Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 588: Lost again ...

The scarlet blood rain stained the rolling ground beneath his feet, and Zhuge Longteng turned directly into a headless body.

His head was smashed by Pei Junlin with one sword, and this amazing genius of the Zhuge family fell away!

He did not die in the hands of the demons, but died in the hands of Pei Junlin, which has to be said to be a great irony!

The iniquity of the sky is unforgivable;

In this regard, Pei Junlin has only one sentence. In the face of the enemy, whether it is a human or a monster, as a dignified Shura warrior, he never knew what kindness and tenderness were in the previous life, and this is also true in this life.

Killing decisively has always been his code of conduct!

Do n’t cause trouble, but do n’t be afraid of it. Once you provoke him, even if it is Tianwang Laozi, dare to go to **** together!

"Pei Junlin !!!"

At this moment, a sharp hysterical voice filled with anger suddenly broke this dead silence, Zhuge Yunfan and Zhuge breaking the air control matrix, and the eyes were directly red!

They didn't expect that such a big accident would happen, and they saw their own brothers being blown off their heads in such a terrible way.

"How dare you kill my Zhuge family !!!"

"From heaven to earth, no one can save you !!"

In the sky, the sharp voice of Zhuge breaking dawn passed down, and the whole person was full of hatred, and he urged the anti-Five elements burst. All of a sudden, the burst rolled, the fire dragon roared, and black beams of light were like dense rain, and a swarm of bees came toward Pei Jun. Blast it.

That crazy bombing mode frightened Dongfeng and Zhuge Yunfan, and it seemed that they were both shrouded in the formation.

"Zhuge breaking dawn, you are crazy !!!"

Dongfeng roared.

"Dongfeng, what do you yell, I'm crazy! What do you want ?!"

The sharp voice of Zhuge breaking dawn passed: "Lao Tzu told you that this time you got annoyed. You even killed my second brother here, not only you, but even your entire Dongfeng family! ! "


With this sentence falling down, the faces of Dongfengdu, Dongfengwu and Dongfengwu changed directly and became extremely gloomy.

Although Zhuge Longteng's death was caused by Pei Junlin, their responsibility will also be great.

For a while, it was really difficult to describe the mood at the moment in words.

"Pei Junlin, my Dongfeng family will live forever and will kill you !!!"


"Be sure to kill this surname Pei !!!"

Dongfengwu and Dongfengtai also gave out a ghastly roar, and the death of Zhuge Longteng completely stimulated everyone, and immediately launched an unprecedented crazy siege.

Even Zhuge Yunfan directly began to burn his own destiny, and Dongfeng began to burn his own destiny. They had only one purpose, to kill Pei Junlin!

Just now Zhuge Longteng's weird death, they don't even know what happened, which makes everyone's fear of Pei Junlin even more extreme.


With unprecedented anger burning, Pei Junlin's body was blown upside down and shed blood all the way.

After successive high-intensity battles, once again, Pei Junlin's cultivation has dropped to the lowest level, and his powerful physical body is also nearing the limit. It is severely broken, and the internal organs have suffered various degrees of damage.

Pei Junlin summoned a large group of life fluids from the space ring, which looked like four or five pounds, but he didn't even blink his eyes. Don't swallow the money directly, swallow it all.

"Can't continue the war, we must quickly break through the formation and cultivate!"

Pei Junlin had such a thought in his heart, and then involuntarily cursed a mother's egg, apparently that his current cultivation is already in the late stage of the divine realm, which is invincible in the same level, and can even shake the demon **** peak.

But why are they being chased and killed three or two times, as if being chased and then fleeing? It has become his fate!

In the end, Pei Junlin concluded that it was not that he was not strong enough, but that his opponent was too shameless. He was always surrounded by two or three kings of the same rank, or he was sending hundreds or thousands of strong men to the death with a sea of ​​tactics. Consume!

call out! !!

With the powerful energy erupted from the life fluid in the body, Pei Junlin started to speed and began to avoid the attack.

"Miscellaneous, you will die today !!!"

Dongfeng Du and Zhuge Yunfan have sent out insidious hatreds, and they have been chasing after them. They have all burned their destiny and burst out of their peak strength. Such an explosion is really very strong.

However, Pei Junlin was unheard of. He also burned his destiny and evaded madly. At the same time, he had already used the eyes of Zixiao and began to look for loopholes in the anti-Five elements.

Only by breaking this large array can he escape!

Time passed quickly, and finally, Pei Junlin once again found a loophole, and two terrible divine lights broke out in his eyes, directly penetrating a stone mountain.


The mushroom cloud rises in the sky, and the rubble is flying across the sky, which is comparable to the sharpest weapon.

When the stone mountain burst, a dark golden ancient flag appeared deep in the ground, just the anti-Five Elements banner.

Pei Junlin's figure turned into a flash of lightning, struggling directly with the painful cost of being passed by a beam of light through the flesh, finally grabbing the flag and tearing the ground apart.

Wow! !! !!

When the flag was taken away, the area where the original boiling had been rained by beams of sky and sky, and the sky was bright again, fresh air came to the face.

"Damn it, he found the spot again !!!"

Dongfeng and Zhuge Yunfan, who have been chasing behind him, have changed their faces. At the same time, the faces of Dongfengwu, Zhuge Xiaoxiao and Dongfengtai who have been controlling the formation in the sky have also changed!

The destruction of the Anti-Five Elements is absolutely not good news. It means that the strength to suppress Pei Junlin has suddenly weakened by 30%.

"Return the Five Elements Banner to me !!!"

At this moment, Dongfengtai noticed that Pei Junlin had directly put the flag into the space ring, and immediately shouted as if he had killed his biological father.


In this regard, Pei Junlin just returned the simple two words, and then the whole person turned into a golden light, and rushed into the distance at a speed of four times the sound barrier.

"Pei Junlin, you can't run !!!"

Dongfeng Du and Zhuge Yunfan were chasing behind the buttocks, and in a blink of an eye, the three figures quickly turned into three golden spots and disappeared into the vast sky.

Immediately after that, there were three golden figures, Dongfengtai, Dongfengwu, and Zhuge Xiaoxiao also followed closely.

The six golden and dazzling figures that preceded and followed, shocked countless powerhouses, whether they were human powerhouses or monster powerhouses, and raised their eyes.

One by one, they looked at the six golden majestic powerful figures in the sky, wondering what was going on, and it seemed that the situation appeared to be a strong man in the human body, who was hunting down the first figure.

Because the speed is too fast, and the whole body is transformed into a scorching sun, which is dazzling, many strong people cannot see the appearance of the several figures passing in the void.

But soon, the strong eyes still saw the true features of those figures. As soon as the news came out, they suddenly shocked the parties in the whole trial.

The Zhuge family and the Dongfeng family have joined forces to hunt down Pei Junlin! !! !!

At the moment of learning about the news, many of the strong monsters of the plant and animal series were excited, especially the strong monsters of the sea monsters. One by one, even a lot of strong monsters joined the ranks of hunting and killing. , Trying to secretly black hands.

Because there are so many enemies of Pei Junlin, I do n’t know how many demons are strong, I hope Pei Junlin will die quickly!

Many demons were sighing, thinking that the human named Pei Junlin had made too many evils, which caused his fellows to be intolerable.

On the human side, when they heard the news, they were all shocked. Wang Ziqiong, Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing, Bai Yulong, Bai Yufei, Xia Houping, Na Lanhao and others, even Pang Yue, Hua Muzi, Yang Xue, Sun Kai, and so on, all showed anger.

The emotions of Wang Ziqiong, Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing and others are very intuitive, and that is a strong sense of killing.

The relationship between them and Pei Junlin far surpasses others. No matter who is going to be bad for Pei Junlin, that is their enemy, and Yang Xue, Sun Kai, Pang Yue, Hua Muzi and others are more angry. Already.

Now they are not on the earth, but in the unbelievable Siren World. This time all the geniuses have gathered here. The target is Siren. Now Siren has not been killed yet, but their own factions have started from each other. Phase killing.

What was lost was not one's face, but the whole human face!

Such cannibalism must be stopped for whatever reason! !!

For a while, the whole trial land was completely chaotic, and the forces of all parties began to search for Pei Junlin's frenzy again, but this time it was more chaotic and different in mind, containing various unspeakable purposes.

While the human, siren, botanical, and animal demon races were searching for the trace of Pei Junlin, at this time, a roar of anger and perplexity came from the sky above the vast and vast old complex.

Dongfeng, Zhuge Yunfan's whole body is violent, and the sky below the mountain peaks collapses into pieces of old forest vegetation, and the wheat seems to fall down.

The reason is simple, they chased Pei Junlin!

what! !! !!

Zhuge Yunfan's eyes were red and he was screaming at the sky ~ ~ Not long ago, his second brother Zhuge Longteng was killed, and the love of such relatives to kill him was about to irritate him.

The pursuit of this way, the two of them have the highest cultivation, both in the late stage of the divine realm, so they have been biting Pei Jun, and the slightly weaker Zhuge Xiaoxiao, Dongfengwu, and Dongfengtai have already been abandoned. .

Now that both of them have lost Pei Junlin, let alone let them feel stubborn, they are about to destroy everything with resentment.


Under the strong resentment, Zhuge Yunfan suddenly turned back fiercely and looked at Dongfeng around him.

"It's all your bastard! If it wasn't for your deceit, let us help you kill that surnamed Pei, my second brother would not die !!!"

"Now the surname of Pei is lost. If you can't kill the surname of Pei this time, then you will lose your life for my second brother!"

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