Super Tycoon

Chapter 847 Tablet Wars

Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Samsung, Souni, and ASUS have announced that they will launch self-developed tablet computers in the first quarter of 2010.

Among them, HP and Sunny also chose the ram core architecture, and the others chose the apu core of Chaowei Eagle Weida.

Immediately afterwards, Intel announced that it would launch its own brand of tablet PCs developed independently. At the same time, Acer, BenQ, and Nokia announced that they would support Intel's core and also launch Intel-core tablet PCs.

In the tablet computer market, various operating systems have also appeared, including Microsoft system, meego system, linux system and Zhiduoxing system.

The media are all promoting that the tablet war is coming, and it will be more intense than the competition between PCs and mobile phones.

Because currently there are only two brands of tablets, Zhiduoxing and Lianxiang, among which Lianxiang still fully purchased the technology authorization of Zhiduoxing, and also paid for several important patents.

At this time, companies such as Wanyan and Moscow Electronics also announced that they would launch tablet computers, adding fire to the market.

Many semiconductor manufacturers are very happy. If more companies join them, the market will definitely be bigger, the demand for electronic components will be higher, and they will be able to earn more money.

There are also some foundry manufacturers who have also opened up new foundries to prepare for a large number of orders.

At this time, the leaders of Zhiduoxing Group and several other companies were all sitting in Zhang Yang's office, and everyone was sitting around drinking Kung Fu tea.

"Zhang, when will this technology be licensed to us?" Kurishenko asked, pointing to a technology.

"You can also develop this yourself. I remember that your company also has related technologies. If you are in a hurry, then use it on your upgraded models in the second half of the year."

Anyway, the more authorizations, the more Zhiduoxing earns, and after Zhiduoxing first adds this function, other brand manufacturers will definitely follow suit. With the technology of those manufacturers, it can be successfully developed in less than a year.

Liu Chuanzhi sat on the side, looking a little depressed. This technology belongs to their company, but it was upgraded by others first. Why didn't he think of it before?

And he knows better than anyone else that this technology can be applied not only to tablets, but also to mobile phones. With the improvement of semiconductor production technology, it is not difficult to achieve.

Maybe this technology will be launched on the x4 of Zhiduoxing, thus establishing the first-class status of Zhiduxing mobile phone technology in the minds of consumers.

Everyone makes the same product, and they even think of a lot of R\u0026D personnel, and even more hardware R\u0026D personnel, why can’t they compare with Zhiduoxing?

It seems that the problem is not with the R\u0026D personnel, but with the person in charge of technology. After all, the person in charge determines the direction of technology research and development.

"President Liu, I heard that you are going to retire soon?" Jiang Wanmeng looked at Liu Chuanzhi, "Are you really willing to retire?"

"I'm just no longer the chairman of Lianxiang Group. I'm still a shareholder and honorary chairman. Besides, I'm still in charge of Changchun Caijing, so I'm not just idle."

"This is all arranged by Director Zhang. He said that he wants to raise a child and has no time. He asked me, an old man, to work more."

Zhang Yang poured a cup of tea for Liu Chuanzhi: "Old Liu, what do you mean by my arrangement? It's not your own choice? And you are not old at all, you are in the prime of life. You see that many leaders work until seven or eight ten years old.

Superman Li, he hasn't retired yet. "

"Our multi-touch technology is becoming more mature, and the production and refining technology of liquid crystal raw materials is also becoming more mature. At this time, it is not suitable for the management to make big moves, which will easily affect the morale of the army."

"Besides, didn't I propose to increase the salary of the board of directors and lend you my private jet, right? Are you saying you can't afford it?"

I just bought a new private jet, Liu Chuanzhi borrowed the old one, saying that it was inconvenient to work in Changchun Caijing, how long did it take to drive from the capital?

And for such a short distance, just give him a small plane, and he insists on a big one, which is used to cross the border. Well, Changchun Caijing does have a lot of international business.

Just because Chang Chuncai is rich, she can't buy a private jet because of the state-owned shares. This was written in the contract at the beginning, but business charter flights are allowed.

Liu Chuanzhi looked at Zhang Yang proudly: "I don't have as much money as you. Besides, do you take so many planes by yourself? Maintenance also requires money, and I'll just help you take care of it."

"Old Jiang, how is your system development going?"

Liu Chuanzhi changed the topic, making Zhang Yang shake his head helplessly. He has several private jets, all of which are under the names of various companies. This time he wanted to hang one under the name of Chang Chun Caijing, but Liu Chuanzhi "borrowed" it away.

"Fortunately, there are not many changes, but it has been optimized in terms of film and television. The player equipped with our Wanyan is compatible with multiple playback formats, and we have a resource library for users to search, download and watch online."

"However, we have independently developed two small tablet games, which may be liked by more users."

Liu Chuanzhi blinked his eyes, Wan Yan could think of it, why couldn't they even think of the people in the thinking group? People who use tablet computers mainly do it for entertainment. Games play an important role in entertainment activities.

"You have also developed games, and we at Moscow Electronics have also developed several small games. After half a year, we can license them to everyone." Kurishenko also said.

Zhang Yang looked at Liu Chuanzhi curiously: "Old Liu, are you feeling unwell and your face is twitching?"

"It's very uncomfortable. I think many managements of the Lianxiang Group have bad vision and can't seize opportunities. I plan to teach them a good lesson before retiring!"

Even Xiang Group owns Jinshan, and its software strength is not weak in China, and it can even be said to be first-class. And Kingsoft has developed quite a few games before, so why didn't they think of it this time?

Specializing in the development of some tablet games will definitely make our company's products more distinctive. What a great opportunity this is. Is it complacent to become the number one in the PC industry?

This year, other PC manufacturers have also made tablet computers. If they are not careful, they will lose the number one throne.

"Director Zhang, you have to prepare to speak at the board meeting this time."

"Me? I'm still thinking about quitting Lianxiang's board of directors. I think Li Junsheng is good, and I can join Lianxiang as an outside director."

Li Junsheng is young and energetic, and now his management skills are improving very quickly. He even wants to learn a bit, so that he can succeed Yongping in the future.

"Before you leave, don't you have to say something?"

"Okay, then don't leave me for too long, I can just say something casually."

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