Super Military Scientist

Chapter 1757: Mars Travel Guide

Chapter 1931 Mars Travel Guide

It should be said that our family has been to this planet for a long time, and we are not very interested in this planet. However, I know that everyone has never been to this planet, and they must be very interested in this planet.

In this way, before the exercise, we will lead everyone to visit this planet. Of course, it is to visit in the spaceship, and it is impossible for everyone to go outside the spaceship.

Although there is air on Mars, there is no oxygen in the air here, only carbon dioxide, which is not suitable for human breathing at all.

We can only travel on Mars by spacecraft, so that we will have a general understanding of this planet. ’

Zhao Luyao's voice spread to every corner of the spacecraft through the speakers in the various rooms above the spacecraft.

Everyone was very happy when they heard it, and felt that Zhao Zhongyao really cared about everyone and knew what everyone was thinking now, so they temporarily decided to let everyone visit Mars first.

‘Thank you so much, Mr. Zhao, it seems that Mr. Zhao really cares about people, knowing that we want to visit Mars first! ’

‘No, we were originally here to participate in military exercises. If Mr. Zhao would not let us visit Mars and conduct military exercises directly, it would be reasonable. ’

'I've wanted to go to Mars for a long time, but in fact, I just saw these places in front of me, and I'm already very moderate. I didn't expect that Mr. Zhao would show us the entire Mars. I'm really happy in my heart, thank you so much Mr. Zhao. ’

‘I have always heard that Zhao is always a caring and good leader, and today, I really saw it. If only I could always work under Mr. Zhao. ’

These staff members were very happy when they heard Zhao Zhongyao's words, and they all thanked Zhao Zhongyao for his understanding and concern for them.

In this way, in the next hour, Zhao Zhongyao asked the pilot of the spacecraft to drive the super spacecraft to fly around Mars.

To say that there is no special scenery on Mars, that is, some mountains and valleys.

In fact, the scenery on the earth is just these things. The so-called scenery is nothing more than some mountains and some canyons.

The volcanoes on Mars are not the same as those on Earth. In addition to the fact that the mountains can grow taller due to the low gravity, they lack obvious plate movement, so that the volcanoes are mainly distributed as hot spots, unlike the Earth's structure with a ring of fire. Volcanoes on Mars are mainly distributed in the Tarsis Plateau, the Elysium region, and sporadically on the southern plateau, such as Mount Terena in the northeast of the Greek Plain.

In the topographic map of Mars, a striking feature stands in the western hemisphere. In the center is the Tharsis Plateau, which is about 14 kilometers high and more than 6,500 kilometers wide. It is accompanied by the remains of popular volcanism, including five large shield volcanoes, including the solar system. The largest, Mount Olympus, is 27 kilometers high and 600 kilometers wide.

The other four include Mount Eskrells, Mount Paphnis, Mount Arcia and Mount Abba - the largest mountains in the solar system in terms of volume and 1,600 kilometers in diameter. At 18,225 meters, Mount Ascles was once mistaken for the tallest mountain on Mars.

The height of Mount Paphones is also more than 14 kilometers, the height of Mount Arcia is about 17.7 kilometers, and the diameter of the crater is about 116 kilometers. Mount Yaba is at the northernmost part of the Tarsis Plateau, with a base width of 1,600 kilometers, but the highest The crater is only 6,000 meters long, but the crater has a diameter of 136 kilometers, making it the largest of the five volcanoes.

There are also scattered small volcanoes between the large volcanoes. There is also a smaller volcanic group at the other end of Mars, dominated by the 14.127-kilometer-high Mount Elysium, and the shorter Mount Hektes and Mount Ober in the north and south. At 27 kilometers (88,600 feet) above the surface, Mount Olympus is the largest mountain in the solar system. Its base is more than 600 kilometers in diameter, the central crater is more than 80 kilometers in diameter, and it is surrounded by a cliff that reaches a height of 6 kilometers (20,000 feet).

On Mars, in addition to many mountains, there are also some grand canyons.

There is a rough geological "scar" in the heart of Mars the length of which is about the distance from New York to Los Angeles. This huge fault zone in the Martian crust is called Vale Mariner, and it was discovered by the Mariner 9 spacecraft in 1972. The Valley of the Mariners, made up of several parallel grooves, dwarfs the Grand Canyon on Earth by any measure. It is wider, longer, deeper and older than the Grand Canyon, making it the king of the canyons.

Geologists believe that the valley's frontal faults began to form around 3.5 billion years ago. The fault is caused by tectonic changes and the growing growth of the giant Tarsis volcano to the west. When molten rock (magma) poured into Mount Tahis from the crust, the entire area began to lift, and the surrounding crustal rocks were continuously stretched until they fractured to form faults and cracks.

When the crack opens, the ground sinks, just as the keystone falls when the arch moves. At the same time, faults open channels for the flow of groundwater, which disrupt the surface and widen the fractured area. In countless places in Valle de la Mariner, steep and relatively newly exposed cliffs have become very weak, and the resulting landslides have widened the canyon.

Exactly when Vale Marinelli began to stop growing is unclear - as there are still small landslides in some places. But its main activity came to an end roughly 2 billion years ago. Several parts of the Vale de la Marine show its various stages in its formation and development. These examples help scientists better understand its ins and outs.

In addition to some tall mountains and many canyons on Mars, there is another place worth visiting, which is the Arctic ice cap.

There is an ice sheet with an area of ​​millions of square kilometers at the north pole of Mars. Scientists have not yet formed a unified theory on how this ice sheet was formed.

But no matter what, this ice cap is amazing, and its spiral appearance has also become a famous scenic spot on Mars. If you are lucky enough to travel to Mars, of course, you have to go to the north pole of Mars to see it.

Of course, there are still some places on Mars that can be visited, such as some huge impact craters and natural caves on Mars. These places can also be visited.

In the next hour, Zhao Zhongyao led everyone to travel around Mars in a super spacecraft.

The speed of the spacecraft was very fast. In just over an hour, everyone visited many mountains and canyons on Mars, as well as the Arctic ice caps and some natural caves.

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