Sky Dungeon

Chapter 367: Do I often hug girls in kindergarten?

With this embrace, Nan Lingxi’s tears finally stopped, as if she had been expecting this scene to happen, her hands were naturally blocked by Jing Tian’s back waist, her hair was slightly dry and purple. His lips opened gently, and he said gently, "Brother Jing, this is the first time you have taken the initiative to report to me since elementary school."

For the first time since elementary school?

Jing Tian's forehead immediately dropped countless black lines. Was it true that he was really possessed by the love saint during his kindergarten period, and he still belittles the kindergarten female students every day? Since ancient times, heroes are passionate, and have been in vain since childhood? Have you inherited any kind of love gene inherited from superheroes?

The key is why Nanlingxi seems to enjoy it so much. Could it be that I was the ideal spouse for girls when I was in kindergarten? When I was a child, it was impossible for Yushu to be in the wind, at best it was a little bit cute than the average boy! Isn't it because of me, but Nan Lingxi, who had a premature love for the first time, had that kind of thought of himself?

Thinking of these inexplicable words, Jing Tian began to doubt life completely. If her kindergarten is so popular, why do she feel that everyone is very mean to herself after she arrives in elementary school. For example, Liu Yaya, she completely used herself as a younger brother in elementary school.

"Did I often hug girls in kindergarten?" Jing Tian asked indifferently.

"Of course there is nothing, but when I am timid and afraid, you will take the initiative to come up and hug me, saying that you can give me half of your courage. From now on, the two of us will be together forever, no matter where you are. Borrow half of the courage to me, even if my courage is zero, I won’t be afraid anymore.” Nan Lingxi’s voice became soft enough to melt a tower made of an iceberg, and her pupils shone with wonderful luster, as if The warm moment in the kindergarten repeats itself at this time.

"It turned out to be like this." Jing Tian breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. It turned out that he was a little warm boy when he was in kindergarten. No wonder Nan Lingxi remembered him so deeply. After all, where was such a mature and sensible brother in kindergarten? ? Thinking of this, Jing Tianxin suddenly jumped violently. If he has such a personality, what has happened to the kindergarten that caused his elementary school to begin a major change in his personality. In elementary school, he was not as mature as Nan Lingxi said. Could it be IQ? Double degradation of emotional intelligence? Could it be that I was jealous of some kid, and then hit my back with a sap, so that I had a huge amnesia?

"Brother Jing, are you okay?" Nan Lingxi naturally felt the strangeness of Jing Tian. She also knew herself well. The moment Jing Tian's heartbeat was very normal, strong and powerful, but his heartbeat was obviously disordered at this moment. , Seems to have encountered such a terrifying demon, and he was out of control.

"I'm fine. I want to know what happened in kindergarten. I don't have a trace of memories from before elementary school in my mind. Whether it is happy or sad, I think normal people will remember a little bit, but no matter how I remember it. , I didn’t get the slightest gain. Why are you hiding from me?” Jing Tian’s voice was a bit agitated. This was a moment of excitement with a few digits. Even Nan Lingxi could clearly feel Jing Tian’s voice. The difference from usual.

"That incident was listed as a state secret, Brother Jing, do you understand that it is better for you if you don’t know it. That incident was an accident. No one thought that the adult would use such extreme means to subvert The state government, in order to prevent that incident from discrediting the ancestors, his family used all their power to completely seal the incident. Anyone who has experienced it on the spot is not allowed to mention the incident in any form on any occasion. The events and the people involved, otherwise even our four families in the southeast, northwest and northwest will be uprooted mercilessly. As you know, we are all children of the business family and have not touched the political world. The political world is represented by the eight ancient families. Firmly control, who would dare not follow the things they want to seal?" Nan Lingxi has done his best to tell Jing Tian what she knows by wiping the ball. This is the limit of her ability.

"Since I'm the person involved, why can't I know what happened? The seal is naturally not mentioned to outsiders, but can I stay out of the matter? Even if you tell me, it can be completely recalled by myself. It's unpredictable, but it won't be monitoring us all the time." Jing Tian asked lightly.

"Brother Jing, you are the person involved, but the Eight Members of the Ancient Times also know your amnesia. The consensus over there is to keep you secret. Unless the Patriarch of the Eight Members of the Ancient Times lets go, no one dares to tell you. Liu Yaya dare not, this profiteer Nor, we don't dare to make fun of our family background and affection, and we don't want to bear the life of the whole family. We are not afraid of ten thousand, but we are afraid of it." Nan Lingxi pushed away Jingtian and said firmly.

"Well, I won’t be embarrassed by you anymore. I will figure this out through my own methods, even if it’s prying open the mouth of the Patriarch of the Ancient Eight Great own affairs are controlled by myself. , Maybe my memory was erased by them, I'm looking for an explanation from them. Although I don't know who tried to seize the power of the world, but my own memory, I will definitely take it back!" Jing Tian Li said.

Life is unsatisfactory, and the Ming Dynasty gives out a fart! It is the Eight Great Masters of the ancient times, what is it, my own destiny is in my own control, and I will let your faults be blamed on me, and let me take care of everything for you. Whatever insults to your ancestors, you dare not even face your own faults, and what face is there to meet your ancestors? The ancestors' face is truly gone.

"Brother Jing, don't be impulsive. It will hurt your family and relatives and friends. Although you ran away from home and broke away from all relations with the Jing family, your father also sent a pear sticker to completely erase you from the genealogy, but the eight families You don't think so easily that you are completely irrelevant. If you pull your whole body together, Brother Jing, you don't want to involve those who are not related to you, right?" Nan Lingxi worried.

"They are them. If their business is clean, how can the eight big families get them? Right can't be abused. Even if you have power, you can't wipe out a family for no reason. As long as you are upright, you are not afraid of shadows and do not do bad things. Afraid of ghosts coming." Jing Tian said with disdain, he seemed to have no nostalgia for the Jing family at all. Sky Dungeon

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