Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 276: : Lu Mingze: I will only love my brother

At eight o'clock in the evening, in the empty and quiet ward, Lu Mingfei opened his eyes.

   In the dim light, what he didn't know was that he was shining with a pair of dazzling golden pupils.


   He spoke with a hoarse voice, hoping that someone by his side would give him a glass of water.

   But after he spoke, he laughed a little bit. The brothers sent him to the hospital for good reasons. Everyone is not relatives, but can he expect the other person to be by his bed?

   But the warm touch touched his face, which made him refreshed. He turned his head slightly, and the touch receded steadily. He could see clearly that it was a paper cup filled with warm water.

   And the hand holding the paper cup, if it is the same age, it looks a little small, who would it be?

   Is it a zero classmate who wants to enroll with me? so good?

  His vision gradually became clear. He saw the person sitting on the bedside, a boy in a black evening dress, who looked like he had just entered junior high school.

   He didn't know this boy, but why did the other person show up in his ward and offer him a glass of water after he woke up?

   Lu Mingfei hadn’t turned his head, the boy helped him up from the bed, and he pulled the backrest intimately to make him sit firmly.

   "Brother, the water you want."

   The boy spoke softly, Lu Mingfei was taken aback, still thirst occupies the high ground of his brain, took the glass of water and drank it.

   "Thank you, brother, who are you?"

   Lu Mingfei let out a sigh of relief and asked suspiciously.

   Whose child is this, he looks so good-looking, and he is still wearing a dress. Is there any high-class dinner party nearby? He sneaked out?

   How can I get lost to get to his ward?

   "It's fine for my brother to call me my younger brother, and the fine print can be omitted."

   Lu Mingze smiled, took the water glass from Lu Mingfei's hand and put it on the bedside, "Is your brother hungry? What do you want to eat?"

Obviously it should be a stranger, this is also like a strange conversation, but Lu Mingfei forgot to ask who the other party is, almost without thinking: "At this time, I want to eat some junk food. If there is a hamburger, fried chicken, etc. Enough."

   Then Lu Mingfei was shocked to see that the other party snapped his fingers, and an empty table appeared on his hospital bed with KFC luxury packages on it.

   "What kind of magic is this, this, this!?"

   Lu Mingfei suspects that he is still dreaming.

   Lu Mingze got up and walked to the window sill of the ward, opened the curtains, and the rising moon hung in the high sky with a little starlight. He turned around and said, "It's not magic, brother can probably be a dream."

   Lu Mingfei grabbed a piece of fried chicken with paper, and felt the slightly hot, like fried chicken just out of the pot. This feels very real.

   "Dream? I'm not so boring, am I?"

   Lu Mingfei was a little unbelievable, "If it was me dreaming, shouldn't it be beautiful girls around me at this time, mouth-to-mouth feeding me grapes?"

   Lu Mingze has a smile on his face, "If my brother wants, I can also find some beautiful girls to accompany you, for example...Chen Wenwen?"

   The fried chicken that Lu Mingfei just delivered to his mouth suddenly didn't smell good and fell silent.

  Xin said that if this is a dream, how unpromising I am, and the beautiful harem hasn’t imagined it. I actually imagined a good-looking little boy. Could it be that I’m not right?

   呸 呸 呸!

   Lu Mingfei cursed secretly in his heart, suppressing the terrible thought.

   But he is still weird. Even if he dreams of a little boy, he still wants the other person to pierce his heart?

   He confessed that the plan failed today, and he has been stepped on enough, but he has to step on himself again?

   But the strange thing is that when this little brother mentioned this incident, he didn't feel the unforgettable pain, not as sad as he expected.

   He recalled the last scene in the theater in the afternoon, Chen Wenwen blamed herself, and there was no more gentleness in his eyes that he had given him in the past.

   It turned out that being broken in love was not as terrible as he thought, and he turned out to be...tolerable.

   He looked up at the boy and returned to the initial question, "So, who is you in my dream?"

   Lu Mingze sat on the side of the bed and said with a smile: "I said at the beginning, brother, I am your brother, Lu Mingze."

Lu Mingfei was choked by what was in his mouth, "Cough cough cough, you said you are Lu Mingze, don’t be funny, my cousin is 160 tall and weighs 160, I don’t know what he is like? If I don't ugly him, I will give him this top beauty?"

   Lu Narusawa's expression sank, "I am not the guy who takes my name, I am the real brother of my elder brother."

   For some reason, Lu Mingfei felt a little nervous when he saw the other party's gloomy face.

   The expression and tone are like a person who has been deprived of the important existence of his name, or that some of his important things have been separated away. It is so angry and jealous.

   But he really didn't know the boy in front of him. Could it be that his parents had a second child behind their backs after they went abroad?

   Thinking of this, Lu Mingfei is sad again, no wonder his parents didn't come back to see him.

   There is such a good-looking and outstanding younger brother, he must have been gradually forgotten.

   "Brother, you always think about it."

   Lu Mingze suddenly turned cloudy again, showing a playful smile with a childish look, "I have nothing to do with them, it's just your brother."

   Lu Mingfei was a little surprised, "You know what I'm thinking!?"

   "Of course, I am my brother's younger brother."

   Lu Mingze pointed out the window, "Brother can come down and have a look."

   Lu Mingfei was a little suspicious, but reluctantly climbed out of the bed, walked to the window, and was stunned.

   Everything outside was still. The pedestrians under the hospital stopped halfway and the cars on the road were also stopped there. He stared at the lights at the intersection not far away, and waited for a long time without seeing the switch.

   He reluctantly rushed to the door again, and when he opened it, the outside was empty. Only a few nurses on duty at the end were supposed to gather together to chat, but the expressions and movements were also static.

   Lu Mingfei patted his face lightly, and the pain came, causing him to take a breath, "I thought I was very useless, but could it be that I am far more wretched than I thought? Time Stagnation Series!?"

   Even Lu Mingze, who walked behind Lu Mingfei, was silent at this time, not knowing how to answer the conversation for a moment.

   "Brother, you should know now, this is not a dream, and I am indeed your brother."

   The voice came from the side, Lu Mingfei turned his head to look at Lu Mingze, a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes, because he saw the...golden pupils flowing like flames.

   "You, are you also a student of Kassel? So young?"

  Lu Mingfei had seen the golden pupil once, brother Chu's, subconsciously thought of Kassel.

   Is the "magic" at Kassel College so awesome?

   Lu Mingze shook his head and guided Lu Mingfei back to the room, "I am not a student of Kassel, I am just your brother."

   Lu Mingfei sat down on the bed and didn't understand why the other party insisted on insisting that he was his brother.

   "Okay, well, I will treat you as my brother."

   Lu Mingfei is very nervous in a certain way, anyway, the other party is not here to hurt himself, he might as well eat the luxurious meal while it's hot.

   "Brother, in fact, as a wounded, it is not good for you to eat these things."

Lu Mingze sat aside and looked at Lu Mingfei, who gobbled up the pain in spite of his face. The eighteen-year-old boy gushed things into his mouth, his swollen face undulating, and tears were constantly flowing under his swollen eyes. , I don’t know if it’s the pain or some other reason.

   Lu Mingze gently raised his hand and patted Lu Mingfei's back, "Slow down, stop choking."

   Lu Mingfei didn't say a word. He felt that he was "broken". It was just an unknown brother who was comforting him, but he wanted to cry inexplicably.

   He felt that he was very hopeless. He had endured it for so long. He didn't show his timidity in front of Senior Brother Lu and the others, but now he couldn't help it.

  It is a dream anyway, it is a dream anyway!

   After finishing the KFC set meal in one breath, Lu Mingfei picked up the tissue and wiped his mouth, then took another one and wiped his eyes.

   "Tsk, brother, you are really embarrassed, to say that Lu Chen is too cruel."

   Lu Mingze looked at his brother’s pig head and smiled: "Unlike me, I will only feel sorry for my brother."

   Lu Mingfei had a chill. In order to conceal his gaffe, he said in a bad mood: "Go, why is it so numb."

   After thinking for a while, he said again: "If you really feel bad for me, heal my injury. It won't be painful to eat anything, and all the painful tears flowed out."

   Lu Mingze walked around to Lu Mingfei's face, with a playful expression, "Yes, and I don't need me, brother, you can complete instant treatment by yourself."

   Lu Mingfei was stunned, "Don't bluff me, I don't know medical skills, and even if I get an academician, I can't be cured immediately."

   Lu Mingze did not know why, suddenly turned his head and looked in a direction, as if not far from the hospital, his eyes seemed to penetrate space and time, and his expression became serious.

   "Brother, time is running out, I will tell you business."

   said, Lu Mingze snapped his fingers, and a mirror appeared in his hand, facing Lu Mingfei.

   Lu Mingfei looked at himself in the mirror and looked at the dazzling golden pupils, a little lost.

   The brothers did not lie to themselves, if this is not a dream, then he is really a mixed race.

   "Brother, I want to tell you, your own Yan Ling, oh, Yan Ling is the ‘magic’ you saw Lu Chen and the others used before. In short, it can heal you."

   Lu Mingze solemnly said: "Your spirit of words is: Don't die."


   Lu Mingfei just before Lu Mingze spoke the spirit of the ritual, he felt that the sense of ritual was very heavy. He thought it would be some awesome spirit that smashed the sky, but what was it?

   Don't die, what is it?

Is    the name of Yanling, or is it a spell of magic?

   "Just don't die, the activation is also very simple, stare at the eyes of the target and say "don't die" and you can activate it. It can complete overspeed healing and regeneration."

   Lu Narusawa repeated it again.


Lu Mingfei was a little confused, "Is the mixed-race Yanling like this? I thought it would drag a bunch of very compelling spells that others could not understand. As for the name of Yanling, it should be the same. Are they all high-end and high-end?"

Lu Mingze shook his head, "Of course not, how can those people compare with my brother, and the mixed races are only stealing the power of the dragon clan by using things like speech spirits. They can't understand the nature of power at all. For you, brother, Just give orders to the world. Don’t die, just because you are most familiar with Chinese."

"Although you feel like you are blowing me, I still feel LOW. I thought it would be something as cool as Brother Chu. In other words, every mixed-race awakening ability will see the illusion of his own'brother'. ?"

   Lu Mingfei doesn't think he is special, but thinks this is the only way to awakening blood.

   "If you feel that you don’t want to die directly, you can also say it in other languages. As long as you know it, and you have this willingness when activating the spirit of speech, you can successfully launch it."

   Lu Narusawa avoided the problem behind his brother, but continued to supplement Yan Ling.

   Lu Mingfei doesn’t care about this anymore. He should first verify if he is really eloquent. He stares at his eyes in the mirror, "Don’t die."

   A miraculous thing happened. He felt a rapid metabolism in his body. The pain and swelling on his face were decreasing. The cracked bones in his arm felt numb and itchy, and everything was being repaired.

   About half a minute later, the injury on his body disappeared. It cannot be said that it is intact, but there are only some slight bruises on his face.

   He stood up in surprise. He couldn't believe it. He didn't know what everyone's spirits were like, but he felt that with this hand, when he became a doctor, he would definitely not worry about food!

"Brother, remember, this speech is related to your own emotions. The stronger your will and the more thirsty, the stronger the effect. In theory, as long as you have a breath, you can be saved. You often play games. Think of this as the strongest nanny skill in the game."

   Lu Naruzawa reminded that it took half a minute to recover from the injuries caused by this kind of fighting, mainly because my brother didn't believe in himself very much, but just had the mentality of trying.

   Lu Mingfei is still in a state of surprise, he doesn't care what is cool or not at this time, this language is really practical, at least it proves that he is really a mixed race.

   He now hopes that this is not a dream.

   "Brother, this is not a dream."

   Lu Narusawa saw through his brother's thoughts again.

After    was overjoyed, Lu Mingfei had some questions, "Why haven't I seen you before?"

   He thought to himself whether there is any magical power at the Kassel Academy, or what did Senior Brother Lu and the others do to him when he fell asleep, but at this time he awakened his blood.

   And if other mixed races awaken their bloodlines, what if there is no "brother"?

   He always felt that the person in front of him didn't look like he had imagined it. He didn't have a good mouthful at all. If he had imagined it, it should be the pretty girl sister.

   Lu Narusawa smiled and said, "If my brother wants to, I can also come to see you like a younger sister."

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