Super Tycoon

Eight hundred and fiftieth IX overtake Nokia

The fourth quarter of each year is the time for major manufacturers to exert their strength. Some old phones will be cleared out of stock and sold at reduced prices, and some new models will also be released at the same time.

In Europe and the United States, Christmas is the golden sales period, in China, the Spring Festival is the golden sales period, and in other regions, New Year’s Day is also the golden sales period.

This time, Nokia also exerted its strength and launched the N8. It looks somewhat similar to N9, but it is Symbian system. At the same time, in terms of hardware, a new upgrade has been made.

The camera has reached 12.1 million pixels, which is the top performance of a single camera at this time. Screen 3., fuselage memory, standby time reached 570 hours.

It seems to refer to some N9 designs, but the desktop is very messy, and the running speed is not good.

In terms of selling price, Nokia once again set a middle price, $599. They think this phone has super performance, and the system has also been upgraded, using Symbian 3 system, which has optimized many controls.

Coupled with the price advantage, it will definitely be popular after it goes public.

But at this time, Zhiduoxing also launched the X4S, which is not the X4M that everyone thinks. Its performance is a bit better than that of the N8. The memory is Chaowei Eagle Weida, 800M. stronger.

The screen is also bigger, the battery is bigger, and it adopts Zhiduoxing 3.3 system, which optimizes the speed of Internet access and multi-touch operation technology, so that it can really play some complicated games with touch screen.

And there is a more awesome innovation on the above, that is, there is a fingerprint lock on the back of the machine, which can help improve the security performance of the mobile phone.

This alone is enough to surprise everyone.

In terms of selling price, Zhiduoxing has set a high price of US$999. This is another expensive smart phone of Zhiduoxing, because it has gathered many cutting-edge technologies of Zhiduoxing.

When many people thought that this phone was expensive and would definitely not be sold, the market slapped them in the face again.

The sales volume in the first week easily exceeded 500,000 units, and the major retailers are still pushing for the goods, fearing that their stores will suddenly sell out.

No one would have imagined that such an expensive mobile phone would become even more popular.

In fact, Duan Yongping and the others planned to set the price at US$899, which is enough to guarantee a high profit margin. But Zhang Yang's words made them change their minds.

If you're willing to spend $900 on a phone, you don't mind spending an extra $100. Look at those expensive luxury mobile phones, the performance is very sloppy, just put some gems on the outside, get some gold decorations, don't many people buy them?

We don't make those noble mobile phones, those are luxury products, we make light luxury products, and the price level is lower than that of other manufacturers' products.

At least when other mobile phones do not have such a good CPU, such a large memory, such an excellent dual-camera technology, and the fingerprint lock technology that has been blown up to the sky, no product can challenge the status of the X4S of Zhiduoxing.

Sure enough, the high price did not affect the sales of this phone. Instead, it provided Zhiduoxing with higher profits, and the stock price of Yangcheng Zhiduoxing soared again.

At the same time, the stock prices of Nokia and other mobile phone manufacturers are falling, because everyone has discovered that Zhiduoxing seems to be the number one in the industry.

In the first half of the year, Nokia still maintained its lead, with sales reaching 220 million units. The best-selling product was the 5230, which widened the gap between Nokia and other manufacturers.


However, Zhiduxing has X3M, which sells better than 5230. After several price cuts, the retail price is only 1,200 RMB, and the overseas market has also been reduced to 149 US dollars, and the sales volume has reached 80 million units. In the first half of this year, the sales volume of the whole series of Zhiduxing mobile phones reached 210 million units.

In the third quarter, the two sides were basically at the same level. Nokia’s lead was not many, only a few hundred thousand units. This gap may be the annual sales volume of many small manufacturers, but for giants such as Zhiduoxing and Nokia, whose sales have already exceeded 200 million units. That said, it's really negligible.

In the fourth quarter, the two sides fought again at the end of the year.

The two mobile phone giants have not only launched more than one new product, but also promoted smart phones and advertised frantically.

At this time, you turn on the TV and see the mobile phone advertisements, which are basically from Nokia and Zhiduoxing. The mobile phone advertisements of other manufacturers seem to disappear.

And on the Internet, this is even more so, but Zhi Duoxing is slightly better.

At this time, Zhi Duoxing lore came.

Penguin and Minions announced at the same time that they would no longer provide update services for mobile accounts on the Symbian system, because the code of Symbian is too complicated.

After the news broke out, many consumers who wanted to buy N8 immediately hesitated. They are used to using these social chat software, if the N8 cannot be upgraded, many new functions will not be available, and they may even be unable to log in.

This is not over yet, Amazon announced that their mobile app will no longer provide upgrade services for the Saipan system, because the company has more programmers who are doing cloud services, and there is a shortage of manpower, and apologizes to all consumers.

Companies such as SHARE have also announced that they will no longer provide update services for the Saipan system, and they have also found suitable reasons.

It seems that many reasons are not difficult to solve, and consumers do not understand why it has become like this. Nokia urgently contacted these companies and expressed its willingness to pay a fee in exchange for a settlement between the two parties.

But it didn't work. These companies all have Zhang Yang's shares. Since they agreed, how could they go back on their word?

Nokia immediately began to complain that this was a conspiracy by Zhiduoxing, and this was unfair competition. Zhiduoxing must have given money to those companies to let them squeeze out Nokia.

However, after investigation, there are no such current accounts. In fact, Zhang Yang just bought some stocks of these companies with a previous investment institution and sold them to shareholders who wanted to increase their holdings in exchange for their support.

Zhang Yang didn't lose money either. That small investment institution didn't hold many stocks, and selling them didn't affect his influence in those companies. At the same time, he had already made a lot of money back when he invested.

He invested all the money in charitable funds to help impoverished children in some African countries.

Nokia's confident N8 encountered Waterloo after it was introduced to the market. I thought they could sell at least 5 million units this year. Although it only took less than a quarter, but they have such a good channel in the global market and they have done so many advertisements, they will definitely sell well.

But it turned out that by the end of December, the sales volume of N8 was only a pitiful 800,000 units. This was the first week when they were not attacked, and they sold a lot.

The rest of the increase in sales was due to many retailers' price cuts and sales promotions, in some places where social software such as minions and penguins were not used.

In major markets such as North America, Asia, and Europe, N8 was completely defeated.

And finally, after the statistics of mobile phone sales in the fourth quarter came out, Zhiduoxing mobile phones reached the top without any surprise!

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