Sky Dungeon

Chapter 439: Transform into a boss

It's clear that everyone is the same, who told you to change the BOSS and have random shapes or attributes?

In other words, if there is such randomness, it is not a disadvantage, it will add more fun?

It’s not a loss to be an alien, so I’ve gotten into Tengyi as a game planner!

"Be careful, everyone, although you have turned into a boss, don't be brushed by a monster as a boss." Jing Tian reminded lightly. After a while, his vision had fallen rapidly, and his whole body was heavily hit by a missile. Countless times, the living things on the land have been burned out, and the soil has become like black coal.

Just before the huge dragon claws fell on this land of death, the surface was sunken due to the huge impact of the butterfly dragon diving and falling, forming a huge crater, surrounded by endless dust storms, This picture is almost comparable to the effect of a giant bomb.

However, after such a fierce bomb fell, a large wave of dark and unidentified creatures emerged from the ground. The shapes of these unidentified creatures were weird, as if a group of ferocious cheetahs pounced on the butterfly dragon controlled by Jingtian.

Needless to say, Jing Tian immediately used the active skills of the Butterfly Dragon. Although these skills are area group injuries, the attack range still cannot cover the entire monster group. However, this first wave of monsters is simply cannon fodder to familiarize players with the effects of skills. As long as a unified bombardment can completely destroy these dark bugs.

Yes, of course it is a bug. Although these creatures may be as big as a cheetah, they are insignificant compared to the huge body of the butterfly dragon. These dark creatures are simply large in the eyes of Jing and the butterfly dragon king. It’s just a large group of bugs.

"It's so cool to be a world boss. If you can play a real world boss in the wild, you can kill players when you go online. That's also a good experience. I can skip meals for 72 hours and have fun!" Yang Mimi's mouth raised. There was a fanatic arc, and there were cannibalistic gazes in the eyes. Although everyone could not see it, they were all worried about Luo Xia. If you fall in love with such a fanatic, you might become a fanatic!

Although you can't become a boss to abuse players casually, the feeling of trampling on an army of ants as an incarnation of a boss is really refreshing. Everyone feels like a man and a man, and a range of damage skills can be cast at will. This kind of thrill of killing monsters is absolutely impossible to obtain in leveling.

However, it was not so easy from the second wave of monsters. At the beginning of the second wave, the dark monsters finally took on a physical appearance. These monsters can be said to be alien aliens, some with three heads and six arms, and some Monsters with one head, six eyes, three heads and six arms will launch long-range attacks. If hit by a long-range attack, the player-controlled Butterfly Dragon King will not be interrupted, but the Butterfly Dragon King’s health bar will not automatically recover. If the blood line Zero, then the copy is over.

"Everyone eats as little harm as possible. This is definitely an important factor in evaluating the level of the dungeon's clearance." Jing Tian immediately reminded everyone.

However, the body of the Butterfly Dragon King controlled by the player is too big, and the number of spears formed by throwing magic with three heads and six arms is too much, and it is inevitable. Jing Tian can only smash the range attack as priority as possible outside the three heads and six arms. In the star biota, Zhao Jiaxue's scream came from her ears and headphones at this time: "Oh, you guys don't shoot me, don't shoot me, don't shoot, it's disgusting..."

Sure enough, she is a woman with terrible dirt. Although she is talking about alien creatures in the game, how can she hear it makes people feel that there is another unsightly picture?

Everyone is full of black lines, can't you scream after you turn off the voice?

"Hey... this is not fun at all, we'd better not waste time, dumb brother, let's get back."

Everyone couldn't believe their ears. Yang Mimi was interested just now, but in a blink of an eye she has lost her interest. This woman's jumping ability is really too great.

Sure enough, women are fickle creatures, good at change, good at flexibility, and good at perverts!

However, if you think about it, you can understand that this guy has been attacking with ordinary dragon's breath. The first wave of monsters is too weak. The ordinary attack of the butterfly dragon is also a range attack, but if the ordinary attack has been used, this dungeon will obviously not be able to pass the level. Yes, even if it is cleared, it is impossible to achieve any outstanding results.

Players who are highly addicted to FPS gameplay can't afford to hurt it!

"I'm doing it! Wife, should you still keep the general attack?" Luo Xia seemed to react faster, and was the first to ask.

"Yeah, I'm not accustomed to using those skills. Why don't you let me transform back and use my shaman mask skills. It's so annoying. I don't have this dungeon anymore. I will continue to level up."

Everyone was even more speechless. Before everyone could react, the sister who didn't eat mice had already withdrawn from the battle for the first kill of the dungeon S-level.

Only Yang Miaomiao said with a look of excitement: "Oh yeah! That time I won Miaomiao, please come for dinner and we will go out to have a big meal."

I don't know when the siblings made the bet!

"Brother stupid, we bet that whoever wins the first kill of the S-level today will let the other party invite dinner, but you haven't won the first kill yet, maybe you will be robbed by Xia Xia, and the dinner time is 6 o'clock. It’s out of date."

Yang Mimi played cunning, and I have to say that although this woman has a strong spirit, she pays great attention to details when betting.

The key is that Yang Mimi now frequently calls Luo Xia "Xia There is a smell of attachment in her voice. It seems that the relationship between the two has taken a step further, and a few people have to look at the fat man Luo Xia with admiration. The level of abduction is really high.

"Stupid sister, isn't it before 6 o'clock? Watch me take the first kill!"

It is a good thing to have ideals, but the key reality is contrary to ideals. This third wave of monsters has all become ranged magic monsters, and these monsters have even played kite flying!

This really made everyone a bit of a headache. They could only rush into the enemy's body with a huge body and then cast range skills. It seems that BOSS is really not good!

How could the huge body not be hit by the sky of ice and fire magic?

Fortunately, the Butterfly Dragon King seems to have a special passive skill. It is immune to all the negative states of attacks below a certain damage value. This is the guarantee of trampling on this third wave of water and fire monsters. If these water and fire monsters are The attack power has reached a high level, and I am afraid that the action interruption effect produced by the two elemental attacks of water and fire is enough to make players cry. Sky Dungeon

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