Sky Dungeon

Chapter 165: Meteor cuts water, sword falls in autumn and frost

"Village woman." Even Yun Yiyi is coldly optimistic about this woman, is she also loyal?

"Uh... all the village women are arrested, what else is there to bet on."

"Yes, it's still a frog. You bet me to win the frog. I will definitely live up to my mission."

"You say that, I have to charge... the village woman wins." Jing Tian also betrayed Luo Xia, this is naked revenge!

"I'm doing it! I despise you with ten toes! I'll bet on myself, I'll bet on myself for 1,000 gold, you prepare the money, and no one is allowed to repay the bill afterwards!" Luo Xia's heart was broken.

At the end of the 7-second countdown, Luojing Xiashi whizzed out like an arrow from the string. He planned to get close to the body quickly and use the combination of skills to quickly result in the opponent. The victory or defeat seems to have long been doomed, and no one can modify it. He Must humiliate this arrogant woman in front of you!

Everyone is in the same guild now, so they want to kill each other? However, no one said anything to stop them. They all wanted to witness with their own eyes what kind of strength the villagers had hidden, perhaps this was the answer they wanted. Of course, there is no shortage of Zhao Jiaxue, who wanted to see the expression of [village woman] when she was beaten.

Sure enough, at the moment Luojing Xia Shi moved, the weapon in the hands of the fallen angel, the role of the village woman, had changed, and she had replaced a long-handled death sickle with a dark body but a purple halo! This is a sickle weapon in the setting of Sky Dungeon. It is a long-handled weapon whose attack range is comparable to that of the Fang Tianji among the two-handed weapons. However, this weapon in the hands of [village woman] is a genuine purple weapon! Zi Wu seems to have a special bonus in the attack range...

"Zi Wu Meow!" Yang Meow Meow was already exclaimed. He seemed to have collected another great evidence that the village woman is a GM. Up to now, he really hasn't seen any player with Zi Wu, let alone This is a genuine level 30 purple weapon, definitely not something that can be created with a level 4 magic core!

"Be careful!" Yun Yiyi coldly reminded her. At this time, she intuitively told her that this [village woman] was definitely not as weak as she imagined.

"What about Ziwu? The villagers are always villagers. This weapon only has 3 skills. The villagers have 30% damage compensation under PVE, but there is no such special treatment under PVP." Although Zhao Jiaxue pressed [village woman] to win , But still said that she was not optimistic about her.

Meteor cuts water and cuts, sword falls autumn frost! Luoxia is careless, Luoxia is arrogant!

Jing Tian realized this when he saw Luojing Xia Shi rushing up without switching weapons. Although the opponent is a villager, there are many factors that affect PVP. You must not use PVE routines to impact the wisdom of human players. Just like now, Natsushi Luojing clearly deliberately rushed up to deliver food. Because of the attack distance of the double swords, the village women had already succeeded first. The light blade of the black sickle was as popular, and it struck Natsushi Luojing's belly heavily. , This is the basic group attack skill of the sickle weapon: cut water!

As the saying goes: draw a knife to cut off the water, and the water will flow more, and kill with blood!

Of course, there is not only such a killer move. When the Death Scythe is close, it has successively used the other two basic skills of "Mountain Splitting" and "Smashing Stone". Unsurprisingly, the [village woman] replaced the 30-level white two-handed mace in his hand in the next second. Although Luojing Xiashi returned to normal from the interrupted state, the attack distance was still not enough to release the skill. For a moment, he was interrupted by the mace.

However, Luo Xia was very proud at this time, as if everything was in his expectation: "My little master sees that you are a woman, let you three points, I see how arrogant your skills are after playing this mace. It’s just that little damage output, Xiaoye, I’m going to beat you into a chrysanthemum and turn the floor dirty!"

However, everything in the world is often unexpected, so the ending must be tragic.

Just after the basic skill of the mace, which is a long-handed blunt weapon, was empty, the [village woman] looked at everyone's shocked and puzzled eyes, as if it were a trick, and did not know where to exchange one. Fang Tianji glowing with green light!

However, Jing Tian caught an unusual action before [the village girl] changed weapons for the first time, and even Luo Xia during the battle ignored this. Perhaps it was not neglect, he just wanted to slap himself to see if he was dreaming, his brain was about to explode!

This is impossible! Except Yang Miaomiao, everyone had only one thought at this moment. Luo Xia, who was fighting with the [village woman], was already shaking and forgetting the operation on her hands. She missed the opportunity to avoid the attack and was killed by Fang Tianji. Hengduan hit the key to the crit: tripledamage!

Only Yang Meow was surprised, she couldn't help shouting: "This is not the village woman GM at all, this is God Sister Meow!"

What makes everyone think that they are dreaming and that they need to be awake is that Fang Tianji’s three basic skills are worthless, and the [village woman] has a green glow on his hands like a trick. Two-handed gentian gun! This is another two-handed spear weapon. Its attack range is second only to Fang Tianji. Needless to say, Luojing Xiashi was pierced with holes!

Although the damage of these basic skills is not high, Natsuki Raoi is tortured by this seemingly inexhaustible skill. In fact, his inner line of defense has already collapsed. He has started to think about whether there are any krypton gold items that allow fast Switch weapons, if there is, then he will definitely lose!

Of course, there is no such thing as an item that affects the balance, but the village woman really wields spells like a **** descending to the world, freely switching between various weapons and axe! Green Dragon Stick! Nine-tooth rake! Double one-handed Tang Knife...

It is simply: There are goddesses in the country from generation to generation, and hundreds of abusers have been abused by each player!

Luojing Xia Shi didn't even let out a and fell completely. That's right, it's a win!

Everyone was dumbfounded, and the village woman said in a very enchanting tone: "Oh? Isn't the slave family a bit fierce, but the slave family will be very gentle with the officials."

Several people have a feeling that they can't wait to set fire to her, this woman is so unusual, and some of them don't want FACE! Yes, just don’t want FACE. I don’t know any shame. The term official is the name of husband and wife in the Song Dynasty. If Zhao Jiaxue knows, I’m afraid she would have cursed the street a long time ago. Fortunately, her learning level is as leap as her thoughts. Master this knowledge.

"Uh...Why can you change weapons without restriction?" Jing Tian asked, even the anger in Luo Xia's heart was washed away by the village woman's infinite weapon change trick just now, and now he is full of minds. This is a question circling.

"Oh? The official came here, the secret of the slave house was only told to the official, whispered." The village woman said in a very seductive tone, as if she said the game is like reality, shouldn't she come close and listen to her Speak in a low voice, will the content of the conversation not be displayed in the team by the system? Sky Dungeon

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