Struggle in Russia

Chapter 665 It’s your turn

Even though Lucien usually doesn't look very smart, or even a little dull, at critical moments, his decisiveness and action are absolutely sufficient.

I saw him gritting his teeth, stamping his feet, and rushing out while rolling on the ground. He was using his hands and feet to crawl forward at high speed.

Do you think this is a bit too reckless? Isn't this a minefield?

Lucien has not forgotten this. Although he seems to be irritable in his panic, he has carefully considered where to climb.

He almost always runs on rocks or solid-looking ground. You don’t know whether it’s because the Russian army has a limited number of landmines and a relatively low density of mines, or because this kid is so lucky that he managed to get to a safe location. .

After finding a relatively low and sheltered position, he lay down without saying a word, then held his head and shrank his neck and stopped moving. Anyway, you can let the wind blow from east to west or north to west, even if the gods call him, he won't agree.

As for Bertrand, he naturally wished that the Russian army would shoot Lucien to death. Of course, it would be better if Lucien himself stepped on a landmine and was blown to pieces. It would be best to blow off his legs so that he can't move, and he can only live and die in pain.

But what stunned him was that Lucien actually found a safe foothold with a sudden move.

Do you want to be so exaggerated? Do you want it to be so unreasonable? Are your eyes, Russians, just decorations? Why can't you see such a big, stupid guy?

It's just that no matter how much he vomits, it's useless, Lucien will be fine for a while. But things are in trouble for him!

First of all, this wave of attacks failed again. Seeing that there were only a few people left in the company, it was still far away to break through the Russian position. There was no need to think that the group leader Gabriel would be dissatisfied. If it ends like this, his role as acting company commander must be over.

However, what made Bertrand more anxious than the loss of his hat was that his own life was in danger. As the Russian army intensified its shelling and violently blocked the front line of the barbed wire fence, his position was also exposed to the range of the Russian army's firepower.

This is no joke, the destructive power of explosive bombs can be seen by anyone who is not blind. Listening to the screams one after another all around, watching the subordinates being bombarded by artillery fire with broken limbs and broken arms everywhere, no one can calm down!

Bertrand could only hold his head tightly and curl up into a ball as hard as he could, and then kept praying to various gods and Buddhas to bless him.

This round of shelling lasted for five minutes, causing dust and rocks to fly across the front of the barbed wire fence. When the shelling stopped, there was almost no French soldier in sight.

Of course, it's not that all French troops were killed, but that all the French troops who were not smart enough were killed, and those who were smart enough found places to hide and did not dare to show their faces.

It seems not ideal enough. After all, fighting is not a game. You can push forward and kill everyone along the way. As long as the goal of fighting is achieved, for example, it is enough to kill the enemies who dare to attack the position and let the other enemies stay there and not dare to move.

If you really want to kill every enemy on the battlefield, the price you have to pay is too high. Not to mention anything else, the logistics alone can't be afforded, so how many bullets and artillery shells are needed!

In fact, even the logistics of the shelling of the Russian army at the level just now are unbearable. If the situation were not urgent, they would not be willing to do it!

"How many shells do we have left?" Kornilov asked grimly.

"There are not many left. If the enemy maintains this intensity of offensive, at most one or two more mortars will be used up..."

Kornilov's expression suddenly became more serious. After thinking for a moment, he continued to ask: "Has Wallachia been notified of the relevant situation?"

"His Excellency Archduke Andrei promised to replenish our ammunition as soon as possible.


Kornilov said anxiously: "But what?"

"But His Excellency the Grand Duke also said that this will take time. Wallachia's production capacity is limited, and priority must be given to Duke Mikhail's consumption, and transportation will also take time..."

Kornilov fell silent, because he had nothing to say. The reasons Li Xiao gave were all objective reasons, and almost all of them could not be overcome through subjective initiative. How to do this?

And he also knew that it was not easy for Li Xiao, and it was not easy to promise to replenish it for him as soon as possible.

After a long time, Kornilov sighed and ordered: "Order the artillery to save ammunition and use it as sparingly as possible."

After saying that, he sighed again, because he knew what this meant, because the artillery was already economical enough, how else could it be saved? You can't just watch the enemy and ignore it, right?

"What's the situation with the Army?" Kornilov turned to ask about the retreat.

Nakhimov sighed and replied: "There are not enough ships. Although some ships and crews have been mobilized, it is still not enough. Moreover, the dock in Ineada is too small and the throughput is limited. The most optimistic estimate is that it will take another five days. !”

Kornilov was silent because he knew the so-called most optimistic

The estimate was the most unlikely estimate, uu reading; before, they thought the retreat would be smoother and could be completed in three to five days at most. However, during the actual operation, they discovered that there were a lot of problems and it couldn't be done so quickly.

He estimated that he would be lucky to be able to evacuate within a week. It might take ten days or even longer.

The question is how to hold on for so long? The available forces are limited, and the enemy has an overwhelming advantage. Such a battle is simply not fought by humans.

Kornilov stared at Ineada's topographic map and defense plan. There were beads of sweat on his head. There was not much room for him to perform. The only thing that reassured him was that almost all the rear troops were from the navy. There was no such thing. There are troubles in command and communication, and most of these people have been trained by him. He knows their combat effectiveness and fighting will.

"I can only rely on my will to hold on!"

After a long time, Kornilov finally realized that he had no choice but to trust his soldiers and firmly believe that they could create miracles.

The fierce battle continued, and Bertrand, who was hiding in the crater in embarrassment, finally received support. The regiment leader Gabriel didn't know whether it was because of his conscience or because he found that his side had a greater chance, so he sent another company to reinforce him.

Of course, it was said to be reinforcements, but in fact, the reinforcement company could rather be said to have replaced his command position.

"Second Lieutenant Bertrand, lead your people to open a path in front and expand the breach in the barbed wire fence as soon as possible. I will support you from behind!"

Looking at the loyal Captain Abel, Bertrand cursed in his heart. Wasn't this just asking him to die? He used to do this kind of thing for others, but now it's his turn...

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