Sky Dungeon

Chapter 166: Bluff 1 roll

"You should give me a message in private, and I will add you as a friend." Jing Tian didn't want to accompany this woman in any love drama, the unfortunate one was after all.

Jing Tian didn't know that when he told the village woman's friend, the reality operator of the village woman had a successful conspiracy smile, as if everything was under control.

Yang Miaomiao doesn’t care about the village women’s sense of mystery. On the contrary, this sense of mystery makes him fascinated. He will never feel dissatisfied because the **** sister only tells Jing Tian the secret. He also understands that everyone has his own. His secrets, it is these secrets that make him still have illusions about the world.

The other three don't think so, they only have one thought in their minds: telling Jing Tian is equivalent to telling them four!

That's right, Jing Tian would never hide anything about the content of the Sky Dungeon game itself, and soon he announced what he had learned from the village woman.

Surprised! Except being surprised is shocking! Drinking water can relieve stress. Several people have to drink a barrel of tap water for 82 years.

The four of them never expected that the comprehension skill system designed by Luo Xia had such a big loophole. This loophole is the comprehension skill that only villagers can use: [Throwing Helmet and Abandoning Armor].

Jing Tian and Luo Xia originally designed this skill that can only be used by villagers to protect unemployed players. The remaining pages of this skill book do not consume many points. The skill itself is also unacceptable to many players because of losing their helmets. The skill description of Abandoned Armor reads like this: "Use it before taking up the job. Once you take up the job, you will forget the skill. A piece of equipment on the character's body will be randomly thrown out. The equipment will be destroyed directly and you can leave the battle directly.

Throwing helmets and abandoning armor makes up for the defect that system monsters will not be pulled off in a specific ecosystem. Many novice players will learn this very low-cost skill. Once you accidentally pull too many monsters, you can use throwing armor and discarding armor. Achieve escape. After all, there are many gray equipment in the early stage of the game, even if a few are discarded, there is no substantial impact.

Of course, this comprehension skill is not enough to allow the villagers to change weapons infinitely. It must also incorporate the remaining pages of another low-level skill book, which is: [All-or-nothing].

If the remaining pages of this skill book are studied separately, the effect will be: throw the weapon in the hand of the character, hit the target at a short distance, and cause damage to the target, the weapon will fall into the package.

However, Jing Tian and Luo Xia have also taken precautions in switching between the weapons in the package and the weapons in the equipment slot. It is impossible to equip the weapons in the package to the character during the battle, and even if they leave the battle, they still need to replace the weapon in the equipment slot. Requires a cooling time of 10 seconds. However, there is another additional rule: if the player’s equipment bar is empty, he can instantly equip the corresponding part of the equipment after leaving the battle.

That's right, it was such a rule that was supposed to take into account the balance of the game and provide players with convenience, but it was just taken advantage of by the player [village woman]!

The key is that she didn’t know where she got her inspiration, she actually integrated the desperate throw to the comprehension skill that only villagers can use, and finally successfully integrated a project called [Fraud Throw] It’s a brand-new skill, and this skill just merges all the advantages and disadvantages of [Throwing Helmets and Abandoning Armour] and [Desperate]!

Defeated Throw: Use it before taking up your post. Once you take up your post, you will forget this skill. Throw out the weapon in your character's hand and hit the target at medium and close range. After causing damage to the target, the weapon will fall into the package and leave the battle.

The key lies in the fact that the player’s weapon equipment bar is empty after the bluff throw, which is in line with the system’s special supplementary rules, allowing villagers to quickly equip the weapons in the package at this time. That’s why, [village women] Realized the super bug of unlimited weapon exchange.

Of course, Jing Tian and Luo Xia have already begun to blame themselves for being too simple at the beginning, and they even set the cooldown time of throwing armor and abandoning armor to 3 seconds. They also discussed at the time that no cooldown will not affect, because no one will Continuous use of this comprehension skill, continuous use is equivalent to destroying all of your equipment!

[Desperate Throw] The cooldown time is also 3 seconds. At that time, Jing Tian also discussed that since the character was desperate, he would throw whatever weapon he had in his hand, and even if the normal player was equipped with the main and auxiliary weapons, the backup weapon, and the main and auxiliary weapons Will be thrown out at the same time by [All-Out Throw], including the spare weapon, which means that a normal player can use up to two All-Out Throw in a battle, and there will be no more weapons to throw. Some melee players in battle, if they encounter a target with a bit of blood to escape, and if they don’t have any long-range weapons, they can only watch the opponent escape, but with the [Desperate Throw], you can at least not switch to standby The weapon then releases a quick, medium- and long-range strike, and directly takes away the target's name. At the very least, it has a little bit of tricks in grabbing heads, so that it won't look at the long-range profession to pick up the bargain.

Therefore, the merged [Fraud and Defeat] only has a short cooling time of 3 seconds, which also provides theoretical support for the villagers to change weapons indefinitely.

The past is nothing but a dream!

However, it has to be said that Jing Tian has also been wary of this aspect. Weapons are heavy. Even if they are stored in a package, they will affect the player's movement speed. Therefore, in the battle, the movement speed of the village woman is probably slow. Poor But when Jing Tian asked the village woman this question, the village woman replied so enchantingly: "Oh? Then why is the clothes on the slaves so thin, and there is no armor? It's okay if you don't believe in slaves. Take it off to the officials... Yes, there is no equipment that slows down, and it’s easy to add agility to light-clothed equipment, and the slaves have full agility attributes. Should the officials personally check it. Where is the body of the slave?"

The ghost has to check your body, even if you are naked, you can’t see what attributes you have added!

At this time, Jing Tian only felt that adding a [village woman] friend was a wise decision. If she was allowed to speak so boldly in the team, wouldn't she be treated as a male dog in estrus?

Moreover, when Jing Tian asked the village woman whether she was afraid of the professional BUG of Tengyi Company banning villagers, Jing Tian was really shocked by the village woman's meticulous answer. If the village woman said all frivolous words before, then what she said next was utterly punish and reasonable.

"Oh? Originally this hidden profession is called a villager? Of course it is possible, unless the current game master wants to be expelled." Sky Dungeon

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