Sky Dungeon

Chapter 695: Demon Minions

"When Lao Tzu upgrades to surpass you, Lao Tzu will be the representative of the alliance!"

The voices of condemnation on the World Channel have come and gone, and of course many of them are instructed by people with ulterior motives.

In short, the Cloud Riding Guild became a target of public criticism for some reason.

This is the case for casual players, not to mention those guild members who are jealous of the Cloud Riding Guild. Regardless of the fact that these guilds of the Jade Demon Alliance are more united on the surface, in fact, no one is really convinced by other guilds.

After all, there are actually quite a lot of people who hold the idea that people who are not my race will have different hearts.

Of course, in fact, the most disunity is within Huaxia. Huaxia has the largest number of guilds, but it is the most disintegrated, and no one in Huaxia officially stood up to establish a unified foreign guild of Huaxia people, and there is only the Green Wolf Group Guild. Admired by public opinion as the representative and main force of the China Union Association.

However, this phenomenon seems to be what Tengyi officials want to see. If all Huaxia players unite, I am afraid that the world will really dominate the game. Huaxia games are dominated by Huaxia people, and this phenomenon is naturally detrimental to the development of the game.

At this moment, players from the Blue Wolf Group and other guilds are all pouring into the 8th floor of the dungeon. The map on the 8th floor of the dungeon is instantly enlarged, making it even more difficult to reach the BOSS area coordinates. First, the distance becomes farther, unless it is randomly transmitted to the vicinity of the BOSS area, this probability is quite low.

Secondly, due to the surge in the number of influx of players, the refresh frequency of monsters has skyrocketed, and the refresh frequency has also increased a lot!

This refresh is a level 35 monster. For players who are equipped with only a few items of level 30 equipment, it can be described as abusive. After all, the monsters will be refreshed soon after they die. Even Jing Tian and they are still at this moment. The 8th floor of the dungeon will also be under pressure. You must know that except for the BOSS area, the team cannot form cooperation. Only a five-person team can deal with waves of level 35 monsters. Sooner or later, they will not be able to sustain it. What's more, those players whose equipment is one grade worse than they sit in Guantian What?

However, these people have lost their rationality due to death, and even began to suspect that if the BOSS area can be grouped together, facing such frequent refreshing monsters, they can easily increase their experience.

It's a pity that the BOSS area itself does not spawn monsters at all. You can only drag the monsters around the BOSS area into a group to kill in the BOSS area, but now in this case, the BOSS area is already crowded with people, even the monster refresh rate has changed. Refresh 30 seconds after death, those monsters are not enough to grab!

There are more monks and less porridge, and once you step out of the area to attract strangers, the ghost will know that if you walk on the front foot, will others fill up your pit with the back foot? Now it's a carrot and a pit!

Just when the players went to the 8th floor of the dungeon to die, Jing Tian and the others had already started farming monsters everywhere on the 7th floor underground. They were used to the brutal monsters of level 35. Looking back, they felt that the level 30 monsters were somewhat relaxed and comfortable. Up.

Especially at this time, there are very few people robbing monsters. After all, not everyone is eager to rush to the next level, but there is still one person who cleans up monsters step by step.

This way, when it was around lunch, someone finally stood up and condemned the insidious cunning of the Cloud Riding Guild. After all, the players on the 8th floor of the dungeon were already tossing badly. The players standing in the BOSS area also discovered the experience. The growth rate is not comparable to the next level.

Moreover, because the players gathered on the 8th floor of the dungeon, the demons were frequently sent directly to the 8th floor of the dungeon to launch sneak attacks, which caused even more casualties to the Alliance players.

"I heard the players in the guild say that they met players from the Cloud Riding Guild on the 7th floor of the dungeon. They clearly spawned mobs on the 7th floor and deliberately tricked us to kill us on the 8th floor. I have died several times and haven't walked to the holy place for spawning monsters. !"

The peripheral players of the Blue Wolf Group are the first to attack. All this seems to be a deliberately arranged trap. Regardless of whether the Riding Cloud Guild player appears or not, they are all in the dark.

"Coming to the 8th floor is to die. It is either chased by monsters or killed by demons. It's too bad."

"The sacred place for dog-exhausting monsters. People are dozens of times more monsters. How many can you grab? Don't come. Many people are gone."

This dog exhaust is a new generation of harmonious replacement word. Obviously the original words are "shit". It has to be said that Tengyi's original practice of turning all swear words into smiley faces is indeed undesirable, but now it is more harmonized to directly harmonize swear words. It is easy to be accepted by players in the world. Of course, this plan was actually made by Jing Tian. Now that it has been adopted, it can only be said that Tengyi Company pays attention to this issue now.

Therefore, this harmonious system is still being improved. What makes Jing Tian have to admire is that even the "dog fart" in the voice has been tampered with by the system to "dog exhaust", and the system will intelligently pronounce according to the timbre, so that the tampered vocabulary of the system sounds like what he has made. , This kind of technology can be considered as a last resort. Before the sensitive words will be filtered, the voice will become uncomfortable, but regardless of such a small setting, Jing Tian knows the degree of difficulty in its realization.

"I think a lot of people are indeed not staying in the monster spawning holy ground, but there will be teams entering the pit in an instant. It really convinces you guys who are used by others. The Cloud Riding Guild must see too many people on the 7th floor of the underground city, so Send out such fake news to trick everyone into running the 8th floor upgrade, they are so exclusive to the 7th floor monster!"

"Hehe, the people who ride the cloud guild are too are all alliances, why bother?"

"It was born from the same root, why is it too anxious to be humble! It's so cheap!"

"My own people pit their own people? What are the same roots, they are simply the spies of the demons! What kind of blame holy land, people touch people, my mother has gone several times without holding back!"

What the **** is it after going here several times?

When everyone looked at the ID, it turned out to be the well-known Mercenary Creed Guild President [The Breathing in the Darkness]. This woman has already begun to collect money from the demon clan to kill the Alliance’s guild leader. She is so embarrassed to say that the Cloud Riding Guild is a demon clan. Minions?

But what is even more jaw-dropping is that many people even agree and scold Qiyun Guild as a running dog traitor or something, which really makes discerning people dumbfounded. Really shameless, the thief shouted to catch the thief.

Everyone seems to have forgotten what Luojing Xiashi said at the time to persuade everyone to leave. Instead, they attributed all the perpetrators to the Cloud Riding Guild. Even some demons players also stood up and accused the Riding Cloud Guild. That was the day they watched the sky. Victorious members of the two-dimensional forces, this is an out-and-out slaying! Sky Dungeon

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