Struggle in Russia

Chapter 612 Just Don’t Learn

"The Turks are coming again!"

As soon as the lookout post whistled, the Russian troops on the front line immediately mobilized, but they did not swarm toward the front line, but got into various anti-gun holes or bunkers.

After this month of fierce fighting, the Russian army has sufficient experience in preventing artillery bombardment. When faced with artillery fire, especially when faced with overwhelming explosive bombs, the last thing you need is to act foolishly and pretend to be a hero. Finding cover is the first key to saving your life.

Of course, digging enough bunkers and anti-gun holes is also one of the Russian army's experiences. Anyway, the huge Ineada has been dug up beyond recognition by them. A large number of anti-gun bunkers were dug in every street and every position. To put it bluntly, the entire city was loosened.

In a sense, 70% of the credit for Ineada becoming unrecognizable lies with the British and French artillery. The remaining 30% was mostly caused by the Russian army digging bunkers and anti-gun holes.

For the Russian army, if the enemy's artillery only fires solid bullets, they will not pay attention at all. What is there to be afraid of about these big round iron balls? They don’t even have a good effect on loosening the soil on the ground, so we can only give a bad review!

Nowadays, they are only afraid of explosive shells, especially those fired by large-caliber heavy artillery. The explosion is really unstoppable. When a shell comes down, people and objects within a radius of more than ten meters without cover will be mercilessly torn apart.

"It hasn't been so lively for a few days, can't you bear it anymore?" Kornilov pretended to be relaxed and said to Nasimov.

The latter just smiled sadly and said: "Probably, but that's fine. Letting the marshal see what a real battlefield looks like should help him understand the reality!"

That marshal naturally refers to Paskovich. As the commander-in-chief of the landing operation, he finally arrived at the battlefield by boat one and a half months after the landing operation was launched. To be honest, this is nonsense!

"Difficult!" Kornilov snorted contemptuously, "You didn't see what nonsense he was talking about when he first arrived!"

Kornilov gets angry when he talks about this. Normally, no matter who sees the tragic situation of Ineada, it is impossible to be indifferent, and at least express condolences to the naval infantry for their hard work.

But Paskovich was lucky. The first thing he did when he arrived was to grab Kornilov and Nassimov and give them a good scolding. Said that they have no strong desire to fight and fear the enemy like tigers, and have no heroic and fearless temperament at all. They also said that the performance of the naval infantry was a mess, otherwise they would not have accomplished anything?

Anyway, it was what happened that made Kornilov so angry that he quarreled with Lao Qiu Ba. Anyway, after the quarrel, he immediately made up his mind and stopped immediately according to Li Xiao's suggestion.

Didn't you Paskovich say that the naval infantry performed poorly? Okay, you go ahead, I'll hand over the position to you immediately, let's see how good you, the hero of Georgia, can fight!

This shelling really shocked Paskovich, because when he read the description before, he had completely dismissed the so-called explosive shells. What kind of combat scenes has he not seen before? What's the fuss about mere exploding shells?

But when he actually saw the overwhelming artillery shells crashing down and then violent explosions, he was still moved. The sky-filling smoke and the towering fire told him that this was an unprecedented threat.

He was even a little shocked and worried about the naval infantry stationed on the front line. He was not worried about the life and death of these saltwater ducks, but worried that they would be bombed and lose their position, which would affect his performance later.

After all, he did not bring more than 20,000 people to Ineada for tourism. He was prepared to fight a big battle, defeat the enemies in front of him in one fell swoop, and then launch a victorious charge towards Constantinople.

If these saltwater ducks cannot hold their position, wouldn't it affect his subsequent plans? He ordered his adjutant slightly anxiously: "Ask General Kornilov whether his people can hold it!"

He shouted three times in a row before waking up the adjutant who was shocked by the shelling. The latter quickly apologized and quickly conveyed Lao Qiu Ba's instructions.

"Don't worry, Marshal, there is no problem on my side. But let your people prepare to take over the position as soon as possible, starting tonight!"

Paskovich was very disapproving when he heard that Kornilov was preparing to hand over the position. He felt that Kornilov was frightened by the shelling and ran away in a panic.

Yes, he admitted that the bombardment was a bit scary, but to be honest, it was just louder and more smokey. Once you get used to it, it was just a sprinkling of water! How could it be called a war if his situation in Georgia and Poland was not as dangerous?

Especially when the bombardment came to an end and a small group of timid Turks appeared in his telescope, his contempt and disdain became more and more intense.

He snorted coldly: "Is this called an attack? There are only two birdmen, and they can't even line up in an orderly manner. Only a coward in the navy would be frightened! If it were me, I would have let the Cossacks chase them away with a countercharge. By taking them away, you can even penetrate their lair!"

The adjutant looked at the sparsely populated front line. He admitted that this offensive did feel a bit louder than thunder, but he couldn't help but remind him: "Marshal, what should we do if we send cavalry to attack and the enemy fires back with explosive shells?" ?”

Paskovich was stunned because he just said it subconsciously. He really hadn't thought carefully about what would happen if the cavalry was hit by the enemy's artillery fire. Think about those terrible explosions just now. The Cossacks are not cuirassiers. I am afraid they will not be able to withstand such a violent bombardment and will turn into dregs in minutes.

It's just that he didn't want to admit this, but replied lightly: "It's not like the Cossacks have never faced grape bombs. A shelling ten times more violent than this can't do anything to them!"

The adjutant looked at the serious Paskovich, and then at the urban area that had just been shelled and bombarded beyond recognition. He deeply doubted whether the Cossacks were as brave as Lao Qiu Ba said.

And even if the Cossacks are really that reckless, they can charge forward without fear of death. But the power of this explosion is not fake. Can a flesh and blood body really survive?

What's the use of dying bravely?

The adjutant was full of suspicions, but he didn't have the guts to express them. Fortunately, not everyone in the Russian army is as stubborn as Paskovich. This sudden bombardment made many middle-level commanders of the Russian army realize that this war was completely different from those they had experienced before. If they applied past experience, they would probably die ugly!

"Go and ask the Navy. I think the trenches they dug are good and can effectively withstand shelling. We need to learn from them!"

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