Sky Dungeon

Chapter 308: Boss durability is not enough?

Boss durability is not enough? Everyone's minds are like lightning across the sky. Although Zhao Jiaxue's thinking jumps a lot, this time I am afraid she will be right!

You know, weapons are all durable, and when the durability of Ziwu or higher is lower than 15%, they cannot maintain their life form! After all, Ziwu uses life forms to consume durability according to time. Although the consumption is relatively small, it is always consumed. In order to ensure the durability of the weapon to maintain combat, in the game settings, once the durability of the weapon is less than 15% It is no longer allowed to transform into a life form, thereby saving the natural loss of durability.

It turned out to be such a thing! Thanks to myself, I was careful to let everyone restore their mana consumption. Isn't this a waste of time to kill the boss? It seems that the dungeon points for clearing this time will also be greatly reduced.

Jing Tian explained in a lightly self-deprecating way: "A misstep will become an eternal hate. I didn't expect that the ship overturned in the gutter and was kicked into the sky and the well was the mastermind behind the scenes! This BOSS's blood value and emotion are durability and low durability. At 15%, the panda bear’s form cannot be maintained, and it has changed back to the form of a weapon to be slaughtered."

"Is there still such a setting?" Jin Chengwu was very surprised. Where can the boss not run away at the 15% blood runaway mark, but will be caught with nothing? This is absolutely incredible and unheard of! If it weren't for Jing Tian's detailed explanation, he really didn't know if the BOSS was short-circuited, or if there was a bug in the game.

Jin Chengwu didn’t know. After that, some players kindly reported back to Tengyi Company that there was a short-circuit bug in the BOSS of this copy. As a result, Tengyi Company sent him an official email. The content of the email was naturally about Ziwu. Setting instructions. However, some players still think that they have encountered a BOSS short-circuit event. In fact, most players will not choose to report a bug. After all, being able to survive the BOSS runaway state so easily is no different from picking up a huge cheap. Before it's too late, there are very few players who will take the initiative to report and correct this so-called BUG. However, for the first time, most players were even more brutal than Jing Tian, ​​and they continued to attack the BOSS after they were fully restored. However, what made them bothersome and joyful was naturally the short-circuit phenomenon of the BOSS. Most players would end up depressed. Sigh: If you find out early, you don't have to wait so long!

"Haha, frog, you finally admitted that you were tricked. This moment is worth remembering. Take a screenshot or something. It will be a very good hot spot when you become famous in the future! The world's best at cheating you will be today. It’s not that it’s not time to report!” Zhao Jiaxue was gloating on the sidelines. She was also happy that she was the first to discover this key point. It is rare for her to find out the essence of the problem before Jing Tian and Yun Yi step by step, although only once. But she is already full of confidence in her IQ and observation ability, and it can even be said that she is full of confidence.

However, everyone looked at Zhao Jiaxue's jumping thinking that "there is no cure for advanced cancer."

"What are you waiting for?" Yun Xueyiyi had already unceremoniously raised the gentian gun in his hand and rushed out. He stabbed the panda bear in the form of a sword madly, and several people followed.

Needless to say, the people's crazy onslaught looked a little bit ridiculous. After all, they weren't a monster, but a crystalized purple weapon. If the video was released at this time, the players would definitely be laughed at as crazy. . It’s been a long time since I have experienced the excitement of standing output. Sky Dungeon actually lacks a lot of brainless fun, no brain output, no brain tank BOSS, no brain brush blood... Now experience a brainless stand output, It's also quite fun and relaxed.

Accompanied by the cracking sound of the spar, the BOSS panda bear was finally considered a thorough attack. Zhao Jiaxue was a little regretful: "I tried to pick it up just now, but unfortunately I can't conquer it. If there is something like a wizard ball, Okay, just shoot it as a baseball, you will have no worries about killing monsters in the future."

Here, Zhao Jiaxue’s thinking has jumped again, but everyone still thinks Zhao Jiaxue’s thinking is more valuable than Yang Miaomiao. After all, this BOSS weakness has become a weapon form. According to reason, your own weapon should naturally be able to After being picked up and beaten down like a Pokemon, a poke ball was thrown over it, wouldn't it be collected? Just look at the problem from another angle, and let the picked up equipment be regarded as the BOSS drop treasure.

However, in the future, Jing Tian and the others learned that Zhao Jiaxue’s thinking at the time was actually exactly the same as Teng Yi’s plan, except that he picked it up at an incorrect time point. If he picked it up when 1% of the BOSS bloodline was left, he would definitely pick one. Orange Wu: Crystal Magic Sword.

After this setting was picked out, Zhao Jiaxue was still very stunned, proud of her ingenuity and ability to kick the sky well, and the bull nose was going to the sky. Of course, it was Jing Tian who was most emotional. He didn't expect that kicking Tian Nong Jing was also a person with such a leap in thought. Maybe he was still a woman. This kind of weird strategy of orange dressing was really maddening. But it doesn't matter if we don't talk about it.

At this time, Zhao Jiaxue unceremoniously picked up the BOSS Unfortunately, it was just an orange armor. Looking at the name [Inner armor cast by magic sword], I knew it was a good physical defense equipment. , And the more important thing is that it might still be made by refining and casting the magic sword, maybe there is some powerful unknown magic power. However, since it is a metallic inner armor, there is no special need for a career that pursues mental and intellectual power.

Jin Chengwu, Yun Yiyi, and Zhao Jiaxue gave up roll points one after another, and Jing Tian and Liu Yaya conducted roll points. Although Liu Yaya didn’t have much interest in this kind of equipment, as a woman, he couldn’t always let his man feel that he was taking up his own. Cheap. Doesn’t this mean treating the other party as a white face?

If things go on like this, where to put the dignity of a man, as long as the other party is not a pseudonym, then he will definitely not be able to bear such endless goodwill, but will feel uncomfortable and even angry, even if he knows that this is the love of the woman, he will stay away of. Maybe the two have just repaired the relationship that hasn't been long before, and it's about to collapse completely. Therefore, when it is time to make a move, make a move. Don't blindly deny the man, don't blindly keep the man as a pet!

I have to say that Liu Yaya's character seems to have a GM aura. Sitting Jing Guantian has already scored a high of 178 points, but Liu Yaya ROLL has a 195 God points out, and directly put the inner armor cast by the magic sword into the bag. Sky Dungeon

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