StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 473 Death Match-Start

Ye Luo disagreed, "A race that can't control its own destiny has bad luck. If something like this happens, it can only accept its fate..."

Cassandra stuck out her tongue, "You are indeed a Zerg that is famous for its bloodthirsty killings. The smell of blood in your tone is no weaker than that of Arlin..."

Ye Luo smiled.

"The death match will be held in three days. Everyone, have a good rest today. Tomorrow, we will take the ship prepared by Century Light to the Newman planet. Okay, the banquet begins. Everyone, enjoy the carnival before the war..."

The delicacies prepared by Century Light are quite good. The corpses of many powerful monsters have been prepared by master chefs. They are not only delicious, but also rich in energy...

Ye Ci has been crazy for a long time. He has been eating and drinking without any image since the beginning of the banquet. Ye Chao and others are by his side. Ye Luo smiles and raises his eyebrows at Cassandra, "Niu, there is nothing here now." What happened to us..."

Cassandra looked at Ye Luo's lewd smile and raised her face, "My father is going to participate in the death match tomorrow. I need to spend more time with him..."

Ye Luo rolled his eyes...

Three days later.

Over Newman's Planet...

Six oval-shaped battleships flew over the six most populous cities on Planet Newman. Light from distant stars shone on the six battleships, casting a shadow of death on the ground.

During these three days, the people of Newman spent their time completely in a state of collapse! Three days ago, as soon as the content of the death match was announced, the people of Newman went crazy. They cried, they roared, they were angry, and they were unwilling, but their emotions were only theirs.

Three days ago, Gibraltar's garrison in Newman left the Newman planet and stationed on the periphery. The crazy Newman people lost the restraint of order and committed countless heinous acts of madness, rape, killing, and robbery. It's everywhere. These three days are the last three days of the Newman people's madness, the three days of losing their minds...

The death match is about to begin. Tens of thousands of aircraft fly out from the battleship and scatter to every corner of Newman's planet. They will be responsible for recording the entire death match. Of course, killing counts are also among their tasks.

Ye Luo finally decided not to participate in this operation. The operation was led by Ye Meng, Ye Lei, Ye Hua, Ye Ci, and Ye Ya! Ye Luo had only one order for the five of them, which was to help Constantine win first place. He didn't care about the means. Even if Ye Meng killed strong men from other civilizations for this, Ye Luo didn't care either! ! !

This order made Constantine, who was sharing the communication, almost fall off the battleship when he heard it.

"The prisoners on death row have been released, the death race begins!" A metallic sound echoed around the world, officially announcing the end of Newman!

"Hey!" The battleship hatch in front of Ye Meng and the five men slowly opened, and Ye Meng said softly to the communication channel, "Lord Constantine, you have to be fast. I will stay in this city below for you. of……"

Constantine sighed, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Ye Meng didn't answer him, because he had already rushed out of the hatch!

The five Zerg heroes just flew out of the battleship and turned into five different directions!

Among them, Ye Meng and Ye Hua rushed towards the Guslov Mechanical Clan, and Ye Lei and Ye Ci rushed towards the Trojan Civilization! Only Ye Ya came to the city high above the battleship and looked down at the chaotic city...

Constantine clenched his fists and no longer hesitated. The Three-Eyed Clan is a paranoid race. Just like all the Three-Eyed Clan members will reserve their first time for their wedding night, so are their instructions to the God of Prophecy. Be steadfast! Since the God of Prophecy has chosen the Zerg, if the Zerg goes crazy, they can only go crazy!

Sometimes, it’s scary when paranoid people go crazy!

Constantine flew into the city below him, and his third eye opened directly!

"Light of flames!" A red ray shot out from the third eye. When it shot out, it was only as thick as wood. It flew a thousand meters and turned into a giant light pillar with a diameter of 100 meters. Constantine turned his head slightly, and the red ray shot out. It was like the sky-supporting stick in Chicha's hand, sweeping across the buildings below from the side!

Buildings collapsed, lives perished, and with one sweep, at least 100,000 people died! The fragility of life is so desperate at this moment.

The ray did not sweep away and disappear. As Constantine exerted his strength, it swept back from the other side...

The four strong men around Constantin landed at low altitude and flew past quickly. Any fish that slipped through the net and was swept by the light of the flames would be killed with a wave of their hands!

On the Guslov Mechanical Civilization side, Jack the Ripper landed coolly from the sky. He did not go up and magnify his moves like Constantine did, but showed off his majesty, and four twenty-level strong men followed him. Behind him, Jack suddenly stretched out his right hand towards the sky.

"Hey!" The alloy sword behind him shot out towards the sky in a series of arc flashes, and then shot down like lightning!

Jack held the alloy sword, and a cold voice enveloped the city below, "Ant, for you and others, destruction is both an end and a new life! Kill!"

With a soft drink, the four mecha warriors behind Jack started to dazzlingly transform like Transformers. One of the mecha warriors, whose main color was purple, transformed into a man carrying four cannon barrels on his shoulders. ’s mechanical lion, a mecha warrior with red as the main color, turned into a mechanical roc!

The purple body of the mechanical lion reflected dazzling light in the sun, and its body shook slightly, "Boom, boom, boom..." The six rockets turned into six arcs and flew in one direction towards the city below!

"Rumble, rumble..." In the giant city, six fireballs exploded instantly! The solid houses and buildings were torn to pieces like paper in the shock wave. The Newman people surrounding the major buildings were directly blown away a hundred meters away by the shock wave...

The red mechanical roc roared loudly, spread its wings, and flew towards the sky, rising one thousand meters higher again! Then a violent dive was launched, and a concussion bomb was severely thrown down during the dive!

However, in the expectant gazes of the five Jacks and hundreds of millions of viewers, a black shadow suddenly shot from a distance and bounced the concussion bomb away!

"Rumble..." The concussion bomb flew five or six kilometers and exploded at the edge of the giant city. The violent shock directly set off a terrifying earthquake. The ground continued to collapse, and terrifying spider web cracks appeared. Plants, Animals keep falling into the cracks...

A stream of data flashed through Jack's eyes, and an emotional voice sounded extremely cold, "Zerg, Ye Meng, your behavior is considered provocative in my data definition!"


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