Sky Dungeon

Chapter 683: Your so many lovers are the best proof

I was inexplicably overshadowed by others, but Jing Tian didn't bother to care about those boring people from the two-dimensional forces. As the so-called soldiers are not tired of deceit, regardless of whether Jing Tian wins the victory with the trivial flow or not, as long as the final victory is his own guild, What to look into the details?

It’s not always the case between winners and losers in history. It’s just that with the development of the times, those who write history now become losers. They don’t hesitate to discredit the enemy by all means in order to face their faces, confuse the facts, and make people unpredictable.

As long as their Ah-Q spirit can satisfy them, I hope they won't make trouble again...

Putting all these worries aside, he took the guild mission seriously and called Yu Yan by the way to see if she could answer the call. As a result, the phone rang and rang again, still nothing.

However, after Jing Tian led everyone to complete the guild mission, he discovered that someone had actually started to satirize the two-dimensional forces on the World Channel. Looking at it casually, Jing Tian understood what was going on and asked indifferently: "Mimi, The video you uploaded?"

"Huh? President, you shouldn't be really confused, I'm fighting monsters with you, and there is no paddling, how could it be me?" Yang Mimi's voice was filled with a smug smile.

"Not you? Then how do you know what video I'm talking about?" Jing Tian said lightly.

"Of course it's not me. President, your IQ is getting lower and lower. It is said that love makes men stupid. Your so many lovers are the best proof. In the near future, will you become the IQ of a three-year-old child? Really live and get younger! I was so scared that I thought about whether to continue to fall in love in the game. Anyway, you know, I always just share my game videos with fans to study and learn. It’s just the second generation ancestor. He said that he couldn't let the people of the two-dimensional forces be so horrible, so he cut and uploaded it to the forum." Fortunately, Yang Mimi spoke only half of his words without tune, and half of them were understandable to humans.

What do you mean by being in love making men stupid?

And also so scared that you dare not fall in love in the game?

Are you a man?

Or are you worried about the fat man's IQ?

More importantly, is there any difference between this and the one you uploaded?

"I'm doing it! Wife, don't get me wrong. The frog is a patient with a serious lack of IQ. If you are in love or not, it will not affect your IQ at all!" Luo Xia is anxious and has to lose his car to protect his handsome, Jiyou The little car of Friendship turned over when it was overturned.

Jing Tianjing, Yang Mimi and Fatty were so entangled, there really was a feeling of IQ decline. After all, I was miscalculated today. I didn't expect the two-dimensional power master to play such a low-level hand.

This is the fact. Yang Mimi took herself and the female local tyrant Feng Ji and Hei Bai Jiu Bai to attack a team of the two-dimensional forces, and killed two of them, scaring the remaining three players of the two-dimensional to escape in embarrassment, waiting for the support to come back. Got out.

Relative to the title of the post posted by the two-dimensional forces, the second generation ancestor of the gods of the second dimension unceremoniously wrote: "Reply to the two-dimensional forces, and take a **** as you were at the time!"

At this time, of course, the twenty-four world channels were all captured by the saliva army arranged by the second generation of sniper, and the image of the two-dimensional forces and the five scum was well publicized. How painful and painful this slap is. .

However, the two-dimensional forces do not show weakness. After all, the enemy has bullied themselves. How can they not fight back, so Ainzurgong directly responded that the cloud riding guild relied on the advantages of the arrow tower and the poor amount of skill cooling to attack. It succeeded only once, and declared that if she had the ability, the empress would send out a video to kill their powerful players, and they would be convinced.

It can’t be said that it’s not insidious and cunning. After all, after the successful suppression, the black and white supported the right. Fengji and the sister who didn’t eat mice were fighting with each other in a multi-player battle. Although they did not fall, they did not fall. Kill the opponent's character, and everyone knows that afterwards, when the Cloud Riding Guild is united, Yang Mimi has never fought with the opponent player again. Where can he kill their player character again?

In other words, Ainzur relied on the fact that the Cloud Riding Guild couldn't produce the video at all, so the lion opened his mouth, bragging about himself frantically.

How to deal with the counterattack of the two-dimensional forces?

However, this is not something Jing Tian should worry about. Although this slap was not loud enough, it was also firmly slapped on the face of the two-dimensional forces. It is also true that a group of people were left by three people and two people fled. This somewhat affects the influence of the two-dimensional forces in the demons.

Jing Tian still cares more about Yu Yan. Where are his friends from a foreign country at this moment and what are they doing?

Why is there no news? What happened, why not go online?

It’s time for the game to go offline on weekdays, and I still haven’t seen the shadow of King of Sword Cavalry going online. After going offline, I had a meeting with everyone. Luo Xia asked about Yu Yan again, and Jing Tian could only be in front of everyone. There was a phone call, but the ringtone from the other end of the phone was still unanswered.

Is it missing?

Evaporation of the world?

If it's possible in the game, but now in reality, how could it evaporate inexplicably?

Everyone is beginning to worry about Qi Yuyan, but they are beyond reach, and it's just that everyone is a game friend. It is impossible to get to know each other's family and friends just because they play a game, and then contact them if they have anything to do. Most people who play games I still don’t like to bring the contacts in the game directly into After all, this also pays attention to a process. Only after everyone is familiar to a certain degree, will there be direct intersections in reality, right? ?

Helpless, everyone can only go to each room to sleep with suspicion.

Before Jing Tian fell asleep, suddenly Jing Tian's cell phone rang. He picked up the phone and glanced at the display. It was not the name Jing Tian had expected, but a strange number.

A trace of disappointment and worry flashed across his face, Jing Tian decided to pick up the phone anyway, and I am afraid that there is something very important to call himself this late.

This number is not unfamiliar, because Lai Xian showed that the geographical location is exactly the same city as Jing Tian. In an instant, Jing Tian searched for anyone who might call him. He even thought of his own boss. , Thought of the sales lady in Kukai Garden.

But thinking about it, maybe it was just someone who made the wrong call. Jing Tian answered the phone and said lightly, "Hello?"

"What is the name of the community you live in, and which building?" Sky Dungeon

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