Struggle in Russia

Chapter 543 Losing Moves (Part 2)

Is it bad?

It is indeed very damaging, this primitive indigenous biological weapon is indeed harmful to the world. Li Xiao also really didn't want to use it.

But the problem is, apart from these indiscriminate tricks, it is completely impossible to kill a large number of the enemy's vital forces on the battlefield, but the price paid will definitely not be small.

Especially considering the losses caused by the plague in the Crimean War in history, the temptation of this low-cost and quick-effect trick is still great.

Of course, Li Xiao is not the first to come up with this kind of damage trick. Dmitry has actually heard of similar tricks used by the Mongols in history, throwing rats and infected patients into the enemy's fortified castle. Those bloody savages can make anything.

It’s just that Dmitri still doubts whether it will work, because there is no relevant data. After all, the routine massacre of the city after the Mongols captured the city is a routine operation in history, so who knows if this kind of sudden biochemical weapon is useful.

"You can give it a try!"

It's just that Dmitri obviously doesn't have as many worries as Li Xiao. He is a pure soldier and will do whatever it takes to achieve his fighting goals.

Li Xiao hurriedly said: "If we must use it, we must do a good job of our own protection. It is necessary to strengthen health supervision, otherwise we may not hurt the enemy but our own people!"

This is meaningless to Dmitry, since he has already seen the importance of sanitation work. After the military health and epidemic prevention manual written by Li Xiao was fully promoted in Wallachia, infectious diseases and non-combat attrition were greatly reduced. Even some unlucky ghosts who were unfortunately recruited would be immediately quarantined. I have never heard of any unit in Wallachia that was defeated by disease in an organized way.

As a comparison, the main force of the Russian army of Duke Mikhail is much worse than the Wallachian garrison and national defense forces. After three months, nearly 50,000 people have been bedridden due to dysentery or other infectious diseases.

Because they didn't promote Li Xiao's pamphlet, even though Li Xiao took the trouble to recommend it several times, senior generals such as Duke Mikhail were not interested. For them, instead of caring about some small hygiene matters such as boiling water or taking a bath, it is better to ask the chaplain to give more Masses to the gray animals and sprinkle more holy water!

But now that Li Xiao is bringing up the old story again, Dmitry feels that it is necessary to pay attention to it. The relevant data and comparisons are enough to explain the problem. It is a pleasure to prevent a large-scale outbreak of infectious diseases by improving hygiene. Why not?

So he plans to talk to Duke Mikhail and Pobedonostsev about this matter in the near future.

Try to promote Li Xiao's epidemic prevention and hygiene manuals throughout the army.

If it can be effectively promoted, then you can really try the bad tricks Li Xiao said, maybe it will have a miraculous effect?

Li Xiao didn't know what Dmitri was thinking, because the so-called bad moves were not limited to those, and some of the bad moves had actually been implemented long ago, but they didn't say it clearly.

For example, some textile factories in Wallachia have been producing inferior bandages. These immoral products made of inferior cotton yarn or moldy and diseased fabrics have been secretly exported to Turkey through third parties, and the casualties to the Turks may not be less than those made by the Russian army on the battlefield.

Because it was really wicked and black-hearted, so Li Xiao had to put on a few layers of white gloves, and kidnapped a Serb to do it secretly. After the bandages were produced in Wallachia, they were shipped to Serbia and then exported to Turkey.

This black industrial chain involved Russians, Wallachians, Hungarians, Austrians, Serbia and even Turks. This large group of unscrupulous businessmen made a lot of unscrupulous money, and they were so wicked.

Anyway, although Li Xiao dominated this black industry chain, he basically donated all the money he earned. In his own words, even though he had to do this kind of crap like having a son without an ass hole due to the situation, But this kind of black-hearted money must never be put into one's pocket, donate as much as you want for peace of mind!

These things were done in an extremely secretive way, and only Vishniak was known, and even Alexei didn't know much about it. It was here that Li Xiao repeatedly told Vishniak to keep it secret, and he must not reveal that they were Behind the scenes.

Although Vishniak didn't know why, seeing how solemn Li Xiao was doing it, he didn't dare to be careless, and he made things seamless.

This also makes this black industrial chain hidden in the fog of history. Even at the end of the war, when the British and French discovered that the casualties of troops using bandages purchased from Serbia were much higher than other troops, it was obviously not normal. The Serbs aren't enough of a name.

However, after some inspections, no so-called tricks were found. The British and French only supplied Serbian bandages and other medical supplies to the Turks separately, while they used bandages shipped from China. In the end, it just hurt the Turks.

It can only be said that the poor Turks are really suffering. Not only do they have to act as cannon fodder for the coalition forces on the battlefield, but they also have to be treated as stepmothers by the coalition forces off the battlefield. They can only use fake and shoddy products to deal with this cruel war.

It's just that the Turks didn't realize there was a problem at all at the time, because soldiers were just consumables to them, and they had fulfilled their duty of healing if they could use inferior bandages.

This shady scene was not revealed for the first time until thirty years later, when the Wallachia native businessman who participated in the black chain confessed his sins on his deathbed.

Although there was also a wave of waves at the time, how could Turkey, which was setting in the evening, be compared with the thriving Russia, and how could the great powers that had regained the right to speak be condemned?

Naturally, such things as fairness and justice cannot happen to the weak. Anyway, this wave came and went faster, and it was forgotten by the benevolent people of Western European powers within two weeks.

Naturally, these little stories have nothing to do with Nicholas I who was far away in St. Petersburg. This headstrong tsar is still not clear-headed. The results of the new round of communication through diplomatic channels were far from satisfactory. Both Britain and France were killed in one bite, and he had to withdraw troops and pay compensation, otherwise there would be nothing to talk about.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to agree to such a result, but with the sudden appearance of the Royal Navy in the Baltic Sea and the bombardment of Kronstadt Fortress, and the deterrent activities of the British fleet in the Far East, Alaska and other places are vaguely unstable. After a series of bad news, he thought it necessary to ask his courtiers for their opinions to see if there was any other way...

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