Struggle in Russia

Chapter 611 Attack again


After a month of fierce fighting, this beautiful seaside town on the Black Sea coast has turned into a veritable hell on earth. What was once a clean and beautiful coastline is now littered with garbage and dead bodies.

There is a stench floating throughout the city. This odor is quite choking and has complex ingredients, including the smell of corpses, the fragrance of excrement, and the pungent smell left after burning buildings.

Even most of the houses in the city have become unrecognizable, and ruins can be seen everywhere. Innocent civilians can only huddle together and tremble with their families.

This is still inside the city, but outside the city it is not hell but purgatory. Broken limbs and hands, as well as corpses so rotten and oozing with pus can be seen everywhere. The disgusting corpse odor can float twenty kilometers away, and flies and insect repellents are everywhere. For anyone with mysophobia and normal nerves, even taking a look at it will probably make them faint.

On this muddy ground composed of corpses, the British, French and Turkish coalition forces had paid a total of more than 50,000 casualties, including more than 30,000 killed in action. Even the British and French commanders, who had always been arrogant and thought that I was the best in the world, were a little dumbfounded at this time.

Even the Battle of Waterloo wasn't so tragic. The impact of so many horrific corpses frightened them. They wanted to rest, but they were afraid of being laughed at by the Turks.

After all, they had boasted to the sky before, and they looked down upon and despised Turkey. Now, after being besieged for nearly a month, they couldn't even take down a small city. There is no way to explain this.

"If we continue to intensify the shelling, I don't believe they can resist to the end!"

In the end, the British became ruthless and decided to continue to increase their bets. However, compared with the time when he first entered the war, his arrogance had dropped a lot, and he no longer dared to foolishly send people to the battlefield. The cumulative casualties were nearly 5,000. After becoming a human being, he did not dare to let his compatriots fill this human meat pie.

As for the Frenchman, he was actually very frightened. This level of fighting had already exceeded his psychological endurance. If the British and Turks hadn't been watching, he would have burst into tears.

He agreed with the British opinion from the bottom of his heart. If you can use cannons to bombard them, don't kill them. It's just that the pride of Gallic roosters determines that even if they are scared to death, they still have to pretend to be indifferent and not afraid at all.

Even in order to show his bravery, he would take the initiative to say: "These damn barbarians cannot be eliminated by shelling alone. We French warriors will continue to attack until they are completely annihilated!"

The British commander just glanced at the French, and he didn't say much. Although the two countries compete with each other all the time, there are occasions for competition. There is nothing to argue about when there is no benefit. Since the French are willing to be human meat pies, let them do it. He will not follow up.

Of course, he wouldn't say much, just pretend he didn't hear anything.

However, the Turkish commander was a little hesitant, because as the host, the guests all said that they would continue to attack fiercely. It would not be good if they did not show any signs. But he really felt a pain in his balls when he was asked to continue killing people. He hesitated for a long time before saying:

"Then our army will gather a regiment of troops to cooperate with you and strive to recover Ineada as soon as possible!"

These words were so suspenseful that the French didn't spit out their words. How many people are there in a regiment? What's enough to do? Even if there isn't enough meat to fill the teeth of the polar bear across from you, are you still embarrassed?

The Turks are naturally embarrassed, but they are not stupid. They have tried it several times before. Even if they have the support of heavy artillery, they will not be able to attack hard. Otherwise, they will not have just touched the city after a month of fighting. the edge of.

Since a strong attack is nothing more than a loss of lives, let the brave and fearless French allies do such stupid things. The most we can do is cooperate and beat the drum.

But what stunned the Turks was that they underestimated the moral integrity of the French. No matter how brave and fearless the French people seemed to be when they shouted just now, when it comes to seeing the truth, they will hide as long as they can.

A total of 1,000 people were deployed to attack the French in this round, which was not as many as the Turks to cooperate. And depending on what they mean, the Turks who are cooperating can go to the front, and they can support them from behind.

You can imagine how angry the Turks were when they found out the truth. They vowed never to believe a word of nonsense from the French. This group of lying liars just wanted them to die.

The Frenchman was actually a little embarrassed, but he was just pretending to be calm. No matter how unhappy the Turk was, he couldn't do anything to him. He only needed to pay attention to the British reaction. As long as the British didn't say anything, he would naturally feel at ease.

The attitude of the British was rather ambiguous, and it was obvious that they despised the French for their unruly behavior, but after all, they did not show it in front of the Turks, which saved face for the French.

The reason is also very simple. After all, France is a civilized country in Western Europe and is not the same thing as Turkish barbarians. For Britain, France is now an object of solidarity, and naturally it cannot be ridiculed.

The poor Turks were driven to the battlefield by the French behind them like ducks. They cautiously crossed the corpses and approached the unrecognizable Ineada. Behind them, the French no longer dared to form a dense formation, and no one dared to straighten their backs and advance like a military parade.

These Gallic chickens all hunched their necks and hunched over, wishing they could crawl on the ground.

And judging from their frightened looks, I am afraid that if anything goes wrong, they will definitely turn around and run away.

But the Turkey in front should be happy that they escaped, so they can escape. After all, their much more powerful French comrades-in-arms have all run away, so what reason do they have not to run away?

Only the British and French artillerymen behind the positions were energetic. For them, this war was more like watching a show. Because the Russian artillery capabilities are limited and it is basically impossible to threaten their positions, they can act boldly with confidence.

The only unpleasant part is that the intensity of the bombardment is too high, and it is tiring to reset the artillery and reload the shells. After every few hours of fighting, all the artillerymen would be exhausted and collapse.

Fortunately, the officers did not launch attacks every day, but only got nervous every once in a while, which was barely within their tolerance.

A few minutes later, the bombardment began, with unstoppable explosive shells washing the ground. The British and French artillerymen were a little excited when they saw the grand artillery scene for the first time. But after a month, they were all numb, mainly because such fierce shelling could not make the Russians collapse, which made them full of frustration...

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