Sky Dungeon

Chapter 682: Not enough glory for them to win

"Let me correct it, it should be how sure we can push down the arrow tower with the gunfire of the Cloud Riding Guild." Tongya Kazuto and Asuna seem to be a couple in reality, but Tongya Kazuto can better grasp the point. And it seems to be correcting, but it is actually helping Asuna correct her opinion.

"If it is in the manga now, we will definitely face the difficulties and tear them to pieces with the spirit of the Japanese samurai. However, now we can't be arrogant. Even if the Cloud Riding Guild wins this competition, they won't win enough. Brilliant." Ainzurgong finally calmed down his anxiety and seemed to have made up his mind.

Is it not glorious enough to make them win?

Want to muddy the water?

"How?" Everyone was obviously interested, and asked in unison...

If Ainzurgong said that everyone should fight a beautiful turnaround and win this battle, I am afraid that even he himself could not believe it. But now, he was talking about letting the Cloud Riding Guild win. The burden in everyone's heart disappeared instantly, and the chick who had never been confident turned into a wretched eagle, as if to give the Cloud Riding Guild a sharp blow.

If it is said that Jing Tian led a strategic retreat with everyone before this, leaving the Japanese two-dimensional forces players dumbfounded and worried, now it is Jing Tian's turn to be dumbfounded and unclear.

It’s not because of anything else, but because after receiving the black and white information about the two-dimensional players advancing into the middle, Jing Tian thought it was a trap set by the other party, aiming to lure Qiyun’s main force to attack the village and then kill A back carbine.

So Jing Tian deliberately arranged for black and white to follow behind, but when black did not understand white, he sent back that the two-dimensional forces showed no signs of ambush, and went all the way to the arrow tower riding on the cloud and snow, Jing Tian helplessly order everyone Attack the villages and towns and explore the reality.

I thought that as long as they attacked the villages and towns at the beginning, the two-dimensional forces would return to defense, then Jing Tian would be able to use his plan to retreat as an advance, temporarily avoiding the edge and retreating strategically.

The campaign again and again forced the opponent to stay and hold on, and then destroy the opponent's city guards once more, so that the villages and towns can be completely destroyed.

In other situations, Jing Tian also has various nasty strategies to torture the opponent's fighting spirit.

However, Jing Tian is not a god, nor is it Zhuge Liang. He never expected what brand of rat medicine the two-dimensional forces had taken, and he even gave up the village and town!

Yes, just give up the village and town!

And still give up without hesitation!

Players of the two-dimensional forces don’t talk about the entire army returning to defense, not even a soldier or a single soldier has returned to defense or the operation of scouts, even the black and white who are hiding from the side watching can see that the two-dimensional forces are completely giving up This time it's a game.

Then there was no more, the two sides did not have any contact, and the air wall in the village was completely broken.

Inexplicably, just like this horrible victory, and then got the guild mission reward, everyone still feels a little unrealistic.

"Brother God, why did the enemy admit defeat just now?"

In fact, everyone is thinking about such a problem, but no one can figure it out.

"Stupid brother, the other party must want to go to the bathroom. If he continues to struggle, he will have to pee his pants."

That's it! Feeling that they have a group of urgency!

The next seven-star guild mission is no longer a PVP activity, but a relatively simple slayer quest, but the seven-star slayer quest is naturally not that easy to do. The monsters brushed out by the system are also wild BOSS-level monsters. But for everyone in Qiyun, it is just a matter of time. After all, there is a BUG of village women, and suppressing the wild BOSS at this stage is not a problem.

However, before Jing Tian and the others had time to find the Warcraft that invaded the territory of the alliance, some people on the official website forums and the world channel began to hype: "The first wretched guild of the alliance: Riding the clouds and falling snow. If you dare not compete for strength, you will only steal the tower sneakily. , The video link address..."

what's the situation? Sneakingly stealing the tower?

That's right, it is definitely a ghost made by the two-dimensional forces!

Ainz Urgong is not afraid of failure. He is afraid that the Guild of Riding Clouds will magnify the result of this PVP mission. Then all he has to do is to make Riding Clouds and Luoxue win a bit of disgrace.

To put it bluntly, it is to pour dirty water on the Riding Cloud Guild, and winning in public opinion is more important than winning in the game.

Under the arrangement of Ainzurgong, the two-dimensional player will expose the scene of Qiyun Luoxue attacking the village and magic door and escaping in the tower today. It is said that the first move is the strongest, and the second is the worst. Now Anzurgong I took out the video and said that the Guild of Riding Clouds did not dare to confront head-on. Jing Tian’s side is really hard to explain. After all, the strategic retreat is a fact. Even when the opponent’s village was attacked in the final stage, the opponent was still pushing the tower on the front line, falsely saying that Qiyun The guild can attack the village or town and win.

However, Jing Tian didn't bother to explain anything. Some people couldn't afford to lose. If they lost, they would have to do something. This kind of thing is really common. No matter in any previous game, when two guilds clash and fight, the losing party will always have to First stand up for a fight, so Jing Tian said lightly: "Mimi, you go and take out the video we pushed each other out and put it on the personal homepage and official website forum."

"President, shouldn't you be confused, or your memory decline when you are older? Xiaxia, why don't you learn from the president so that you won't remember that I lost to you."

What's all this and what? Are you teasing Jingtian, teaching Luoxia, or spreading dog food?

Everyone felt that they couldn't keep up with Yang Mimi's jumping thinking.

" Although your people lost to me, they won my heart. My heart is definitely a few kilograms fatter than yours. I promise not to lose you."

Sure enough, they were sprinkling dog food, everyone just wanted to shout: barking!

"Uh... the sister who didn't eat mice was indeed not present at the time. Did anyone else record it?"

Jing Tian is not stupid. Naturally, he remembered this important question. Not only the female emperor, but also the Internet celebrity girl is also harassing in the middle. Their video clips can only prove the wretchedness of their guild. The darker!

As a result, Jing Tian was very embarrassed. Others did not turn on video recording. The main reason is that the function of game recording is not a necessary function. Most players will not always turn on video recording, especially those who do not have fans or write strategy tutorials. , Why open a video card to play the game by yourself?

Of course, the incident of the video card recorder is almost non-existent in Sky Dungeon, but it is not impossible. After all, no matter how high a computer is equipped, it cannot keep up with the upgrading of traditional game configurations. The requirements of the game on the console It is also getting higher and higher. Anyone who plays games along the way will have lingering fears. If they can not open the video, they will naturally not. Sky Dungeon

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