Struggle in Russia

Chapter 544 Primary and Secondary Issues

Regarding Nicholas I's request, neither Nesselrode, Uvarov, or Count Rostovtsev remained silent.

Because what is there to say about the impossible. Instead of wasting energy thinking about these useless things, why not think about how to continue this war!

Count Rostovtsev said firstly: "The top priority is to strengthen the defense of Kronstadt. As long as Kronstadt does not fall, no matter how powerful the Royal Navy is, it will not be able to threaten St. Petersburg!"

This is the truth. The Kronstadt Fortress or the naval base is the most powerful and critical barrier outside St. Petersburg. As long as the Kronstadt Fortress is there, no one can threaten St. Petersburg from the sea.

Naturally, Nicholas I knew this very well, but it was too embarrassing for him to be passive and beaten. He didn't like being beaten on the head while being unable to do anything. It felt too bad.

"Your Majesty, there are priorities in everything. For us, the most important thing is the Wallachia battlefield. As long as we wholeheartedly beat the Turks in Wallachia and subdue them, then the Royal Navy or the French Navy will fight in Kronsch So what if Tade shows off his power?"

"Conversely, if our attention is diverted to the sea, even if we can defeat the enemy's arrogance for a while, will it be of any help to deal with the Turks?"

"The most urgent task is to increase troops to Wallachia and try our best to defeat the Turks as soon as possible. At that time, no matter how arrogant Britain and France are at sea, they can only look at the ocean and sigh!"

Count Rostovtsev's proposal was immediately unanimously supported by Chernyshev and Prince Ordov.

"Your Majesty, the count is right. The most important task right now is to defeat the Turks, and then everything else will be easy!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, as long as Turkey is defeated, all problems will be solved! Don't be distracted at this time!"

Nicholas I hesitated. Although he didn't like this suggestion, the three heavyweight ministers agreed unanimously, and he had to weigh more.

Thinking about it, he turned his head and looked at Nesselrode. Now he really wants to hear the opinion of the old prime minister, because the old guy has been proved to be reliable recently.

Nesselrode naturally also saw Nicholas I's eager eyes, but he was really not particularly interested in participating in this discussion. Because according to his point of view, this war should not be fought at all, and the correct way to stop losses is to retreat quickly and then shake hands with Britain and France.

So now whether it is according to the meaning of Nicholas I,

It is a bad idea to send a fleet to confront the Royal Navy head-on, or to ignore Count Rostovtsev's suggestion and to kill the Turks wholeheartedly!

Since it's all a bad idea, what's there to say? Might as well shut up and save some saliva!

Nesselrode really didn't want to talk, but Nicholas I kept staring at him, which made it impossible for him to pretend to be blind. In desperation, he could only reply: "Given the huge advantage of the Royal Navy, what happens with it It is extremely unwise to confront each other head-on, so I suggest caution!"

In fact, the subtext of this statement does not only refer to the incident at sea, but to the war itself. Nicholas I can also hear it, but how do you let him stop now?

So he could only pretend that he didn't fully understand, and asked with a sigh: "It's easy to strengthen the defense of Kronstadt, but what about the Far East? Just ignore it?"

As an enclosure maniac, Nicholas I's enthusiasm for the land was beyond imagination, and he could not afford to lose every inch of land. If he were to leave the Far East alone and let the British mess around, he would not be able to accept it.

This time it was Count Uvarov who gave him a blow. The old and cunning count said bluntly: "Your Majesty, please forgive me. The core and focus of our country is in the direction of Europe. Although the Far East is vast, it is of great significance to our country." Not particularly big."

"Let's not say that only a few British ships were found active this time. Even if the British really worked hard and sent a large number of troops to capture the Far East of our country, we shouldn't take it too seriously."

"We must first solve the Turkish problem. After defeating Turkey, we have enough time and troops to slowly teach the British in the Far East. I even judge that those British do not need our attention at all. Sooner or later they will be destroyed by the harsh climate and barren If you defeat the land, you can only leave in disgrace!"

Nicholas I was also well aware of this. Although the Far East region is large, its significance to the Russian Empire is really pitifully small, otherwise it would not be used exclusively for exile. But he just accepts that he can't lose his country, and he feels bad when he thinks that there are bloody Brits operating wantonly on his own land.

"No matter?" Nicholas I asked a little unhappy, "Should we just let them act recklessly there? Where is the face of the empire?"

These words made several ministers in the imperial study room laugh secretly. The face of the empire is probably your own face, right? Only you who want to save face will care about such a small problem.

It's just that I can't say this clearly, saying it is to slap Nicholas I in the face openly, so I can only tell the tsar tactfully that now is not the time to save face!

"Let the British be arrogant for a while!" Duke Aldorf persuaded, "Once we solve Turkey, let them return all their capital and profits! At that time, they will only lose face!"

"Your Majesty, now is not the time to care about these face-saving issues. As long as we are the final victors, aren't we afraid that we won't be able to make the Britons pay the price?"

After a long period of persuasion by the crowd, Nicholas I dispelled Nicholas I's weird idea of ​​sending troops to the Far East to teach the British a lesson.

"Okay, since you all mean this, then listen to you, let Muraviyov deal with the British on his own, teach them a lesson as much as possible, and let them retreat as soon as possible!"

Nicholas I made a good move, and instantly shifted all the responsibility for the possible passiveness of the Far East to a group of courtiers.

To be honest, it's really a bit out of style. It's just that the few people in the imperial study knew that he was such a guy, that he was responsible for all the credit and face, and if there was a problem, it was the problem of the courtiers and others.

But these few didn't bother to care about these things, as long as Nicholas I was not brain-dead and confused about the priority, then let him be happy! The most important thing right now is the Turkish issue. It may not be enough to rely on Duke Mikhail's strength alone. It must be sent as reinforcements. It is best to deal with the Turks as soon as possible to end this horrific war...

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