Sky Dungeon

Chapter 307: BOSS surrender?

When she said this, Jing Tian, ​​Liu Yaya and Yun Yiyi could naturally hear the meaning of the ridicule, and unconsciously cast helpless eyes at Zhao Yunxue'er. But who is Liu Yaya? She is simply pretending to be confused, as if she hadn’t heard what Zhao Jiaxue said at all, and didn’t put her deliberately funny behavior in her heart at all. Whether it was internal or external, she directly opened the double ignorance. trick!

At the end of the ROLL point, Zhao Yunxueer won the Sword of Depravity with a higher score of 133 points. When she was happy, she still calmed down in her heart: Fortunately, this time she did not come up with a bet about who wins and who brushes the plate. , Or else I will have to reform through labor again.

However, after the belonging of this orange weapon was determined, the system did not pop up any more drop prompts. Obviously, the situation of this pair of eggs cannot be reproduced casually. Zhao Jiaxue is equivalent to using her own actions stupidly. Once Liu Yaya's victory was proved, her heart was already extremely depressed at this time.

"Don't be discouraged, you still have many opportunities to reach the same level as me. After all, sometimes you don't know what despair is if you don't put in 100% effort." Liu Yaya's voice is full of joking meaning, she It is to see things thoroughly, and the timing of speaking is quite in place. This sentence added fuel to the fire, and Zhao Jiaxue’s depression in her heart reached its peak immediately, and even the volcano that was about to erupt was swallowing magma. In the stomach, her internal organs were burning.

Zhao Jiaxue was so poor at this time that she couldn't find any words to fight back.

Jing Tian directly stood up and exposed this topic like a good old man, and asked everyone to take medicine to recover. After all, what unexpected situation will happen in the next battle, Jing Tian also doesn't know. Judging from yesterday’s experience, this boss Although the first infinite charge can be broken with continuous disasters, the second infinite charge launched by the BOSS after a few tens of seconds, Jing Tian has to resist abruptly and insist that the cooling down of the disaster is over, and the more important thing is the BOSS. What kind of mutation will happen before the 15% bloodline mark, everyone has no way of knowing.

However, the second wave of BOSS’s infinite charge, sitting on the well and watching the sky, resisted without any pressure. Of course, thanks to the treatment of the plastic surgeon, his simple singing and healing skills can be described as perfect, and the 30-level Shennong’s wind skills are still It can clear the negative state. At critical times, the plastic surgeon can always release a wind of Shennong, so that Sit Jing Guan Tian can get rid of the dizziness caused by the continuous sprint of the BOSS for a few seconds, which gives Sit Jing Guan a buffer opportunity to be completely filled with blood. As long as it is not continuously controlled and has a stronger sense of operation, BOSS is not terrible.

Wind of Shennong: The group's negative state is cleared, and it will not be affected by any negative state within a few seconds (it has no effect on illusion), and a small amount of blood will be restored. The first-order Shennong’s wind lasts for three seconds. Don’t underestimate these three seconds. Three seconds can definitely make a mage chant and cast a powerful group injury magic, let alone make some displacement and return blood?

Illusion is invalid? Yes, illusion is not a physical disease. In addition, considering the promotion of the status of some non-traditional online game professions, it will give them different advantages in living space.

It seems to be going smoothly. When the bloodline of the panda bear is below 15%, the sudden change occurs, and the BOSS suddenly changes from the life form to the sword form again, and then plunges back to the ground.

"What's the situation? Is the boss going to surrender? What does it mean to be beaten back to its original form? Is it to be tamed and used by some of us?" Jin Chengwu asked in confusion.

BOSS surrender? Want to survive so strong? After all, this guy is just a prop. There is really no need to die in the hands of the player, but there is no real death in the game, let alone a dungeon. After everyone clears the level, open the dungeon. You can transform again. Did you sprint infinitely? Although it is possible to surrender, you must not be good at the sinister intentions of the programmers. Even if the BOSS surrenders, you must not let your guard down!

"Could it be that Langfersadaev will be resurrected again?"

Zhao Jiaxue's thoughts jumped immediately, and Jing Tian was a little frightened. I have to say that if Langfersadaev jumped out at this time, they would really be annihilated. If I changed to Jing Tian himself and set to sacrifice the sword soul to his master, it would have done well.

However, from the beginning, Jing Tian did not report an overly optimistic attitude towards the killing of the panda bear. After all, if everyone noticed the magic value of the plastic surgeon at this time, there would be a sense of rejoicing that his life was hanging by a thread. His blue line was only less than two millimeters long. I am afraid that if the BOSS makes another infinite charge , Let alone sit down and watch the sky, the entire team will be destroyed.

Fortunately, the hatred of the panda bear is quite strong, and there is no phenomenon of chaotic hatred. It can be seen that the main strategy of this dungeon does not want to design a fundamentally unsolvable difficulty, but at this moment, what is the 15% bloodline change? of?

Back to blue naturally? Jing Tian pondered for a moment. Since the BOSS is not moving, they should also reply first. No matter how the BOSS changes, it may be difficult for them to deal with it without So, Jing Tian Faintly said: "Don't act rashly, everyone will naturally recover."

Now everyone still can't get rid of the fighting state and use medicine to speed up the recovery speed. They can only rely on the slow and poor natural recovery ability in the fighting state, of course, except for one person, naturally the village woman. Naturally, the reason goes without saying. People just get out of the battle with just one skill. Is there anything wrong with slurping blue and taking blood medicine?

You must know that the natural recovery speed in combat is quite slow, and it is only available for characters after level 30. Although this setting is somewhat different from Jing Tian's original design, it is almost negligible under pvp and has little effect. Jing Tian didn't expect to return to the full blue situation naturally. Five minutes later, Jing Tian gave a light command, and the village woman's body rushed out. After all, only she was the safest one. With such an escape skill, she can get rid of danger anytime and anywhere. Of course, there is still the guarantee of a plastic surgeon. If she is infinitely dizzy, then naturally there is no way to get out. She has to rely on the cover of the plastic surgeon Shennong's wind skills. Row.

But something extremely embarrassing happened to everyone. There was no mention of the resurrected BOSS. This stinging sword was so quietly inserted on the ground to be attacked by the village woman. A few seconds later, Zhao Jiaxue said in an incredible tone after hell: " Is it not durable enough to sustain life?" Sky Dungeon

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