StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 474 Death Match-The battle that comes early

"Do you think this is a provocation?" Ye Meng chuckled, "That can only mean one thing..."

Jack raised his head proudly and looked at Ye Meng through his nostrils, "What's the problem?"

"You are right. This is provocation!" Ye Meng grinned, revealing his white teeth.

The aircraft responsible for recording the battlefield responsibly captured the conflict here. The footage spread, and countless viewers on the virtual network suddenly became excited!

"The show is about to begin, the show is about to begin, damn Hachi, stop going to work and get on the Internet. The climax of this death match has arrived early..."

"Go ahead, the Zerg are so awesome. Just now I was thinking about how the Zerg would split into three groups if they didn't kill the Newman people in the city below. Together, the two separated groups are going to cause trouble!"

"What a bullshit. I think the Zerg are just stupid. They are just trying to attract everyone's attention. A race that has just been promoted to the fifth-level civilization. It doesn't want to please our old fifth-level civilization, but it is so rampant. Jack, my Idol, beat him!"

"Go away, Jack is my idol. Master Jack, come on, use your most handsome posture, use your alloy long knife, and use your light speed to chop that insect into dumpling fillings!"

Ye Meng and Jack couldn't hear the roar of the Internet. Ye Meng admitted his provocative behavior. If Jack didn't respond, Guslov would be embarrassed today.

"Kill!" Jack spat out the word that everyone wanted to hear.

"Advanced Zerg, level 20, primary level, combat rating 9000 points, threat level, weak, Sir Jack, let me deal with him!" The purple mechanical army jumped lightly and came to Ye Meng 20 meters away. .

Ye Meng's whole body turned into the silver color of liquid metal. He exerted force with his right hand, and a sharp blade suddenly popped out.

"Warning, the shape of the target has changed. According to the energy fluctuation test, it is a combination of liquid metal life and Zerg life. The combat effectiveness is being re-estimated equally. The estimation is completed. The target is equally divided at 12,400 points. The threat level is above average! Attack plan, concentrated fire bombing. Fight quickly!" The lion was like a computer equipped with voice prompts. What made Ye Meng funny was that the machine even told him the strategy for dealing with the enemy...

"Buzz..." The two rocket launching turrets on the lion's shoulders adjusted their direction and aimed at Ye Meng. This lion obviously had no chivalry and started fighting without saying a word.

"Swish, swish..." Six rockets flew directly, drawing long white tails in the air! Ye Meng, who was in the locked state, felt the difference between the Guslov mechanical race and ordinary robots the moment the rocket was launched. At the same time as the rocket was launched, Ye Meng felt that all the space around him was being inexplicably radiated. They are oppressed. If they want to escape, they must break through these spatial oppressions!

"Little trick of an insect!" Ye Meng sneered, instead of retreating, he advanced. The death phantom of the third-level swift insect was activated, and his body instantly left a trail of afterimages on the spot!

His speed is too fast, far exceeding the upper speed limit for a 20th-level powerhouse. Ordinary 20th-level powerhouses can barely see his figure. Only those with 21st-level power and above can see him clearly. Actions!

I saw that Ye Meng's body shot out by lightning was as light as a feather, and the rocket was flying towards him. He jumped slightly and stepped a little on the rocket. The rocket continued to shoot forward without any impact, and Ye Meng bounced down from the rocket. One, just step on one, and then step on another and leap towards the lion!

The advantage of mechanical warriors lies in their fast calculation and processing, billions of calculations per second, which makes their combat response comparable to that of any experienced warrior. Ye Meng stepped on the rocket and moved forward, in just one second. It was an unexpected action, but when Ye Meng stepped on the third rocket, the mechanical lion reacted!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The remaining three rockets were detonated in advance! The terrifying shock wave hit Ye Meng hard like a sledgehammer, making the running Ye Meng reach an incredible speed.

"Boom!" This time, even the other three mechanical warriors around Jack didn't see what was happening. The purple lion flew out directly and hit the ground, creating a ravine of two to three hundred meters!

The battle between Ye Meng and the Machine Tribe, which arrived in advance, had already attracted the attention of 80% of the audience on the Internet. Now, the purple lion was knocked away without any warning, and almost all the attention on the Internet was directed here!

"Holy shit, what happened? How did the purple-crowned lion fly away!"

"I can't see clearly. It's too fast. I can't see clearly at all. I only saw the Purple Crown Lion firing six rockets. The rockets exploded directly in the air. Damn, you are bullying people. Our strength is too low. , can’t even understand the game?”

"Idiot, this is an online broadcast, replayed in slow motion!"

"Fuck, I forgot, slow it down ten times. Hey, I saw it. Sure enough, it was the insect that knocked the purple-crowned lion away. Grandma, it was still too fast. Slow it down twenty times! Fuck, it's terrible. This rocket is terrible. The impact of the explosion hit the insect, causing ripples like water ripples on the insect's body!"

"Idiot, didn't the purple-crowned lion just say that? This bug is combined with a liquid life form. The explosion just now not only did not hurt him, but actually helped him!"

In the first round, go to Shuyuan zhaoスshy.c. Ye Meng wins!

"Damage, the front armor piece is 30% damaged. The Zerg's provocation to the Machine Tribe is unforgivable!" The purple-crowned lion stood up from the ruins. Although the 100-meter tunnel he pulled out was spectacular, look at it. In his almost intact state, it can also be seen that his injuries are not serious. The lion's eyes are constantly flashing, and the stiff mechanical voice is also mixed with angry emotions.

"Machine clan? Are they also angry?" Ye Meng was surprised.

"You Zerg race all have feelings. We are more advanced beings than humans and biological civilization, why can't we have feelings!" The purple-crowned lion roared, kicked off his feet, and rushed towards Ye Meng in an instant!

Ye Meng laughed loudly, catching up and fighting with the lion!

This mechanical lion, although the rockets on his shoulders are powerful, close combat is his specialty. His body is harder than the armor of a star battleship, and every inch of his skin is a weapon!

I saw him swinging his sharp claws fiercely towards Ye Meng from top to bottom. Ye Meng accelerated, moved two meters sideways, dodged, and was about to attack. Who knows, the purple-crowned lion waved The sharp claw spun around like a broken bone and quickly slashed from behind him!

Ye Meng was indeed caught off guard by this attack method. After taking a look at the purple-crowned lion's hard armor, Ye Meng gave up on exchanging injuries for injuries and speeded up to dodge again!

However, he lost everything due to one mistake. Just because of these two dodges, the purple-crowned lion began to press forward step by step. His tail, claws, and even knees could be rotated at will during the attack. , due to his carelessness, Ye Meng instantly fell into a disadvantage and was beaten to the left and right. Although he was not injured, he could only defend himself and was quite embarrassed.

Jack glanced at the battle situation, ignored this side, and looked towards the city below, "Roc, Iron Arm, Wanderer, continue to attack!"


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