Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 2127: 1 words and actions, fierce confrontation

Emperor Moco is very domineering.

He didn't talk nonsense with the First Evil Lord and others at all.

He stepped forward, clenched his palm into a fist, and punched the **** of death.


Punching out, breaking the sky, a wave of heart-wrenching power burst out.

The legend of Moco the Great.

When he was born, the heaven and the earth changed, and energy poured into his body,

From birth to becoming a great emperor, he has experienced countless battles, allowing him to conquer all the forces in the Moco Empire and become a godless emperor.

Such a legendary life made him extremely domineering.

What he believes in is strength.

When encountering an opponent, there are only two words, one is to fight and the other is to kill.

Death's eyes narrowed.

The strength displayed by this Emperor Moco is indeed strong.

Made him feel the pressure.


The **** of death also punched out.


The terrifying death energy appeared on the fist, and collided with the opponent's fist again.


Heaven and earth trembled, and a terrifying force erupted from the place where they fought.

After Emperor Namoke punched, his body continued to move forward, the whole person took a step in the void, and every step fell, the entire void became trembling.

The power is terrifying, like the eternal emperor.

When the **** of death saw this, there was a gleam in his eyes.

He is the **** of death, the lord of the dead kingdom.

His own momentum is not inferior to anyone else.

It is impossible for Emperor Moco to suppress him with his aura.


His aura exploded, the void vibrated, and ripples burst out like a tumbling river.

Some people who were watching the battle far away, seeing this situation, also felt like mountains and rivers were rolling in their hearts.


Some people's strength is too weak, and when the power of the mind rolls along, they die directly.

"Okay!" Emperor Moke said ok when he saw the aura of Death.

"Kill!" Then he killed the **** of death.

There are no treasures, only fists.

There were streaks of flame in the fist.

Blazing fiend.

The flame in the fist turned black, and the world was filled with evil spirits.

And in the process of moving forward, the figure began to become illusory and gradually disappeared in front of everyone.

"Void nerve!"

A technique that can penetrate through the void.

The figure reappeared.

has reached the **** of death.

fist blow,

Death has been paying attention to the changes in the void, and when the other party appears, he has already started.

fist blow

But when his fist collided with the opponent's fist.

His punch was blasted, and then the opponent's fist slammed directly on Death.


Death's body collapsed like a shattered mountain.


Seeing this situation, the eyes of the spectators were wide open. They didn't expect that the **** of death would be punched and then burst open.

"Haha! The emperor is still as strong as ever!"

At this time, Chihu who followed along opened his mouth and said.

While speaking, a halberd appeared in the Chihu's hand, and as soon as the halberd came out, a set of battle armor appeared on his body, covering his body.

A red tiger pattern appeared on the armor.

The whole person is domineering and awe-inspiring, like a **** of war.

The sharp snow-like halberd blade is breathtaking.


Chihu also couldn't help holding the halberd and walked towards the first evil sovereign.

He wants to kill the first evil monarch first.

The halberd pointed to the first evil prince.

The strength of the first evil monarch is the weakest among several people, but no matter how the first evil monarch is, he is still the external master of the inner demon hunter.

So kill the first evil monarch first.

Increase the momentum here.

Killing intent filled the halberd, and Chihu's eyes were even colder and terrifyingly cold.


The figure rushed out, and then the halberd was raised high, and it went straight down, and a thousand-zhang rays of light erupted, destroying Gu Laxiu, and heading towards the first evil monarch.

The halberd was cut out, cracks appeared in the sky, and the blood on the halberd blade was filled with blood. It can be seen that the halberd has killed countless people.

At this time, no one appeared in front of the first evil monarch.

Face such a master.

The first evil sovereign has the ability to fight.


The first evil monarch, the aura around his body skyrocketed, his palms were imprinted, and in front of him a sea of ​​radiating ghostly aura appeared.

This appeared a ghostly ocean, with a majestic momentum, squeezing the entire sky down, a piece of black pressure.

Gives a feeling of being able to crush everything.


The nether ocean falls directly,

The world seemed to be shattered in an instant,

In the end, it collided with the halberd, and in the instant void, there were energy storms and rays of light everywhere.

Boil everything, destroy everything.

The light of the sword pierced by the halberd is like a galaxy falling in the void.

But the sea is endless.

At this moment, the void collapsed, like the end of time,

The hearts of the spectators are incomparable.

Unexpectedly, the energy of the two people's battle broke out, and they were more violent than Emperor Moco.

"Can the demon hunters resist this time?"

"The people of the Moco Empire are a bit strong!"

"The Heart Demon Hunter is not weak, he is not at a disadvantage!"

Some people are backing up to talk.

"The Chihu's strength is a little worse than the Chilong. You said that on the Chilong, the heart demon hunters can't resist it at all!"

"And look over there!"

At this moment, the void side changed.

A man in the old clothes of the royal family of the Moko Empire appeared.

The leader was the old ruler of the royal family who was called the third uncle by Emperor Moke.

"That's the elder of the royal family of the Moco Empire. This is not to give the hunters of inner demons a chance to escape!"

Seeing this, everyone was shocked.

The Moco Empire dispatched so many people at once, how could they fight!

Now in this situation, there is no suspense at all. The Moco Empire is almost unstoppable.

This is the thought of the Haha, since we have fought, then Ben will also shoot! "

At this time, the Chilong made a sound, looked indifferent, strode forward, and the void began to shake under his feet, forming ripples toward the void.

The void trembled constantly, forming void folds.

"Kill all of you with one knife!"

That Chi Kong was very conceited, with long black hair fluttering, electric lights flashing in his eyes, and a long blue-black knife appeared in his hand.

With a long knife in hand, the heaven and the earth are changing.

"Killing one of us with one knife, you are very arrogant!"

At this time, the old ghost, the master of the ancient corpse land, stepped forward.

At this moment, a coffin appeared behind him, and the coffin was in the air, suppressing the momentum of the Red Dragon Warrior.

"This is!"

see this situation.

Some people looked a little shocked.

There are also master hunters of inner demons.

His eyes couldn't help looking at the remaining two, the master of the sea of ​​​​bone, and the one-page book that transformed into another person.

It shouldn't be easy for the two of them.


Just then.

One page book shot.

"I will stop the group of people, you cooperate with them to kill these two people first!"

A book opened its mouth.

When speaking, a page of the book went directly towards the ancestors of the royal family of the Namok Empire.

The figure changed, and several figures continued to emerge from him, surrounding the group of people, and then forming a seal in their hands.

One after another rune appeared and enveloped the Quartet.

Encircle the place where the royal family members are.

When the old royal family noticed it, it was already a little late.

The fingerprint of the other party is completed in an instant, giving them no chance to react.

Immediately, that area, like energy ripples, rolled out, and it was not clear what was inside.

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