Sky Dungeon

Chapter 696: Bei Yuyan

However, Jing Tian and the others absolutely couldn't see all this, because Jing Tian asked everyone to go offline for dinner before the scolding spread. It's not that Jing Tian deliberately avoided it, just because he was hungry. Of course, the most depressing is not those players who scolded the Cloud Riding Guild, but couldn't see the Cloud Riding Guild reply. No one really feels like a punch on the curse. , I don’t know how to get up, maybe I have to stick to it, how disgusting and disgusting.

The most depressing is actually the players of the Demon Race. They heard that when the Cloud Riding Guild was on the 8th floor of the dungeon, all of them were like rabbits smelling alfalfa grass. They were desperately teleporting to the alliance, and they had to try their luck to see if they could meet Qiyun The players of the guild, take a good look at them. If you can record a video of killing a player in the cloud riding guild, it would be great.

Most of these people were teleported to the 8th floor of the dungeon as they wished, but the terrain is extremely unfamiliar. If it weren’t for the name of the map, I’m afraid they would have been teleported to the wild. It’s really hard to find the Cloud Riding Guild on such a large map. not easy.

In fact, Jing Tian and the others encountered demons when they were spawning monsters on the seventh floor of the dungeon today, but now the combat power of demons players will be forcibly weakened by the system with the assistance of monsters, which will give the demons. The player adds a temporary weak state, and the degree of the weak state is related to the number of monsters to balance the combat power between the alliance and the demons.

After all, alliance players are now not allowed to hold a group to restrain the demons, so as long as the demons players encounter the alliance team that is spawning monsters, they can abuse food easily?

Kicking Tiannongjing does this to fill the battle with the process. Yes, it is the process. If you are always invincible and invincible, then the Demon players will not have the motivation to move forward.

However, this weakness is also very limited. In most cases, as long as the Demon Race equipment is better, it is not difficult to send the Alliance players back. The balance of the system always takes care of players who are more willing to krypton gold. Of course, it can't make krypton gold players too strong without any challenge, but it can't make the demons unable to defeat the alliance. Then upgrade it!

However, all the Demon players who encountered the Cloud Riding Guild were basically sent back to the Demon Realm. Even if they said that they had been sent back by the first guild of the Alliance, not many Demon people believed it. After all, everyone is like this. Just kidding, I always said that I was sent back by the Cloud Riding Guild. The pictures are good-looking on weekdays, and they are not too embarrassing. The wolf comes and shouts a lot. When the wolf comes, everyone really feels nothing.

It wasn't until the Alliance players said the same that the Mozu players realized that this was a good opportunity to kill the Cloud Riding Guild. Unfortunately, this opportunity has been missed.

Lin Yumian finally withdrew from the level 32 personal copy. He looked excited when eating. It seemed that he was taking selfies. The lunch became a welcome banquet. No matter whether the girls were still angry with the sky, Yu Yan never Returning from such a far place, it is always a distinguished guest, and even always makes people feel that this has risen to the relationship between countries, and the etiquette is naturally not to be neglected.

Yu Yan was also generous and praised a table of food, which made Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue quite satisfied.

However, in the pleasant atmosphere, Jing Tian’s cell phone rang, and immediately after he saw a very strange number, although the number was very strange, Jing Tian faintly felt that the call was related to Yu Yan in front of him. After taking a look at the crowd, Jing Tian decided not to answer in front of Yu Yan.

So Jing Tian said hello and walked to the balcony before answering the phone.

"Hello?" Jing Tian greeted lightly.

"not good."

The voice of an unfamiliar and majestic middle-aged man came from the phone.

"Uh...Who are you looking for?"

For some reason, Jing Tian had the illusion of an ominous premonition of fulfillment.

"Looking for you, your kid is so courageous, dare to abduct my beloved daughter?" The middle-aged man went straight to the subject without going around.

"Who are you, there are so many beautiful women here, who is your daughter, or who are they?" Jing Tian didn't want to explain anything, but the other party regarded himself as the culprit, so he simply regarded himself as one. Back to the bully of the Jinwu Cangjiao.

"Oh, the Jing family boy is no longer the only stubborn little hairy boy at the beginning, and he has a good temper after running away from home. Now he dare to talk to his elders?" The middle-aged man suddenly put on the tone of his elders teaching the younger ones.

"Uh... I don't know who the predecessor is, what kind of intersection did I have with you when I was young?"

Jing Tian is even more curious. The visitor has checked all his own affairs clearly, and it seems that it is not easy.

"I'm Bei Feng Lie!" The middle-aged man no longer had any appetite for Jingtian, and directly revealed his identity.

The north wind is fierce?

Patriarch of the North Family?

If all major families respect the elders, this Northern family is an exception. The Northern family emphasizes respect for strength. Bei Fenglie’s personality is too good and not suitable for business, but he can become the head of the family. , Then he definitely has his own advantages.

"It turned out to be Uncle Bei. It's been a long time since I saw you. Uncle Bei, you won't be kidding me, lend me ten guts, I can't abduct your baby girl!" Jing Tian said weakly.

It’s not that Jing Tian was afraid of what Bei Fenglie would do to him. The key point was that Jing Tian was timid when he saw Bei Fenglie. Be habitually tough in front of him.

"Your kid is telling nonsense with your eyes open, right? I think you're still blind. Isn't Bei Yuyan not with you now?" Bei Fenglie's voice became Bei Yuyan?

Yu Yan turned out to be your daughter?

Jing Tian seemed to have heard an international joke. Does Yu Yan's appearance follow the north wind?

Could it be that Bei Fenglie was green and didn't know it?

So Jing Tian said indifferently: "Are you sure that Yu Yan here is your daughter? She told me that she had created a kidnapped game, and she shouldn't be seen through that soon, right?"

"Huh! The female college is not staying. I was really surprised at the beginning, but I sent a bodyguard to report that no one had entered my daughter's house, so I wondered whether the bodyguard was incompetent or the daughter was missing. Earlier this morning, I received an important clue that Yu Yan’s game is online! Wouldn’t I know if she played a game, not to mention that this game is authenticated by real name. Don’t look at me on the surface but ask anything, even I never thought of her playing games as ignorant, but even so, she didn’t put away her gaming equipment, which obviously left me such a key clue. I guess my daughter actually hoped that I would find her.” North Feng Lie's tone became deep again. Sky Dungeon

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