Sky Dungeon

Chapter 366: Childhood friend riding a bamboo horse

Although Nan Lingxi’s expression is unacceptable, and even said to be an insult in a sense, but to put it another way, Nan Lingxi just kindly reminded a few people to pay attention to their health, but In terms of her businessmen's behavioral methods, the use of satire and agitation can often achieve unexpected results, so she uses commercial methods in dealing with people.

Nan Lingxi has no friends at all. She doesn't know how to deal with friends at all, how to deal with friends, even if she doesn't mean to be bad, it is easy to mess up the relationship!

Maybe her subordinates can tolerate her weird way, but Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi are obviously not her subordinates, how could they endure it? Perhaps it is this kind of environment that makes Nan Lingxi's behavior a bit arrogant and extreme. Thinking about this, Jing Tian stood up and said: "Uh... just do what you say, Nan Lingxi may not be maliciously despising. We, she wandered around in the mall for too long, and was not good at expressing her true feelings to friends in the right way, especially we, after all, are not from a social class, and she cannot change her identity in a short time. Although some words are excessive, they are also facts."

"If you have money, you can't disrespect others, right? We don't care about her. When we want to change to the old Xia chaotic society, we might have turned the table and broke the picture for her." Zhao Jiaxue still reluctantly said.

"Her starting point may be good. I have criticized her before, but she can't make her depressed and hunger strike because of this trivial matter? If you think my remarks make her depressed or commit suicide, then I will have it all my life. I can’t forgive myself.” Jing Tian walked straight out of the room after saying that, Liu Yaya immediately got up and followed him. This matter was her starting point, and she naturally had to stand on the same line with Jing Tian.

Liu Yaya was proud at this time. She became a good wife once and successfully defeated two competitors, Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi, who are not rivals. If there is any rift between them and Jing Tian, ​​then she will definitely borrow The machine turned this crack into a gully.

Oh? Zheng Chou couldn't find a way to live with Jingtian. It was a god-given opportunity. If he burned the fire again, I wonder if Jingtian would fall out with them? Liu Yaya's heart began to writhe again.

When Jing Tian walked upstairs with the hot food, the door of Nan Lingxi's house opened wide. Jing Tian felt bad subconsciously. He immediately rushed in with the food and put the food on the dining table. Jing Tian immediately called Nan Lingxi's name, but no one answered at all. At this time, Jing Tian's feeling of anxiety intensified rapidly, but at this moment, Jing Tian seemed to hear a faint sobbing sound, and Jing Tian immediately began to look for the source of the sound from house to house. Finally, in the closet of the master bedroom, Jing Tian found Nan Lingxi sitting on a wooden board sobbing.

I don't know if Nan Lingxi has a special hobby, or he hid after hearing Jing Tian's voice. The dignified business queen actually hid in the closet and wept in the small dark room, which made Jing Tian somewhat surprised.

At this moment, Jing Tian’s hanging heart finally fell to the ground, but his heart was suspended again in the next second. After all, at this moment, where is there any strong woman in the shopping mall in Nanlingxi who is crying into tears? The image is almost like a little girl who has been wronged by the sky. The crying and tears are like the Yangtze river that has broken the embankment, running endlessly.

Seeing such a jiangshan beauty crying so earth-shaking, two lines of tears even wet her delicate uniform doll-collar shirt, the guilt in Jing Tian's heart was instantly like a raging prairie fire, out of control.

Jing Tian immediately stepped forward to support Nan Lingxi, but Nan Lingxi saw that the person was Jing Tian, ​​but she stubbornly pushed Jing Tian's arms away, and then hysterically said: "You go, you let me go, I don’t want you to see what I look like!"

"Unless you don't cry, change back to that high-spirited business queen." Jing Tian said tremblingly.

"Who wants you to control, don't you mean...we can't be...friends anymore?" Nan Lingxi choked intermittently.

"Uh... Did I say? You can do other things if you don't be friends, such as childhood sweethearts. We all know each other in kindergarten. Although I can't remember, you used to hide away not far from me in elementary school. This is still fresh in my memory. At that time, you were always invited to come out and play with everyone, but you all escaped." Jing Tian made a strong argument.

Childhood sweetheart? It seems that this word has a strong ambiguity! Lang rode a bamboo horse to make green plums around the bed... Nan Lingxi even recalled the scene of a young plum riding a bamboo horse. That's right, she was riding on the back of Brother Jing when she was a child. That time she even experienced from Jing Tian. Father's love never before. An unremarkable daughter in a business family has hardly won her father's love, only her father's favor.

"What are you doing here to **** the merchant? Seeing what you said just now, you can't wait to kill me, and you regret it so soon? If I cry to death, isn't it a pleasing thing?" Nan Lingxi asked tentatively , The voice of speaking has become coherent, and the sobbing can be suppressed forcibly.

"I thought about it calmly. Perhaps you are not good at dealing with friends. After all, you are in a shopping and there are not many opportunities to deal with civilians. I also want to understand. I blamed you. Your intention is good, and on the other hand, Yun Yiyi’s mouth is the first to make you feel that it is necessary to remind us to pay attention to our own health problems. However, you must know that most people nowadays want face, even though there is a set of aggressive players in the market. The law is very effective against the enemy, but you should treat them as partners in the market. When will you not give your partners face? Everyone works together, although the benefits are on the one hand, more cooperation is smoother together And happy, if you are suspicious of each other, even if you make more money, I am afraid that next time you will not be willing to cooperate with the kind of person who makes you afraid?" Jing Tian explained in a very kind tone.

"Huh! This profiteer talks about not giving face, the key is what kind of social status, what kind of social treatment, people are destined to be alive, they are destined to be three or six or nine. Although they say equality in words, don't everyone know them? Eating with me not only lacks respect and humility, but is inferior. Is it right? I just used the question to remind them that they should pay more attention to health issues. After all, I am not at ease with you. But they don’t understand. Even though, I don't care, but you are fierce to me, do you know how many people are fierce to me when I grow up?" Although Nan Lingxi's words were sharp, his eyes were tender.

"I'm sorry!" Jing Tian didn't know why he had to apologize, let alone why he couldn't help holding Nan Lingxi in his arms. Sky Dungeon

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