Super Military Scientist

Chapter 1756: Supership flies to Mars

Chapter 1930: Super spacecraft flies to Mars

As soon as he heard it every day, his mouth twitched, 'Dad, what do you mean, is it patriarchal? Allow my brother to be a soldier, why not let me be a soldier! ’

When Zhao Zhongyao heard his daughter's words, he really didn't know how to refute it.

When Qu Yuqian saw the situation, she quickly said, 'Zhongyao, otherwise, you can give your daughter a set of hygienist clothes and let her be a nurse of the army logistics health team. ’

When Zhao Zhongyao heard it, he felt it made sense, so he smiled and said, 'Okay, let my daughter be a sanitation soldier! ’

After listening to it every day, he hesitated for a while before showing a smile, 'Okay, a sanitation soldier is also a soldier, so I'll be a sanitation soldier! ’

After finishing speaking, Zhao Zhongyao sent another person to get Tian Tian a suit of military hygienist for her to put on.

Tian Tian was originally very beautiful, and he had never worn military clothing before, but now he is wearing the emerald green uniform of the army, and he looks heroic and heroic.

‘Mom, what do you think of my outfit? ' Tian Tian stood happily in front of Qu Yuqian and said.

'Ok! Yes, my daughter is finally like a big girl. ' Qu Yuqian patted her daughter on the shoulder and said.

Zhao Zhongyao saw that everyone was ready, so he let everyone into the spaceship.

Now all the personnel participating in the exercise have entered the super ship.

Zhao Zhongyao came to the commanding room and sat in his seat. Now the entire supership is under the command of Zhao Zhongyao alone.

There are more than 2,000 people participating in the exercise this time, plus other staff members, there are more than 3,000 people in total. Although there are many people, in front of this super spacecraft with a diameter of two kilometers, it still seems to be nothing.

Three thousand people entered the supership and seemed to disappear soon. After all, everyone is in their own place and in their own room.

At this time, Zhao Zhongyao began to order the relevant personnel to fly the super spacecraft to Mars.

The supership has already made a test flight, but it hasn't traveled far. And this time, it was the longest flight ever made by a super spacecraft.

Although Mars is a neighbor of the earth, this neighbor is still very far away from the earth. Since the two planets revolve at different speeds, the distance between them also changes all the time.

The closest distance between Mars and Earth is 55 million kilometers, and the farthest may exceed 400 million kilometers.

Generally speaking, when humans launch probes to Mars, they will choose the time when the two planets are closest to each other. After all, the distance between the two planets is too far from the distance on the earth. If you don't choose the closest distance to launch, it will take a lot longer for the probe to fly to Mars.

Even if the probe is launched in the most recent window period, it will take nearly ten months for the probe to fly to Mars. If it doesn't launch during the window, it will take years to fly to Mars.

Of course, the super spacecraft developed by Zhao Zhongyao and the others uses an antimatter engine, and the speed of generation is very fast, and the fastest speed may reach half a light-year. However, to achieve such a fast speed, there must be a fairly long acceleration process.

It should be said that there is a wormhole engine on the spacecraft, but this kind of engine is only suitable for travel between stars, and there is no need for travel between planets in the inner solar system.

Because it takes a lot of energy to open a space wormhole once. Such an engine is only needed for interstellar distance flight, but within the solar system, an antimatter engine is sufficient.

Zhao Zhongyao is now instructing the pilots of the spacecraft, driving this super spacecraft and flying towards Mars.

Due to the fast speed of the super spacecraft, there is no need to wait for any window period, and it can fly to Mars at any time.

At this time, the distance between Mars and the earth is neither the closest nor the farthest, almost 200 million kilometers away.

But for a supership, this distance is nothing. Because the super spacecraft can accelerate to a speed of 100 million kilometers per hour in only half an hour. The distance of 200 million kilometers can be reached in less than two or three hours.

In this way, Zhao Zhongyao led all the actors and flew to Mars in more than two hours.

Mars is what humans can see with the naked eye, that fiery red planet. The reason why you see the fire red on Mars is because there are a lot of sand grains containing iron oxide on the surface of Mars. Since iron oxide is red, sand grains containing iron oxide are also dark red.

Mars is the most suitable planet for human survival in the solar system, except for the earth. Although it is a planet without any life now, according to scientists, Mars may have life three billion years ago.

For most of the people in this spaceship, they have never been to Mars in person, and only Zhao Zhongyao's family has been to Mars.

Therefore, when the super spacecraft arrived on Mars, many people's hearts were full of curiosity, and they wanted to see what kind of planet such a fiery planet was.

When the super spacecraft landed on the surface of Mars, many people rushed to the huge porthole of the spacecraft and looked at the magical world outside the spacecraft.

'Wow, this is Mars! No wonder Mars is fiery red when seen from the earth. It turns out that the ground of Mars is covered with a layer of red sand. ’

'But does Mars seem to be similar to Earth! Like a desert on earth. ’

‘Originally, Mars and Earth are very similar! It's just a little bit smaller than the Earth. ’

'Is there really no life on Mars? How do I feel, will there be some invisible little beings in these deserts! ’

These people looked at the magical world outside the spaceship and started talking.

Zhao Zhongyao's family is no longer interested in this Mars. Their interest is to conduct a special military exercise on this flaming planet.

So, Zhao Zhongyao began to give orders now. As long as he stays in his office, he can command the people in the entire spaceship to perform various tasks.

‘Hello everyone, we have already reached Mars, and for this planet, everyone must be full of curiosity.

It should be said that our family has been to this planet for a long time, and we are not very interested in this planet. However, I know that everyone has never been to this planet, and they must be very interested in this planet.

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