Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 378: Thrilling flip? The shepherd will break

How powerful is Pei Junlin's physical strength today, with full force, there are 200,000 to 300,000 kilograms. This time, he shot with all his strength, and his strength was even more amazing.


I only heard a terrifying noise shaking the place for dozens of miles, as if an earthquake was coming, the earth was cracking, the debris was splashing, and a terrible storm of energy swept out, shaking all the humans and demons who were fighting nearby. Flying up, one by one pale, full of infinite fear.

Because, that's beyond the power of human beings. After the dust storm seemed to dissipate, all the demons and human soldiers all widened their eyes, and the eyeballs were almost protruding.

Even the powerful Divine Powers who are fighting in the void have their eyes tightened.

I saw a giant peach tree out of nowhere on the ground, standing tall on the landmark, standing tall, half planted in the soil, but unfortunately, this giant peach tree was a bit miserable, and its vigorous green branches and leaves had already been It became bald, with only three or two remaining.

In addition, the trunk of this big peach tree is full of dense holes, hundreds of thousands, and many of the trunk parts have cracked, like a horse's honeycomb. It can hardly be described as miserable.

As for the peach tree demon, there is already no breath, even if Pei Junlin has not cut off his roots, he can be assassinated hundreds of thousands of times with a flying sword, and the last foot weighing 200,000 pounds Enough to end his life completely!

The second demon **** strong has fallen in the hands of Pei Junlin!

Huh! !!

A cracking sound sounded, and on a well-preserved green branch, two red and bright peaches suddenly grew out. These two peaches were as large as a bowl mouth, bright red, shiny, and radiant. The exquisite jade-like light is very eye-catching.

Even with just a glance, people can't help but increase their saliva, and saliva begins to secrete in large quantities, like the legendary peach.

Pei Junlin's eyes lit up, and he quickly reached out and grabbed in the void. The two red and big peaches had fallen to the palm of his hand. When the distance was close, they could smell the unique fragrance of the fruit.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at no matter that you may leave me alone!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout in the sky. Both Xia Houping and Na Lanhao's eyes were green, their saliva was wanton, and they couldn't control it. The two big peaches were so tempting!

Although the others and the geniuses of the military did not speak, the envious light in their eyes could not be hidden.

You must know that the two big peaches are the essence of the peach tree demon's life. They are equivalent to the monster crystals of the animal demon family, which is very precious.

In a short period of time, Pei Junlin beheaded and killed a willow tree demon and a peach tree demon, and collected the life body of the willow tree demon and the peach of the peach tree demon, respectively, attracting many envious eyes.

Even the strong men in the middle, late and even peaks of the distant wars are extremely envious. The essence of life energy at the level of demon gods is the holy relics that any sacred warrior desires, which can greatly enhance the cultivation of the body. Because, very precious, no less than the spiritual fluid of life.

"Kill me that human!"

At this moment, the demon peak strongman who led the battle with Kong Sheng suddenly made an eerie sound.

Huh! Huh!

In the void, there were immediately four strong men in the early days of the demon gods, killing Pei Jun collectively. Among them were willow demon and peach tree demon. Each killing exploded, and the terror was overwhelming.


The four tree demon strongmen even launched a combined attack. Thousands of branches were suddenly linked together, directly forming a prison cage covering the sky, and building a tendency to form a net. The steel cages are countless times more powerful, and the spirits are surging.


The four tree monster powerhouses were pressed directly against Pei Junlin with a thunderous potential, covering a range of thousands of kilometers!

"Pei Junlin !!!"

At this moment, countless exclamations sounded, and everyone's faces changed, and the sudden changes were so sudden that no one had expected that the monsters would have such a powerful move, which was never encountered before. Yes.

It was too late for everyone to help, because they were dragged by their opponents, and they could only watch Pei Junlin shrouded in the terrible celestial net.

"Ah! I'll die!"

Xia Houping, Nalanhao, Monk Monk, Huangfu Phoenix, Leng Shuangshuang, and Baili Feiyan all showed their madness, their bodies were golden, they kept bombarding their opponents in an attempt to break free from their opponents, and rushed to help Pei Junlin.

Not only that, but in the military department, Li Tianpei, Ye Tianxing, Zhang Pingping, Luo Yan, Wang Xuefeng, and others also showed an angry look, but the number of demons has taken advantage, even if there are four demons. Jointly besieged Pei Junlin, each person has a corresponding opponent.

Reaching their level of strength, it may be difficult to kill any one, but containment is effortless, after all, everyone is not far from each other.

For a time, Pei Junlin encountered unprecedented danger. He would be besieged by the four strong men in the early days of the demon god, and imprisoned in the cage of Luodi Net that day.

In the distance, a shepherd who is fighting with a demon **** in the late stage will see this situation. The whole person is smashed. Pei Junlin is the proud man of the sky brought by his Dongyang Tiankeng, and he is the young king he most values. First person, if something really happens now, he will not live in his life.

But it hasn't been waited for the shepherd **** to move, and the mutation has happened again.

I saw a demon **** strong who was fighting the strong man in the late stage of the Ministry of Military Realm, suddenly burst out a wild laugh: "The high-level humans, you first think about how to protect your life!"

This laughter didn't fall, and the momentum of the demon **** strong person rose sharply. From a short instant, he climbed from a demon **** to the peak of the demon **** in the later period. The power soared. The trick of the human **** The strong man in the late stage, Boom's vomiting blood goes backwards!

At this instant, the faces of all human powerhouses in the entire battlefield changed drastically, showing an inconceivable horror.

The demon clan even has the second demon peak strong, which is absolutely fatal!

In the past, in any tiankeng area, whether it is a human or a demon, almost a divine peak and a demon peak are in opposition. There are rarely two divine powers or strong demon peaks. After all, such a big man No matter which side is very few.

But now the accident really appeared, among the demon clan, the second strongest peak of the demon **** ...

At this moment, all the strong men on the human side changed their faces for a moment, and raised a strong sense of despair!

No one knows better than them. The terrible peak of a demon **** definitely represents the ultimate strength of this level. Although the final stage of the **** state is only a small level away from the peak, the difference is very different.

Is the Xihua Tiankeng really going to be broken this time? !!

The eyes of countless human powerhouses turned red instantly. I dare not imagine what kind of disaster humans on the earth would face if Xihua Tiankeng was really broken by the demon tribe.

The slaughtered city is still invaded ... by then they will be the sinners of the entire human race!

The eyes of all the strong men such as Commander Kong Sheng and Yan Nanzheng were all red, and they watched the sudden emergence of the demon peak strongman, who crashed into the midst of it, and the mankind was already in a precarious situation, completely turning into a stormy sea. A small boat floating in the middle will be capsized at any time.

The strength of the demon peak strong enough to affect this battle situation, the so-called war, sometimes the competition is still the best fighting strength of both sides.

Until now, no one can understand where they are. They are doing it. This is a game already set by the demon tribe, waiting for humans to drill in!

The human side has not received any information in advance, which is definitely a taboo in war!


At this time, the strong man at the peak of the demon **** slammed into the middle, sending out unscrupulous laughter and arrogance, all the human strong men, all the way to the retreat, was almost arrogant to the point where it could not be added.

Suddenly, the strong man at the pinnacle of the demon **** will pat it with the palm of his hand facing the crowd. The gesture looks like he is beating a fly, which is very humiliating!

The shepherd's eyes were bloodshot and red, and the young king he most valued was imprisoned by four demon **** powers. At the moment, a terrible demon peak power emerged from the demon tribe ~ ~ Infinite Under the anger burning, the shepherd **** suddenly burst out a terrible 100-meter sword with a long knife in his hand. The sword was shocking, and the void was faintly broken. There was no fear of it. The demon **** peak strong split!


In the sound of horrible energy explosion, the smile on the face of the demon **** peak suddenly stiffened, and he uttered a suspicious whisper: "Breakthrough in battle? Peak of God Realm ?!"

At this moment, the shepherd **** will emit a terrifying momentum all over his body. The whole body is golden and dazzling, and there are even faint signs of breaking through the pinnacle of Divine Realm.

The cultivation of the pastoral **** has already approached the peak of Divine Realm indefinitely. In addition to the last trip to the Ape City, he was swallowed by the psychic life of Pei Junlin, and it has become almost nothing. No suspense, the only difference is time.

Under the pressure of double stimulus at this moment, there was finally a sign of breakthrough, and the whole body's golden light was radiant to the extreme. At the same time, a horrifying breath of life was emitted around his body surface, which was the life fluid that accumulated in the body Energy is completely excited!

Such a sudden scene made the entire chaotic battlefield position silent for a second, and then the human side sounded an overwhelming roar of excitement, many of the strong were crying with excitement!

There is no other way! God finally opened his eyes!

Even the most powerful commander of Kong Sheng and Yan Nanzheng were slightly moist at the moment, which is really amazing. At this critical moment, the shepherd **** will start to break through and enter the peak of the gods!

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