Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 2128: Void Town Sky Flag, all exploded


When people are watching over there.

The Bone Sea Lord has changed here. The voice of low roar came out, and the sea of ​​bones dominated the change of body shape. It was no longer a human shape, but incarnated into his body, the three-born crocodile master.

A huge crocodile appeared in the void,

The huge tail is like opening up the world, heading towards the red dragon general.

This red dragon warrior was so arrogant that he wanted to kill them all with one knife.

Then send him on his way.

The red dragon warrior felt this power, his face changed dramatically, and the long knife moved towards the huge crocodile tail,


The next moment, he was shocked by the huge force back a few steps.

At this moment, the huge coffin in the top of the head hangs down, with terrifying pressure.

At this moment, the sky was directly crushed and collapsed.


Finally the huge coffin fell.

The Red Dragon Warrior raised his sword again to resist.

When he resisted the falling coffin, a huge crocodile appeared opposite him.

Directly towards him.

The Chilong general was shocked and wanted to break free from the coffin above his head.

But he couldn't break free for a while, and he could only watch as he was bitten by the giant crocodile.


The Chilong Warlord let out a scream.

Then the whole body was bitten off.


After being bitten, spit out directly.

At this time, the huge coffin fell. The two halves of the body were directly shaken into flesh and blood.

It turned into a blood mist and completely disappeared from this world.

No matter how he thought about it, this Chilong warrior would never have imagined that he would be dealt with like this.

"Big brother!"

He was fighting against the First Evil Lord, the Red Tiger Warrior, and seeing this scene, his face was livid, and the whole person became crazy, like a beast that devoured people.

However, he did not attack the sea of ​​bones to dominate them, but went towards the first evil monarch.

My eldest brother is not the opponent of the two, nor is he himself.

So kill the first evil lord first.

Holding the halberd in his hand, the rays of light flowed towards the first evil monarch.

The long halberd blasted out, and the light shook the sky, and the person under pressure could hardly breathe.

"Kill you first!"

The red tiger general roared.

Seeing his elder brother being killed, how could he not be angry,


Endless power, revealing murderous intent.

The first evil monarch felt a danger at this moment, did not dare to fight, and quickly retreated.

But he retreated fast, and the halberd attacked faster.

In front of him in an instant.

To pierce his head with a halberd.

The First Evil Monarch couldn't stop this halberd at all.


Just when his halberd was about to pierce the head of the First Evil Lord.

A figure appeared in front of the first evil monarch.

This figure is like a lake, so I can't see it clearly.

But as soon as it appeared, the swift halberd seemed to be frozen.

And Chihu's whole body was frozen as well.

Seeing this situation, the people watching the battle were shocked,

In their shocked gaze, the figure of Mohu raised his hand and shot it directly with the palm of his hand.


The halberd and the Red Tiger Warrior were shot directly in the palm of the hand and vanished.


Those who saw it were stunned.

They didn't expect this to happen at all.

The Red Tiger Warrior was slapped to death by someone.


At this time, after the Great Emperor Moco fought with the Death God, they separated.

When he saw the figure, his face showed surprise.

However, the figure on the first evil monarch disappeared after one blow.

Gu Chensha left only one blow on him.

"No wonder you can always occupy the position of the first evil monarch, it turns out that there is someone behind you!"

Emperor Mo Ke looked at the first evil monarch.


At this moment, the elders of the royal family of the Moko Empire, who were trapped by a page, rushed out of the ban.

But at the moment

The Chihu and Chilong two war generals have disappeared.

When the royal family elder saw this situation, his expression changed drastically.

"There is a Heavenly Venerate powerhouse behind them!"

The Great Emperor Moko said.

The three uncles had a condensed expression.


The other party has a strong person, so they are not enemies.

"How can you withdraw if you have already fought!"

"You cast a great formation to trap a few other people. I will kill this **** of death first, and I will be besieging them with you!"

The Great Emperor Moko said.

Already an enemy, how can we stop there.

What's more, the figure of that day has disappeared.

They have a fighting force.


At this time, the royal family changed and wrapped the first evil prince and others.

With the seal in their hands, now they are going to be like a page of a book, returning the way to the body.


Just when they seal.

A page of the book actually started to swell up.

The power on his body is like a dazzling star, which directly shatters the power that is being sealed.

"Just because you want to trap me!"

A page of a book speaks instantly.

The figure rushed out, the palm of the hand clenched into a fist, and a fist slammed into the three uncles.

The three emperors are the strongest here.

As for other royal family elders.

The Bone Sea Lord and the Heavenly Ancient Corpse Lord can completely suppress them.

Seeing the impact of a page of the book, the uncle of the three emperors froze, and he punched out a fist. The golden light shone on his fist and collided with the fist of the page of the book.


After the collision, his body was directly knocked out, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

He wasn't even a one-page opponent.

Here, the old ghost of the ancient corpse rushed out and punched the chest of a royal family member of the Moko Empire.

Then with a slight shock, the body of the ancestor of the royal family split directly, turned into flesh and blood, and floated in the void.

The sea of ​​bones dominates the three-life crocodile master, and the huge tail swept directly towards the royal family elder.

These royal clan elders immediately joined hands to resist, and then blocked the blow in front of them.

But the old ghost of the ancient corpse has already rushed in.

At this moment, blood was pouring out.

The sky and the earth are boiling, the Moco Empire royal family was originally going to besiege, but now they are massacred by two people.

Not giving them a chance to join forces

The situation of the Moco Empire is simply a fiasco.


Seeing this situation, no one thought of it.

The arrogant Moko Empire came to the Inner Demon Hunter and wanted to kill the Inner Demon Hunter.

But now it's being slaughtered,


The third emperor's uncle turned pale when he fought with a page of books.


Then a black flag appeared in his hand.

As soon as this flag appeared in the void, the energy quickly moved towards the three uncles.

"That's the Moco Empire, the Void Town Sky Banner!"

Seeing this, many people recognized what this flag was.

"Void controls the sky, and one flag defines the world!"

The moment the black flag appeared, and the moment it was sacrificed, the void seemed to stand still.

The shape of a page of the book is also fixed at this moment

As for the master of the sea of ​​bones, the old ghost and others were also fixed at this moment.


At this time, the old ghost and the master of the sea of ​​​​bone were previously chased and killed, and there were still one or two elders of the royal family, who killed them towards the master of the sea of ​​​​bone.

Then the third uncle also killed towards a page of the book.

But at this time, a red dot appeared between the eyebrows of a page, and then above his head, a huge Buddha statue appeared.

The terrifying Buddha Qi rushed out like the sea.

You can say this moment.

Buddha heaven Buddha land Buddha sea boundless.

The strength of his body was fixed, and under this Buddha power, he was directly washed away.

And then the next page of the book shot.

Great Brahma Sacred Palm, Tiangang Buddha Seal.

At the same time, they attacked the three uncles.

The uncle Sanhuang rushed over, and he didn't understand what was going on, but under the attack of a page book, his body was blown up.

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