Sky Dungeon

Chapter 312: I don’t know when to eat food, but the food still laughs in the spring breeze

Although I don’t understand what happened, when Jin Chengwu saw the blood line of sitting Jing Guantian, he was still surprised. Sometimes, although confused, the whole process was clearly seen and shocking. This shocked people. Far more surging than the sensible.

Sitting in the well and watching the sky clearly endured the violent sprint of the BOSS, the boss who was like a bamboo stopped in place, and entered a state of vertigo shaking his head, which is incredible!

Jin Chengwu feels a bit guilty at this moment. If the BOSS really swallowed half of the bloodline of Zuijing Guantian with only one blow, and if it wasn’t for Zuijingguantian, what method was used to make the BOSS enter a dizzy state, I’m afraid that he would call to Zuijingguantian’s Naturally, that crazy claw attack, such a high-density continuous attack, even if every single attack is just normal attack damage, it is enough to instantly tear the sitting in the well to watch the sky. If that's the case, there is really no room for him to face the treatment. After all, he has insufficient consciousness and has not controlled the treatment distance. This is definitely a taboo in the treatment profession. This is the first time he played with the guild team. Low-level mistakes will definitely be laughed at by international friends!

But at this time Jin Chengwu was not at a loss because of his guilt, a blood therapy technique instantly pulled the blood line of sitting in the well and watching the sky back to 100%. Then the one-handed sword in his right hand has been inserted into the right shoulder of the Lion King. Although he is treating, he also understands the current situation of sitting in the well and watching the sky. Without support and skills, he can only drop the blood line of the boss as soon as possible. , The longer the delay, the more troublesome it may be.

However, Jing Tian didn't think so in his heart at this time. He was not in a hurry to consume the bloodline of the BOSS, because he knew that the ultimate guardian of the heaven and earth crater was not the lion and tiger, and their defense was not as expected. If the guess is good, the insidious game planner Ki Tian Nongjing just wants to quickly consume the ignorant players and launch an unreserved attack on these two seemingly cruel BOSS. The real danger is still behind. If, according to common sense, the strategy is based on the last stage of the BOSS bloodline, because you are worried about running away and do not reserve the attack, then kicking the Tiannongjing will definitely teach you what it is: BOSS does not necessarily have only one life!

It didn’t take long for the White Tiger BOSS to be the first to lie motionless on the ground under the siege of the village women. The village women naturally rushed to the side to watch the sky. The lion king changed his previous mighty power by the village women. The skill was so good that he couldn't fight back, and fell down after a somewhat mocking cry. However, unexpectedly, the ultimate guardian did not show up, Jing Tian's eyes were filled with a smell of doubt, and the smell of conspiracy seemed to be smelled in his nose.

At this time, Zhao Jiaxue had forgotten the ultimate guardian she had designed, and rushed forward to pick it up. However, the system did not give any equipment reward tips. Is it an empty bag?

This kind of probability is extremely low, could it be encountered by Zhao Jiaxue?

Zhao Jiaxue really regrets that she is so anxious, so that Liu Yaya should be allowed to jump in such a big hole, so at this moment, can she laugh at her to relieve her anger?

Helpless, Zhao Jiaxue could only pursed her small mouth and said with regret: "It's an empty bag."

However, before everyone understood what an empty package was, the situation suddenly changed and only a dual singing voice rang out. Of course, it was actually a yin and yang dubbing of a male and a female, saying: "Hahaha, you think It's too naive to defeat this beast so easily..."

A lion and a tiger in the VR screen actually resurrected in situ, and the two beasts teleported into the air without knowing why. The original corpses of the two beasts were no longer visible. However, the next second made everyone feel nauseous. , The Lion King BOSS opened his blood basin and swallowed the white tiger directly!

That kind of picture is indeed rare in the game, although it is not bloody, it is quite strange!

After a while, the lion king who swallowed the white tiger alive appeared cracks on his body, and golden light drilled out of the cracks. The next second golden light masterpiece, the lion king boss was directly cracked by the explosion!

I don't know when to eat food, but the food still laughs at the spring breeze. The most painful thing about eating goods is that the food is in front of you, but the stomach capacity is insufficient!

However, the Lion King is not a foodie, and the White Tiger is not a delicacy. A strange-looking guy appeared in the air, turned out to be a liger! The appearance of this liger has to make people laugh a little bit ridiculously. Isn't this a piece of the white tiger's hind legs and the lion king's front legs and chest? Can game designers have snacks and don’t play Tetris at work?

If anything has changed, it’s just that the lion king’s forehead has a black and white pattern of the word king, and the spar inlaid in the skin has not changed at all. Is this a liger beast that the designer cut corners and pieced together?

If someone questioned this face to face, Zhao Jiaxue would definitely point to the nose of the opposite person and scold him for being uncultured. In reality, ligers exist, which refer to the next generation of male lions and female tigers. Moreover, Zhao Jiaxue also looked up a lot of relevant materials and real photos to put it together. It is definitely not a simple design made by cutting corners.

Jing Tian was unwilling to attack Zhao Jiaxue's realistic design and did not stop it, because in the eyes of ordinary players, it was a bit crude, but it was an eye-opener. Perhaps when they encounter such a BOSS to search for information about the liger, they can still see the real liger photos and compare them. Then the design is a success.

The liger descended from the sky, and even brought a gust of wind, swept through the crystal leaves torn from the giant tree, and fell on the ground in an exaggerated manner. Before everyone discusses how to attack, the liger has preemptively taken the lead and only listens to the VR headset. A duo of howling and lion roar was heard in the middle, which is the masterpiece of the liger: 【Beastmaster Duo】!

This time, the range of the sonic attack was obviously exaggerated more than doubled. Everyone in Jingtian was obviously within the range of being attacked and hit at the same time. This time, no one was spared. It was a 5-second stun, but how could Jingtian let the BOSS be like this? Unscrupulously annihilated them, it was a series of misfortunes that sent the BOSS back into a dizzy state. In the next second, Sitting Jing Guantian had already carried Fang Tianji towards the BOSS. After a violent smash, everyone got out of the vertigo state first. The BOSS followed closely, but Fang Tianji in the hands of Sitting Jing Guantian was really troubled at this time. BOSS is a cross-section, followed by a leap from the sky, and the word "king" on the forehead of the liger in the middle of the sky, tripledamage! Sky Dungeon

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