Struggle in Russia

Chapter 666 Still coming

Bertrand's heart was full of criticism, but he really couldn't disobey Abel's order. Even if he didn't want to fight in the front line, he could only do it honestly. Who asked Abel to bring Gabriel's instructions? He didn't dare to challenge the group leader.

So he could only reluctantly call on his remaining thirty or fifty soldiers and start charging.

To be honest, this was a torment for him. Every time he took a step forward, he was extremely entangled, for fear that he would accidentally be shot or hit by artillery fire.

With just one step at a time, he finally reached the barbed wire fence, quickly found the most secluded place to lie down, and then said to the soldiers: "Why are you still standing there, start working, and continue to destroy the barbed wire fence!"

After scolding the soldiers, he squeezed out a smile and shouted to Abel in the rear: "Captain Abel, hurry up and get ready, be ready to support me at any time!"

To this, Abel just wanted to say: I support you big-headed devil.

Soon the actions of Bertrand and his party attracted the attention of the Russian army, and they immediately began to concentrate firepower on them.

Fortunately, the Russian army's mortar shells were limited and could not be used openly. This allowed Beltrand to take advantage. The group of them worked hard for less than half an hour, and finally broke through a large piece of barbed wire.

This made Bertrand so happy that he almost danced and shouted to Captain Abel in the rear: "Captain Abel, hurry up, the passage has been opened!"

But Abel shook his head and said: "You charge first, I will follow immediately!"

Well, he was planning to use Bertrand as a stepping stone and step on him to move forward, which naturally made the latter even more angry. In desperation, he could only urge his soldiers to go to the mine!

"Claude, and you, Joubert, move forward quickly, hurry up! Don't wait like a mother!"

Claude was also unlucky. He had been avoiding Bertrand because he was afraid of being missed by this guy or being implicated by Lucien. Who would have thought that even though he was hiding and hiding, he didn't escape. This guy just ran to where he was hiding and messed around.

Actually, this wasn't Bertrand's intention. He was also timid and afraid of death, so he naturally dug in wherever it was safe. Unfortunately, Claude is in the safest area. It can only be said that they see the same thing as bears.

Being so close, Claude couldn't pretend not to hear, so he reluctantly crawled out of the crater and slowly climbed into the minefield.

After driving away Claude, Bertrand rudely got into the crater where Claude was hiding just now. It was obvious that the reason why he wanted to drive Claude away was because he took a fancy to this geomantic treasure.

Bertrand's company advanced slowly. After they lowered their stature and no longer foolishly strutted around to charge, even the Russian naval infantry equipped with new rifles could no longer kill the French army like they did before.

It can only be said that the battlefield is the best teacher, and it will always teach you how to do it in the most cruel way. Although the French mid-level and senior officers are still as stubborn as ever, the soldiers have learned a lot and will adopt the most effective method to save their lives.

However, the situation is still not particularly favorable for the French. First of all, there are too few soldiers breaking through the barbed wire fence, so dozens of people have no impact at all. Secondly, it’s getting late now. It’s already half past four in the afternoon, and it will be dark in two hours. What a mess!

"Let Captain Abel hurry up!" Gabriel urged impatiently, "If he still dares to linger in place, I will find a brave person to replace him immediately!"

Under the threat of being in danger, Abel finally moved. He threw all his men and horses in, and more than a hundred people rushed forward with a roar.

I have to say that this is a huge mistake, because the breakthrough is very narrow, there are only four or five holes that can only accommodate a single person to pass through, and more than a hundred people rush in and squeeze into a ball, which is not a living target!

The intensive rain of bullets from the Russian army quickly knocked Abel's company upside down, and twenty or thirty people lost their lives so easily.

If you are not shooting a Hollywood blockbuster, don't learn such things as intensive charging. It is something that only stupid geese do. Where can there be the kind of charge shown in the movie? The more modern the war, the sparser the queue must be. How wide is the impact front of a company on the real battlefield? They are all at least five to six hundred meters away. Basically, you can't see a few people on the battlefield. Otherwise, machine guns, mortars, and grenades would be all over the place.

Although the war Abel encountered was not very modern, it could definitely be a death sentence for dense formations. Dispersion and alternate cover to advance are the way to go!

Of course, Abel couldn't know these things, and even if he did, he wouldn't necessarily believe them, because this was a transitional era, and military ideas were still stuck a few decades ago, but military technology was booming, and it would be useless to say that ideas were lagging behind weapons.

After suffering heavy casualties, Abel's company finally passed through the barbed wire fence. Before they could be happy about entering the minefield, someone was blown up into the sky. Abel, who was about to capture the Russian position in one go, suddenly felt chilled.

But it doesn't matter, he has a way. He just yelled at Bertrand: "Second Lieutenant Bertrand, what are you doing here? The commander ordered you to continue moving forward and break through the Russian position as soon as possible. Hurry up and start immediately. Take action, I'll cover you from behind!"

Not to mention that Bertrand was dumbfounded this time, even Claude and Lucien next to him wanted to greet Abel's ancestors eight generations ago.

How could you be so shameless, letting our more than 20 defeated soldiers attack the Russian position? Even if Gabriel is mentally retarded, there is no way he would think this would be successful! You bastard must have faked the order to let us go to the mine. You are too despicable!

Bertrand opened his mouth as if he wanted to refuse, but in the end he did not say anything. He turned around and yelled at Claude and Lucien: "You two each lead five people and advance in two directions. I am behind. Cover you!"

What the hell!

Claude and Lucien were so stunned that they didn't vomit blood - you are too imitating others. It was almost copied and pasted according to Abel's words. I'm sorry, the reason why you don't object is because you want us to support you!

Claude and Lucien felt as if ten thousand grass-mud horses were whizzing by, and one can imagine how indignant they felt at this time. But the order must be carried out, and as Abel and Beltrand continued to urge, they could only set off reluctantly.

"Lie down, move slowly, pay attention, and spread out!" Claude greeted the other soldiers and winked at Lucien...

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