Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 589: In the plan!

With the words of Zhuge Yunfan's indignation falling down, the air around him seemed to be stagnant and silent.

Dong Fengdu turned his head slowly with a somber face, his eyes were like a knife, staring at Zhuge Yunfan, who was full of stabbings in front of his eyes, and seemed to be unbelievable: "You ... what did you just say ?!"

He and Zhuge Yunfan have been friends from childhood to childhood, and have always thought that they are closer than their brothers.

There is nothing wrong. Zhuge Longteng's accident has a lot of responsibilities. There is no excuse for it. When he heard his closest friends and directly told him to lose his life, an unprecedented chill filled the heart, and I just felt that Zhuge was in front of me. Yunfan is strange.

"How? Do I need to repeat it again! Longteng, but my brother and sister, if it weren't for you, how could he be killed by the hybrid of the last name Pei, you don't lose your life, and who will make it ?!"

Zhuge Yunfan was stabbing all over his body, and his emotions were abnormally irritable.

"But ... but we are best friends !!!"

Dongfeng said.

"Good friends ... haha! We are the best friends, yes, but Long Teng is also my brother, do you think it is important to have a brother's life or a good friend ?!"

Zhuge Yunfan issued a torture of the soul: "Dong Fengdu, you are so disappointed with this attitude, do you know?"

"Since you have said that we are good friends, as good friends, we should die for our friends anytime, anywhere, but what about you? Unbelievable, as if my Zhuge Yunfan committed some outrageous escape sins Seems like it! "

"You and your Pei Junlin have resentment, and want to wash shame for your own family. The three brothers of our Zhuge family will help you without any word!"

"Now because of you, my second brother, Zhuge Longteng, is dead. Not only did you not show anything, but when you heard that you were losing your life, you were incredulous, and always talked about as a good friend. This is what you call a good friend. What is your attitude !!! "

After hearing the torture of Zhuge Yunfan's soul after torture, Dongfeng's face was cloudy, and he suddenly became angry. He shouted loudly, "Nothing! The three brothers of Zhuge are helping me, but not the one who covets my Dongfeng family. [Ziqi Donglai magical power], if it is not profitable, you will do my best to help me ?! "

"Dongfeng, you ..."

Zhuge Yunfan stared at Dong Dong with his face full of eyes, widened his eyes, and finally suddenly laughed angrily: "Haha! Good! Very good! You can finally say what is deep in your heart! It turned out that the third of my family Brothers, in the eyes of your Dongfeng family, are a group of profitable villains !!! ''

"That being the case, from now on, our friendship will be cut off forever !!!"

"This Pei Junlin, my Zhuge family ca n’t afford to be your Jingui body of your young master, so go back wherever you come from. Our Zhuge family will slowly take revenge!"

"As for the death of my second brother Zhuge Longteng, you can rest assured! When I go back, my Zhuge family will slowly find your Dongfeng family to settle accounts!"

After all, Zhuge Yunfan never went to look at Dongfeng once again, his shape swept away in an instant, and soon turned into a golden light spot.

There was only Dongfeng Du left standing there, his face was blushing, and finally he left with a sad face.


Pei Junlin didn't know all these contradictory incidents. At this moment, he once again hid in the depths of thousands of meters, like a wounded lone wolf, silently licking the wound.

Life fluid and high-grade spirit crystals seemed to be free of money, and they were continuously consumed quickly, repairing his severely damaged gold body.

"The quality of the golden body is still too poor! It cannot support such a high-intensity melee ..."

While silently treating the wound, Pei Junlin silently reflected and summarized the lessons after the war.

If his words are heard by the strong outsiders, I'm afraid it will stimulate the vomiting of blood. Such a gold body is not too strong, what kind of gold body is the strongest.

You do n’t see what the enemies you provoke are either siege by three or four of the same king, or collective siege by hundreds of strong men. This kind of high-load war, even if it ’s the legendary King Kong Body, can't bear it!

However, although each injury is very serious and the harvest is great, the use of Zixiao God's Eyes is more and more proficient, and the mastery of the Great Destruction Technique is also more and more experienced.

In addition, Pei Junlin also found a very special thing, that is, each time the golden body is repaired, it will be improved, which is the so-called non-breaking and standing, breaking and standing!

The golden body is like the Nirvana of Nirvana, and it will become stronger and stronger after each injury.

Rumble! !!

As if the sound of a flood outbreak kept coming from the body, it was strong and powerful blood flowing, and Pei Junlin's severely damaged golden body was being restored with ample aura.

The original Nirvana Sutra of this fairy house has created Pei Junlin's unparalleled recovery speed.

"People of Zhuge family and Dongfeng family wait, and when you go out, you will pay the worst price for your behavior!"

With a strong will, Pei Junlin once again summoned the high-quality Lingjing from the space ring. Consumption of several battles led to the remaining of his life fluid, which can only be restored with High-quality Lingjing.

After going out, we have to make another batch of life fluids. Otherwise, we cannot make ends meet!

Deep in the ground, when Pei Junlin was dedicated to recovering from his injuries, the outside world was already busy, and the enthusiasm for Pei continued.

Many strong people of the demon clan, after finding that Pei Junlin could not be found, they began to attack the strong men of humanity. Anyway, they are destined to be the enemy of life and death, and they cannot kill the strongest. It is worthwhile to kill some weak ones. .

The whole trial place is full of killings, as long as there is a single order, whether it is a strong man, a strong monster, or a sea monster, let alone kill!

In particular, the trial period of one month is about to end, which has stimulated all the strong, and each strong wants to finally harvest one, so as to enhance his merits.

The killing continued, and the blood reddened the earth.

In the end, almost all forces appeared in teams.

In a difficult terrain, a human team with scarlet blood all over the body was traveling at a high speed. This team was just Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing and others.

Pei Jun was absent. Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei, the brothers of the Supreme Family, became the leaders. After all, regardless of their background or strength, this pair of brothers are there, and everyone has no objection to this.

"Quick! Let's hurry up, the ruins are not far away!"

As the team marched at a rapid speed, Xia Houping kept urging.

Zhang Pingping, who was next to me, was surprised: "Xia Houping, are you sure you really found an ancient ruin from the ground ?!"

"It's true! More true than real gold!"

Xia Houping vowed to promise: "Isn't our team broken up before? I went into the ground to dig and dig, and then I found a powerful matrix law prohibition! In my current state of God The mid-term cultivation cannot be broken, what do you say ?! "

"Of course, I can't be 100% sure that this is an ancient relic, but since there is a strong matrix law prohibition, there must be a treasure in it!"

"No, I quickly came to see everyone when I saw the formation. Interesting !!"

Xia Houping said here, a look of wonder.

A few people in the team really showed a little touch, but soon, with Nalanhao's dismantling, everyone immediately turned black.

"Che, you can't break into the ban because you don't understand the formation method! You have to find our big army under pressure?"

"Nalanhao, you die for Lao Tzu! You think everyone is the same as you!"

Xia Houping was a little embarrassed, and everyone laughed.

"I have heard long ago that there are treasures everywhere in the Kraken World. I didn't believe it before. I didn't expect it to be true ..." Huangfu Phoenix sighed.

"It's just that since there is a strong matrix law ban, all of us here, except Bai Yufei, seem to know no one, can they really be broken?"

As soon as this word came to an end, everyone's excited faces suddenly disappeared.

"It would be nice if Boss is here. With him, I feel like I can't trap him for any matrix problems!"

Suddenly, Bai Lifeiyan said quietly, "I don't know what is happening to Boss Pei?"

"Feiyan !!!"

Leng Shuangshuang yelled at Bai Lifeiyan, glanced at the prince Qiong next to him dimly, Bai Lifeiyan immediately covered his mouth with his hands, and apologized, "I'm sorry my sister, I didn't mean it ..."

Wang Ziqiong shook his head and smiled, "It's okay! You Boss Pei, I'm used to the danger!"

"I believe that he will soon be able to get rid of the danger. Don't worry too much ..."

"That's it! Look at Xunzi's cheerfulness. It's a so-called scourge for thousands of years, a scourge like Boss ... uh ..."

Xia Houping said loudly, only half of his words, and suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the description, he stopped his mouth and looked at the prince Qiong with his eyes embarrassed.

"Deserve it! Let your stinky mouth stop the door!"

Everyone laughed and scolded.

"Well, let's stop talking, be careful of the wall with ears!"

Bai Yulong said, "Whether it's an ancient ruin or not, we'll march at full speed and strive to arrive as fast as possible!"

After almost a minute or so, a group of people came to the edge of a huge lake. Xia Houping pointed at the lake and said, "It's on the other side of the lake, and I found it from there!"

Everyone heard the words and stared at ~ ~ one by one.

But at this moment, suddenly, Bai Yulong's face changed drastically, and he sighed cautiously. Then the sword that fell into his hand broke out and hit the lake.

Huh! !! !!

The shrill sound of gold and iron came out, accompanied by a splash of Mars, a rope like a snake was knocked out, and the moment the rope flew out, the calm lake surface suddenly became extremely boiling, together The powerful figure rises from the depths of the lake, and the whole body exudes a horrible atmosphere.

"You, Princess Ben has been waiting here for a long time !!!"

"Mermaids ?!"

When they saw the powerful figures suddenly rushing out from the bottom of the lake, everyone's complexion changed immediately.

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