name of Zhiduoxing Group, when they recruit from universities, they often get preferential treatment and hold a job fair alone.

Zhang Yang sat at his desk, looking at the report sent by Li Junsheng's office, he seemed a bit off.

"Xiao Wang, ask Junsheng to come here."

A few minutes later, Li Junsheng came over.

"Chairman, is there any problem with the report?" Li Junsheng was a little puzzled, and President Duan had signed it. Under normal circumstances, the chairman would not object.

"A little conservative, I think you are too timid."

"I said on the board of directors before that we need to increase investment in software research and development, so that software can become the main force of the company's revenue. We can even set up a separate subsidiary company and go public in the future."

"But your report just expanded the software department, focusing on application software and system software. Have you considered developing cloud services?"

Cloud is a term in computers, which refers to the interactive use of IT facilities, and obtains the required services through the network in a way that is easy to expand as needed.

In the previous life, major IT companies all started to provide cloud services. Even now, many companies have already started, such as cloud computing, cloud search, cloud engine, cloud disk, cloud service and so on.

All of these require powerful servers and storage devices, and end users can access them through the network to obtain related services. Many needs of enterprises can also change from internal solutions to external solutions.

This is also what Chaowei Eagle Weida is exploring. If they want to compete with Intel and other companies for the solution market, they have to find another way.

Li Junsheng frowned: "Chairman, it's not that I haven't considered cloud services, but there are too many companies doing this now, and we rashly join the competition, and we need to invest a lot of money."

"Isn't the company's current funds mainly for research and development of smartphones, tablets and smart TVs, as well as various application software, game software, etc., all of which can directly bring benefits."

"If we start the cloud service plan, then we will need to adjust the use of corporate funds, and we need more software talents, especially some high-end talents."

Zhang Yang knocked on the table: "Is the Zhiduoxing Group not enough funds? This year's dividend can be stopped, will it affect you a lot? If you don't enter now, it will be more difficult in the future. Do you want to give up this market?"

"No, I plan to cooperate with other companies to develop cloud services, including Alibaba, Penguin Company, Lianxiang Group, Chaowei Eagle Weida, Qiandu Company, etc. We only need to acquire a few companies that have joined the alliance. A small company can become the largest cloud service company in China in one fell swoop.”

Many new businesses of large companies are achieved through mergers and acquisitions. Large companies have more resources, more powerful technologies, and are better able to bring out the value of some businesses.

"Do you think this cloud service alliance can last for a long time? Those companies are all in a competitive relationship, will they cooperate sincerely? What you said is in the interests of our Zhiduoxing, but is it in the interests of other company shareholders?"

"Cloud services, we do it ourselves, so that we can better grasp the needs of all users, better develop new products, and provide better services."

"Many software companies now remove game software from their rankings. If you do the math, if you remove this, we will be at the bottom of the top 100 in the software industry. I hope that in the past two years, we can make breakthroughs. Your task is very important! "

Suddenly a message popped up on the computer, Zhang Yang glanced at it, and turned the screen to Li Junsheng.

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