Sky Dungeon

Chapter 440: Is this the correct posture to clear the dungeon?

After leveling the third wave of monsters, everyone was a little shaken. I don't know how many magic attacks they had eaten. The blood line is now bitten off by a big gap.

Moreover, the fourth wave of monsters are huge stone monsters. Although these stone monsters are physical melee types, they actually have advanced monster intelligence: [Bounce with strength].

Leverage to bounce: Use the brute force of other monsters around you to bounce yourself towards the player to achieve a fast, close charge effect.

This is equivalent to a plug-in skill, the effect is more elusive than ordinary skills.

That's right, using force to bounce will produce different strengths. The strength is completely related to the weight of the monster. Almost every monster jumps out of a different track.

These giant stone men are a few times larger than the previous monsters. Although they are just small monkey-level existences based on the visual effects of the Butterfly Dragon King, it is this group of monkeys that have been used by their own bounce intelligence. The companions threw over!

At this time, all the players of the Cloud Riding Guild who entered this level were shocking. Some stone monsters have already boarded the back of the Butterfly Dragon King. This feeling of being upper body by the monster is really a little inexplicable, like being caught by an alien creature. It's so disgusting to stick on the back.

If you are not familiar with the skills, you will be in a hurry. Those stone monsters will also launch powerful output attacks, causing the Butterfly Dragon King to lose blood quickly.

Especially some female players who like to fantasize, in this case, they might close their eyes tightly and order to lose skills.

"Long Yin burst!"

Jing Tian immediately activated this sonic range attack skill. This skill instantly centered on the dragon's mouth of the Butterfly Dragon King, erupting a powerful but invisible sonic blasting attack, and the earphones suddenly roared into the magnificent Dragon Yin. The sound, the surrounding space seemed to burst open by the sound of the dragon's chanting, creating inexplicable space cracks, and all stone monsters were stunned without exception.

At this moment, Jing Tian immediately gave a soft drink, and issued another skill command: "Water droplets go through!"

Jing Tian became more and more convinced that these 20 skills are actually a cover, why the cooldown of each skill is so low, and even only four or five skills can be selected in turn. There is no need to set so many, which is very difficult to remember.

I am afraid that the reason for setting up 20 skills is to make people blindly unable to select the most effective skills in a reasonable and targeted manner.

For example, when dealing with these stone men, this water drop stone piercing skill naturally has an extra damage effect, but it is not specified in the skill description.

However, the name of the skill of the water drop stone wear is actually a hint. I am afraid that kicking the sky is to give you some clues so that you can discover the hidden damage effects of these skills.

At this time, Jing Tian regarded himself as the planner of this dungeon again, and understood the setting of this dungeon from the perspective of planning. After all, although the planning of this level 32 dungeon was his own initiative at the time, he had not planned the Butterfly Dragon King. In terms of the skill setting, Jing Tian and Luo Xia discussed at that time, just transplant some group damage skills from other monsters, but never thought of designing as many as twenty.

This is naturally not in line with the common sense of planning for single-player dungeons. The 20 skills of the Butterfly Dragon King are all unfamiliar to the player. This makes it easy for the player to be confused and cast randomly. Moreover, these skills have a very short cooling time. There is no need to design so much combat power of the Butterfly Dragon King. It is completely possible to adjust the power of the skill to greater.

However, existence is reasonable, and Jing Tian firmly believes that kicking the sky and Nongjing is definitely not a targetless person, so he can find the golden key to customs clearance in the first time.

After Jing Tian issued the quick command of the skill of Water Drop and Shi Chuan, the VR screen instantly jittered, as if the whole world was responding to Jing Tian's correct choice, applauding Jing Tian's wiseness.

In the next second, the surrounding images fell rapidly, and the Butterfly Dragon King naturally jumped into the air, floating hundreds of meters above the heads of the monsters!

Before the stone monster below could react, the Butterfly Dragon King opened his mouth and instantly spit out a powerful water column the size of a bowl. The direction of the water column was the stone monster below, but at this time the direction of the water column shooting It is controlled by Jingtian.

Jing Tian was unceremoniously operating the stone monster that Optimus Pillar swept across the ground. The stone monster was still in a dizzy state, and all the stone monsters swept by the drop of stone were all gone!

Jing Tian was also a little shocked by this scene. After all, he was also familiar with all twenty skills before. Although he guessed that the water drop stone piercing would cause effective damage to the stone monsters, he did not expect that the special effects of the skills would also be used. Other changes have taken place.

Previously, the Butterfly Dragon King, who used the water drop stone to penetrate, just stood in place and launched a ranged water wave attack on the area directly in front. But now, how could the Butterfly Dragon King float in the air and issue such a continuous point-killing attack?

Is this the correct posture to clear the dungeon? It's true: if life is as good as it is in the world, let's make a dime tonight!

Jing Tian definitely doesn't want to believe that a skill also comes with a crit attack special effect. He doesn't believe that he accidentally triggered the hidden attack effect of [Water Drop and Stone Piercing]. This is definitely because the target of the skill is a stone monster, and the Butterfly Dragon King will inspire Feitian I The effect of the earth-shattering skills of Xi Wanli.

The first wave of monsters was so weak that it only allowed players to practice their skills.

Jing Tian can now completely overthrow this This is definitely a trap. It allows players to be preconceived. Everyone chooses to use a few more powerful and lethal skills, and then recycles these. The so-called high-output large-range killing skills, but these skills have no special attack effects at all. This is a naked misleading trap.

Ask the world, what is the pit? Directly teach people to stumble and jump! You have to climb out of the pits you dug in tears!

Of course, although the pit was dug by himself, the barbs inside were buried by kicking the patio well. This guy would really use the pit to bury thunder!

In other words, the key to this 32-level dungeon is not to pick out the best skills among the 20 skills, but to find the most suitable skills for the monsters. Those superficially excellent skills can actually not be more powerful. Firepower, on the contrary, from these seemingly tasteless skills, according to the description of the skill name hint, finding the deadliest skill is king!

Jing Tian had to admit that the game planning ability of Kicking Tian Nongjing is absolutely no less than that of himself, and the degree of insidiousness is never lower than that of himself. If he is not careful, he will really be calculated by this behind-the-scenes designer. Sky Dungeon

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