Sky Dungeon

Chapter 313: Laser cannon

Needless to say, the subsequent attacks of everyone, like violent storms, fell on the liger beast. At this time, Jing Tian felt a little relaxed, that is, when he relaxed, he suddenly became alert. How could it be so smooth? If you know this is a real boss, why shouldn't you cause trouble for everyone? Even destroy a group or something.

The BOSS bloodline was hit and dropped slowly by everyone. Could it be that there are village women’s infinite combo BUGs that make it so smooth? Is it possible that once the boss has a chance to counterattack, what headaches will be released? After all, this is a real heaven and earth crater guardian beast, how could it be killed so easily?

"Uh...Don't let your guard down. When the qi value is 15%, the boss must have some big tricks!" If kicking Tiannongjing is only such a level, Jing Tian absolutely doesn't believe it, he even said to himself. : This BOSS will definitely have a second hand!

"Yes, yes, how could it be so simple? It's too smooth, isn't it that we are too strong? Or the BOSS at the beginning is too difficult, so the game planner deliberately releases the water in the early stage, trying to paralyze us and then give it during the runaway We are an exterminating group god-level skill!" Zhao Jiaxue echoed at the first time, she didn't want to admit that it was the village woman's credit.

"It's because of the village woman." Yun Yiyi said coldly at this time. Although she added points to her rival, she knew that even if she didn't say it, Jing Tian would think about it, and she even said it better than Jing Tian said it. Come out more comfortable and make yourself more motivated.

"It is possible. Where can there be someone who can put so many skills in a row? This is almost the same as father beating a child. The BOSS setting may not take into account the interruption of so many continuous skills, and it will definitely stop our offensive. After that, a counterattack was launched. It was the unexpected player who constructed the unexpected BOSS, which seemed weak. This is the same as plastic surgery. It is not that the ugly girl becomes beautiful too smoothly, but the plastic surgeon is just a cow." Analyzed what Jing Tian thought.

Even with the village woman, the Dinghai God Needle, everyone did not dare to relax under Jing Tian's reminder. They all approached the 15% vitality mark with a cautious attitude. However, what is surprising is that the BOSS has not changed at all, it is still like being mermaid, and it has no power to bind a chicken.

14%……12%……10%……5%……BOSS’s vitality and blood flowed continuously, but there was no sign of counterattack. Is this kicking the Tiannongjing deliberately for everyone to relax and let everyone experience it? How does it feel to kill the boss in a frightening battle? This is too abnormal, right? As a result, the person's back is always hairy, and he stares straight at the boss and dare not look sideways.

However, everyone focused on the strategy and even forgot to pay attention to the last trace of the BOSS, and the BOSS fell unwillingly with a roar. Is it true that no disturbance has occurred, and everyone is happy?

The corpse of the BOSS was already lying quietly under the huge crystal tree. Zhao Jiaxue understood that this time was the real corpse that really dropped the treasure. The previous time only triggered the mechanism of a lion and a tiger, so she said nothing. The first one ran up to pick it up, and she thought that maybe she could find a double egg this time. However, her face turned green after picking it up, and she was still empty!

"Why is it still empty?"

But this time they still didn't wait for everyone to react to what happened. Suddenly a dazzling light was shed from the huge crystal tree, Jing Tian's heart shrank suddenly, and he blurted out and shouted, "Xiaoxue, run away!"


"hand of God!"

Regardless of his own safety, the plastic surgeon suddenly appeared in the sky with a divine palm condensed by the holy light. It was the hand of God. The next moment he stroked Zhao Yunxue'er's head. The fairy touched my head, knotted my hair and received longevity, not to mention God. Where's the touch? The blood line that Zhao Yunxueer evaporated in the last instant was completely pulled back!

Zhao Jiaxue backed back with a lingering heart, her mouth pouted and cursed: "What the **** is this plan to kick the patio well? This is simply a laser cannon. It shot my old lady down with just one shot. It's too illogical. At least six or seven cannons, my old lady is still very young, how could she not be able to withstand his old bones!"

Laser cannon? Six or seven guns? Men feel a little pain in their lower body when they hear it!

Jing Tian was still a little curiously observing the situation in front of him, but Zhao Jiaxue was so noisy, he was actually a little helpless and really shook his head because of Zhao Jiaxue's monstrous ability. However, when he came back to his senses, he took another look at the corpse of the liger, and it disappeared without a trace!

Is it that the boss is going to stage a mutual eating and transforming Dafa, this time it is a tiger and a lion?

It's a pity that Jing Tian guessed wrong again this time...Without any warning, the next second, an afterimage crossed the sky, and it turned out to be a human-shaped liger! Zhao Jiaxue has never designed this kind of BOSS. It seems that kicking Tiannongjing really has a back hand, but he deliberately avoided the 15% vitality mark, and played the trick of reviving again!

Jing Tian was amazed in his heart, but he really hesitated. At this moment, he really didn't know if he could be himself, could he design more endless settings than Kitian Nongjing. The first time the white tiger and the lion king were resurrected after falling down, Jing Tian didn't have the slightest surprise, but Jing Tian did not expect this human-shaped liger beast.

However, when everyone saw the appearance of the human tiger lion beast from the light, Zhao Jiaxue was stunned, and she recognized that the shape of the tiger lion beast at this time was not unfamiliar. This was not the first version of the tiger lion beast that she had boringly designed at the time. Yes, it was rejected back then, how could it still exist? Look, it turns out that what I created for the first time is the best! At that time, I was angry for several days because of the rejection of the creation. My feelings were all fooling myself!

Thinking of this Zhao Jiaxue's anger is burning, there is a kind of impulse to rush to slash the BOSS with 10,000 combos.

That’s right, the most depressing thing for art designers is that their creations have been rejected, and the works designed with great painstaking efforts are not appreciated and praised. After the even more hate is denied, they devote themselves to designing several versions. After coming out, tell yourself that it's not as good as the original version!

Jing Tian, ​​Yun Yiyi and others looked up and down the humanoid tiger lion beast with weird eyes, saying that this is still a beast, this is clearly a dark red-skinned, muscular thug, only on his chest. A round "Lion" is engraved on the top!

"Oh? Is this a monster transformed into a human form? Why is there only one lion character?" Liu Yaya asked in a puzzled voice, not knowing if she deliberately had trouble with Zhao Jiaxue.

"Uh... then when you have the opportunity to take a closer look at his back, there should be a tiger character corresponding to it." Jing Tian naturally recognized this warrior with fluttering hair, and he also began to think about who it was. Moved out the BOSS prototype that was rejected in this way, but the BOSS didn't give him time, he didn't know when he had two more crystal knives in his left and right hands! Sky Dungeon

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