Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 277: : Admission, company death

Lu Mingfei hesitated and asked tentatively: "Really?"

  Lu Naruzawa was silent, "...I'm kidding, brother, you can't always think of women, there are many beautiful girls in Kassel College."

   Lu Mingfei waved his hand, "I was joking too."

   In fact, what Lu Mingfei just wanted to ask was why the other party only saw him now and wanted to awaken himself.

   "Of course I want to see my brother, because my brother is about to go to school. Without words, you will die."

   Lu Mingze spread out his hands, looking helpless.

   Lu Mingfei felt a horror, "Kassel College is so terrible!?"

   "Kassel Academy itself is not terrible, at least I am here, brother, you will never go to the streets in some small practical classes, but your brother Lu is terrible."

   Lu Narusawa explained.

   "Brother Lu? I think he just looks serious, but he is actually very nice."

   Lu Mingfei defended Lu Chen. He was actually very grateful to Senior Brother Lu. This feeling was different from others helping him pretend to be forced and flying him.

   Senior Brother Lu let him know for the first time. It turned out that he could resist by himself.

   Let him know, can't always think about relying on others... Although he thinks it's better to be covered by someone.

   "I am not referring to your senior brother Lu's character, he is indeed a good person, but it is terrible to you, because you are about to enroll in school soon."

   Lu Mingze's words made Lu Mingfei confused, "What does this have to do with my enrollment? Is Brother Lu a school bully? But you also said that other people are good."

Lu Mingze shook his head, "You, Senior Brother Lu, is not a school tyrant. If you insist on saying things like the handle of the Kassel College, or one of the current school directors, this is not the point. The point is that he is very Commitment."

   Lu Mingfei was even more confused, "It is a good thing to keep promises, it proves that Senior Brother Lu is of good character."

   "No, no, no, brother, you haven't realized the seriousness of the matter. You also know that Brother Lu is a very strict person, and Qiao Weini and the principal asked him to take care of you."

   Lu Naruzawa showed a little devilish smile on his face, "Brother, you think, if someone like him is going to take you on missions, what will he do to you before then?"

   Seeing the other person’s smile, Lu Ming couldn’t help but shudder, "Do, what?"

   "Hell special training, cruel special training you can't imagine, so I said, brother, if you don't have this kind of spirit, you will die."

   Lu Naruzawa showed a smirk on his face.

   "You still say you are my brother? You are obviously gloating!"

   Lu Ming is not Qidao. He thought that "don't die" was mainly for others to use, but he didn't expect it to be for himself?

"how could be……"

   Lu Naruzawa still had a gleeful smile on his face, "I will only feel sorry for my brother."

   "I love your sister!"

   Lu Mingfei said unhappy.

   "Okay, I'm leaving, I wish my brother a happy college life."

   Lu Mingze snapped his fingers and disappeared in the same place.

   Lu Mingze's voice echoed in the air, "Brother remember, you can't tell others about my existence, otherwise Kassel will dissect you."

   And Lu Mingfei suddenly returned to his senses, looking at the hospital bed, the small table was gone, and the water cup at the head of the bed was gone, like Lu Mingze had passed from the future, it was like...a dream.

   He got up suddenly, rushed to the bathroom, and looked at the mirror.

   Inner emotions are agitated.

   must work, must work!

   Lu Mingfei, you have no retreat, but it can’t be a dream!

   "Lu Mingfei, don't die!"

   He shouted to himself in the mirror.

   Then he saw the pair of golden pupils, and the slight remaining wounds on his body began to heal further, and the bruises on his face disappeared.

   is not a dream!

   "Don't die, don't die, don't die, don't die, Lu Mingfei, don't die!"

After verifying all this, Lu Mingfei was very excited, dancing and dancing in the room, repeating this spirit all the time. Although he knew it was useless not to read to his eyes, he still missed it, otherwise he felt his excitement nowhere. vent.


   The door of the ward was pushed open, and there were four people standing outside. Lu Mingfei's "Lu Mingfei don't die" just fell.

   Lu Mingfei was awkward. He felt that his "don't die" could make him physically immortal, but he seemed to have just died, in a social sense.

   "I thought you would be very disappointed, but I didn't expect you to be quite energetic."

   Lu Chen looked at Lu Mingfei dancing and dancing. Several people went for a walk to see the night scene before. When they came back, they brought Lu Mingfei with a steamed bun.

   Lu Chen walked quickly towards Lu Mingfei suspiciously, and pulled off the bandage still wrapped around his head. There were no scars in the covered area.

   "Your injury is healed?"

   he wondered, what happened?

   Chu Zihang also noticed this, walked to Lu Mingfei, fumbled up and down, "It seems that the injuries in other parts have also disappeared."

   "Brother Chu, is there such a function in Yan Ling?"

   Lu Chen looked at Chu Zihang suspiciously. He suspected that he hadn't memorized the periodic table of Ling Ling.

   Chu Zihang shook his head, "No, it should be some kind of speech spirit not included in the secret party, a healing speech spirit, depending on the situation, the effect is estimated to be very strong, the principal may be right, he does have an S-class bloodline."

   He didn't know to what extent Lu Mingfei's linguistic spirit could do, but the secret party had never found a cure-like linguistic spirit. Based on this alone, Lu Mingfei was definitely different from other mixed races.

   "What is your spirit?"

   Chu Zihang asked, thinking about it and shaking his head, "Just describe the function."

   Yan Ling Awakens will not echo Yan Ling's name in his mind. Many of Yan Ling's names are names from the secret party. Lu Mingfei has not yet enrolled in school, and asking for the name has no results.

   Lu Mingfei thought for a while, and said: "It is a kind of restorative speech, which can be used for oneself, and it should be used for other people."

   "How about the intensity?"

   Lu Chen looked at Lu Mingfei.

   "It took me about 30 seconds to heal my injury, and it seems to be stronger, because I just woke up and I still don't know."

   Lu Mingfei said rather vaguely, but in fact he really didn't know it. Although Lu Mingze, who claimed to be his younger brother, said that he could basically be saved with a tone, but after all, he had only tried it on himself.

   He is not a fool either, since Lu Mingze said that he should not be mentioned to others, especially the phrase "will be dissected", which made him a little scared.

   How can he jump to a conclusion about the upper limit of the language spirit when he has only tried the language spirit against himself? This easily arouses suspicion.

   Lu Chen stretched out his hand and squeezed Lu Mingfei's biceps. Lu Mingfei felt pain for a while, feeling that the newly cured bones might be in danger of breaking, "Brother Lu, Lu?"

   Lu Chen stopped his hand, he was not so perverted, in order to test the actual effect of Lu Mingfei's recovery, he maimed the opponent again or something.

   "Speaking spirit is useful, but the body is too weak."

   Lu Chen was to take a closer look at Lu Mingfei's physical strength.

The voice of the other party did surprise him. Originally, he was still worried. No matter how he trains like this, it seems that it is difficult for Lu Mingfei to fight with the high-level dragon clan, but he did not expect that this guy is not a mixed race for fighting, and It's a nanny!

   Of course, even if you are playing World of Warcraft, your nanny wants a milkman, provided that she can stand up. Lu Mingfei is still too weak and needs special training.

   Eriyi asked even more straightforwardly, with a serious face, "Do you have any experience in playing pastors?"

   Lu Mingfei was a little dazed, asking her heart that Senior Sister Uesugi only recognizes games, but she answered honestly: "I've played Warcraft for a while, and I'm playing the priest."

   He didn't lie. Originally, he thought that Warcraft was a good game, but later found out that it was too high and too difficult. My family didn't want his A-cup priest at all.

   is still the true love of StarCraft, it only depends on the technology.

   "I was thinking about waiting for your injury to heal, but now it seems that you can be discharged from the hospital today, so just start the admission process."

   Lu Chen turned around and shouted, "Zero."

  Zing took out a tablet from her bag, worked it on it, and handed it to Lu Chen. She has no permission to follow the process.

   At least a professor-level authority or a highly qualified executive commissioner is required to recruit new students.

  The admission process of the latter is actually semi-false. They only have the authority to introduce them, and they need to obtain the approval of the professor afterwards, usually by Schneider. If they fail, the previous process will be invalidated by Norma.

   Lu Chen verified his fingerprint on the tablet and entered the enrollment system after entering the password.

   He put the tablet close to Lu Mingfei, "Say whatever you want."


   Lu Mingfei was thinking about saying something, but the tablet had already responded.

   [Voiceprint has been entered, the process begins...]

   [Lu Mingfei, do you authorize to join the Kassel Academy? 】

   Lu Mingfei should normally confirm without hesitation. He has no retreat. His college entrance examination results can only go to college. He and his classmates are also torn apart. Chen Wenwen also...

   But he felt that there was a voice in his heart reminding him not to go, he shouldn't step into the door, as if he would lose something precious in the future.

   Under the gaze of the two seniors, Lu Mingfei finally gritted his teeth, "...confirm the authorization."

   [Voiceprint verification is passed, and I am personally authorized. Lu Mingfei, student number AI071721S, connected to Kassel College. I am Norma and I am very happy to serve you. Your ticket, passport and visa will be delivered within two weeks. Kassel College, you are welcome to join. 】

   Lu Mingfei was amazed by the high technology of artificial intelligence of the Kassel Institute, and the efficiency and arrogance of the other party.

   It also costs money to apply for a ticket or something.

   "Brother Lu, when will school start?"

   Now that he has confirmed his admission, Lu Mingfei no longer thinks about the ones that he has, and cares about the enrollment time.

   "You can wait for September to enroll in accordance with the procedure arranged by Norma. The enrollment handbook sent will have detailed enrollment time and various needs."

   Lu Chen paused, and then said, "You can also go back to school with us in a few days."

   After finishing speaking, he looked at Lu Mingfei and waited for this junior to make a decision.

  Lu Mingfei is actually fine at home, but he hesitated and asked: "Brother Lu, can I ask, what is it for going to school now?"

Lu Chen grinned and patted Lu Mingfei on the shoulder, "Of course it's a special training. You are too weak now. You have to practice. Otherwise, I'm afraid you will die in the task. After all, your mother asked me to take pictures. You go down."

   Lu Mingfei couldn't help but shook his head. He remembered what Lu Mingze had said to him, Senior Brother Lu was "terrible" and that special training might be fatal.

   Seeing Lu Mingfei did not say anything, Chu Zihang said, "Junior, you have already enrolled, so I can tell you something. At present, there are only S-ranks in the academy, Brother Lu and you, and no one dares to challenge Brother Lu. You are different."

   Chu Zihang's reminder was vague, but Lu Mingfei still understood it.

   means that everyone has heard that his S-level title may be challenged, but he is now a waste. If you don't want to be too sad after school, it is best to work hard now.

   Lu Mingfei has always been a flat person, but after experiencing a lot of things today, for a while he felt that he should work hard for the new world and new life, and felt that he might do it.

   I remembered what Senior Brother Lu said in the afternoon. He was bullied because he was too useless.

   And as Senior Brother Lu said, Kassel College is also an academy, and they are all students. Senior Brother Lu can't practice... to the death, right?

   He also wants to get up slightly from lying down and try to stand up.

   After making up his mind, Lu Mingfei opened his mouth and said: "I will go back with my brother, and I will talk to my family first these few days."

   Speaking of home, Lu Mingfei patted his head. He suddenly remembered that he didn't go back so late and didn't say anything. Aunty had forgotten the eggs he bought!

   "I have to go home quickly, my aunt probably will scold me to death."

   Lu Mingfei thought of the crazy output of middle-aged women, and wanted to shrink his neck.

Lu Chen patted Lu Mingfei on the shoulder, "Be safe, don't worry, I have sent the eggs you want to buy by the school worker, and I told your family about are playing outside with us for a while. Months."

   Lu Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you Brother Lu."

   Xin said that Senior Brother Lu is worthy of being the top figure of the Kassel College, a real S-level, and reliable work.

   "But you are healed now, and you can go home. See you at the airport in three days."

   Lu Chen said that Lu Mingfei could go home. Originally, "half a month" was just an excuse for Lu Mingfei's injury.

   Lu is thankful for changing into new clothes that he bought for him. The previous ones have a lot of blood.

   After thanking the brothers and "senior sisters" one by one, there was no trouble sending them, because the hospital was not too far from his home, and it took ten minutes to get there by bus.

   After returning to the gate of the community, Lu Mingfei was a little puzzled, because he saw the bright and stroboscopic lights and the sound of police sirens. After entering the community, did the car stop at the gate of his own building?

What's happening here! ?

   He saw two big foreign men in undershirts pushed away by the police uncle. They raised their hands and were still explaining something.

   While the uncle and aunt stood at the east gate of the building, the aunt was still yelling, "Gringo, where do you think this is!? I warn you, hurry up and let us back, otherwise you won’t be able to eat!"

Uncle    also took out a packet of Zhonghua and wanted the police uncle to smoke, but was rejected. The handsome police uncle saluted, "We must try our best to find the kidnapped child."

   Lu Mingfei stood not far away, messy in the wind.

   Senior Brother Lu... doesn't seem to be reliable either?

   What did the school worker you arranged say and do! ?

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