Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1821: I miscalculated

With the launch of this custom ROLL point system, it has been continuously improved after many upgrades, and now it can even be set to special marks for players in a certain ranking.

As a result, the custom ROLL point marking system was used by Jing Tian to shine. Anyone who participates in the ROLL point event within 1 minute of the specified time and wins the top 200 players after the event will receive a special mark.

   All marked players follow everyone to continue the mission, and other players are dissolved on the spot!

  Of course, there are some players who are not conscious of not leaving without a mark, but these shameless people are a minority after all and do not affect the map.

   In Jing Tian's view, the top 200 players are enough to deal with the next trap plot.

   After all, the enemy obviously did not intend to head-on, and directly arranged a large number of players to come and kill him.

   Now it is the live broadcast scene, any guild doing such things that are harmful to others and indiscriminate will only be despised by players in the world.

  The big guild is to face, absolutely can not do such nasty things in public that harm others and oneself, which affects the centripetal force of the players, it is definitely not worth it.

   So 80% of the enemies are entangled with peripheral members, or idle players who have bought some unguilded players. The number should be around a hundred people. This number of players is enough to wipe out their own group.

   Again, as long as you don’t take the initiative to open the killing mode, no matter how the other party induces it, it will be futile. I really feel noisy and can let the two hundred people use the killing mode to clear the enemy.

   The people of the original Cloud Riding Guild did not need to use the killing mode at all, even if the situation is the worst, they will die.

  Death will not cause the mission to fail, and death can only make the guild that shot it notorious.

   I believe that the Grand Guild will definitely not do this. The small guild doing dirty work, except for the guild with a small number of mercenary creeds, dare not act recklessly.

Once, because an unknown small guild attacked and besieged the female emperor, the fans of the female emperor fan team ran away. As long as they saw this guild, they would be called to siege, so that the players of this guild had to choose to withdraw from the guild. This guild completely disappeared in the long river of history.

   Therefore, if you want to fight against the Empress and Fengji's opponents, you must first consider whether you can withstand the crazy revenge of the fans. These fans are absolutely unreasonable. They are fanatical and can give everything away in the game for their beliefs.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   In other words, the big guild is unwilling to bear insults, and the small guild is afraid of offending the female emperor and the wind girl. The only players who dare to make a move are those who wear The coat of mercenary guild, the man who does things for the big guild!

   Yes, some big guilds didn’t want to give some disgraceful things to mercenary guilds. They felt that their president might leak secrets, so they secretly supported several mercenary guilds.

   These mercenary guilds are the same as the mercenary creed, they are not large in scale, the members are paid high in the division of labor, and they accept various tasks externally.

   When the big guild behind them has demand, they will also hire them in the form of tasks, and they are not afraid of leaking the news, after all, the president is his own!

   Of course, except for the president, everyone else is a serious mercenary!

   Therefore, it is difficult to judge who is the supporter and mastermind behind these mercenary guild leaders, and these mercenary guilds have always been afraid of revenge.

   were originally elite players who licked their blood, and the number was relatively small. Even if they were besieged and killed by the female emperor husband group, there was a prerequisite. They must be locked down first!

  The sky and the earth are big, and the Aiyinsi map is also very big, how can it be locked casually?

   For high rewards, it’s okay to be hunted for a period of time. If you don’t open for a year, you can eat for one year!

   Time can always resolve all anger!

  Moreover, some mercenary guilds are full of stalkers, they are so amazing in their actions that they can't find them if they want to find them!

  Besides, when people know that you are looking for them, they will go offline for a few days, and after a few days fans will forget about the previous events.

   Therefore, Jing Tian speculates that 80% of the people who can attack the Cloud Riding Guild are still the Mercenary Guild.

   These 200 people are enough to defeat 2-3 elite mercenary guilds at the same time!

   If the opponent is mentally disabled and spends money on hiring all the elite mercenary guilds and launches a siege on himself, then it may not be long before someone deliberately let out the wind, who is behind the scenes.

As I just said, these elite guilds have their own behind-the-scenes bosses. If you place an order with all the dark mercenary guilds at once, you may be able to find out who placed the order. These behind-the-scenes bosses are even more willing to watch dogs bite dogs. The incident was so violent that the employer's information leaked out, causing the two parties to fight each other.

   Therefore, Jing Tian analyzed that it was only 2-3 elite mercenary guilds that ambush him in front of him. At most, what methods do they have to induce everyone to use the killing mode, or make everyone have to use the killing mode.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   But now with 200 backers, I am not afraid of them at all!

   is to see what nasty method the other party wants to use, all despicable will die under an iron fist!

   Two hundred players cleared the road ahead, and the car was far behind the pioneer...

   This is also helpless. After all, the temperature around the car is still a bit hot, and it is impossible for these untasked fans to accompany them to suffer the So the two Internet celebrities tried to persuade 200 fans and let them clear the way.

  Although fans are not afraid of tiredness or heat, this feeling is really uncomfortable. Even if they can hold it down, they will probably say something else to the Empress and Fengji.

   In short, I can’t let the fans suffer together. It’s already boring enough, and tortured again is naturally bad for my body.

   More importantly, so many fans watch the live broadcast!

   If I talk about it in the future, I said I took 200 fans to go to the sauna together, my face would not look good!

   However, for some fanatical fans, this crime is not a big deal at all, but neither Fengji nor the Empress can guarantee that these 200 people are their fanatical fans!

   However, not long after the team moved forward, 200 people opened the road ahead and stopped.

   Encountered an enemy?

Do not!

   turned out to be a monster!

   And, it's not an ordinary monster, it's a group of demons!

   After Jing Tian learned the news, his face immediately became ugly. After thinking about it casually, he understood: I miscalculated!

   Damn! Never thought they would have such a trick!

   This is definitely the handwriting of the Demon Summoner!

   Speaking of the Demon Summoner, Jing Tian had to think of the son of Boss Liu, who was exactly: a rap expert!

   Moreover, the rap expert and Boss Liu went to the Green Wolf Guild together, so the behind-the-scenes instructions are self-evident...

   You know, the rap expert is the ancestor of the Devil Summoner's gameplay, he created the evil genre.

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