Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 377: Peach tree demon? Willow tree demon

The time is not long, the two armies have joined together and the war broke out in an instant!

Bing to Bing, will be against!

The inferiors fight and kill on the ground, while the gods and the demon gods directly transfer the battlefield to the void, because the strength reaches their level, they fight on the ground and cause damage. It's too big, I'm afraid there will be countless deaths of soldiers.

This is something that neither party wants to see, otherwise the war would have been completely chaotic!


In the empty space, the powerful human divine powers bloomed with bright golden lights, like a round of hot sun, and were fighting fiercely with a towering tree.

These plant-based monsters have very different fighting methods from animal-based monsters. Their roots or branches and leaves are weapons, and their texture is comparable to that of refined iron. Weapon and amazing power.

Any branch or root must be twitched at will, and the sound of thunder can be heard. The sound of sonic booms explodes, and the pumped air bursts.

Perhaps because of some kind of death order, the demon races of these plants are crazy. Once they came up, there were many demon gods who directly exposed their bodies and turned into a towering tree, attacking sharpness.

There are also demon gods who are transformed into humans, holding weapons in their arms, and showing great power there.

This is a cruel war. No one will be merciful on such occasions. Some are simply killings, either you die or I die!

From the beginning of the battle, it entered the most intense stage. Both humans and demons were crazy and attacked each other with desperation.


The golden scorching sun collided with the soaring demons, and the aftermath of terror erupted. The energy storm swept through the air. Such a scene erupted at least dozens of times in almost a minute.

As in the Dongyang Tiankeng period, the strength of the demon clan occupies a great advantage both in the demon **** strong and ordinary soldiers. There are at least four or fifty demon **** strong in the air alone, and humans On the one hand, even with the support of Pei Junlin and others, there are only over 30 Divine Powers.

This is already a huge number, and it is still supported by many parties. Otherwise, the war in Xihua Tiankeng is really dangerous, and it may be broken by the monsters at any time!

The strong mankind is almost a one-to-two battle. One-to-one is taking advantage!

Looking at it the same way, throughout the sky, tens of miles away, there are energy storms. Kong Sheng's commander, herdsman, Yannanzheng, and many powerful men in the late stage of the gods are fighting fiercely.

On the edge, it is the battlefield of the strongest in the early days of the Demon Fire and the early demons. Seven people, including Pei Junlin, Xia Houping, and Na Lanhao, and the military's Li Tianpei, Ye Tianxing, Zhang Pingping, Luo Yan, etc. Kill the enemy in the blood.

Pei Junlin held the Qinghong sword, the sword was bright, and one sword cut the branches of a tree demon and fell into the rain.

But soon, the tree demon had a new branch. This was a willow demon. On the thick trunk, a human face was revealed. He laughed at the demon language and said, "Here is a newcomer. What? Haha! Rookie, you can't kill me! "

"Is it?"

Pei Junlin sneered, the next moment the sword turned into a sharp lightning, and thundered, a sword was chopped at the root of the willow demon, chopped off a large tree root, and the green juice splashed.

what! !!

The scream of endless pain emanated from the mouth of that willow tree monster!

Just like all vegetation on the earth, the fatal weakness of the demon tribe in the plant system is at the root. Only when the root is completely destroyed, the tree demon can be regarded as completely dead. Otherwise, the tree demon can only be re-created elsewhere. In the head of the gods.

"Human, you have hurt my great willow family, you must die!"

The willow demon uttered a vicious roar, shaking hundreds of thousands of branches and roots at the same time, apparently anger was extreme, but at this moment, suddenly, a blue sword light flew from behind him, coming from behind him , Directly through his tree roots!

The Willow Demon, which was mad and angry, stiffened in midair, and the trembling branches froze. Without moving, his gaze was fixed on Pei Junlin's long green sword.

He clearly remembered the long sword in the hands of human beings, but what happened to the blue sword light just now, how did the two merge into one? !!

With thick unwillingness and blankness, a transparent hole appeared in the root part of this willow demon. At this moment, the cricket green liquid was constantly spraying, emitting a strong breath of life, and the situation was like human beings. The strong man was pierced through his head and directly destroyed all his spirits!

"Sink, Pei Junlin, fast! Quickly catch the green juice, it is the most essence of the willow demon's body, very much tonic!"

Seeing that Pei Junlin had beheaded a willow tree monster so quickly, Zhang Pingping not far away shouted anxiously.

At the same time, other people were also shocked, and it was completely unexpected that Pei Junlin would successfully kill a willow tree monster so quickly!

"Haha, Boss, he's so pretty!"

Xia Houping and Na Lanhao turned their heads when they heard the words. After seeing the situation clearly, they shouted excitedly.

"Human, you are looking for death!"


At this moment, there were two powerful tree demon rushing not far away. This was a willow demon and a peach tree demon. The roots of the branches and leaves of the body were trembling wildly, apparently to the extreme.

"Pei Junlin, I'll help you stop these two tree demon first, you quickly take out the willow demon's life body, how much to take!"

Suddenly, a bright golden light appeared not far away, directly blocking the two willow demon and peach tree demon. This figure turned out to be Li Tianpei who was always cold and taciturn.

Pei Junlin was slightly surprised. It seemed that Li Tianpei would not have such a trick, but he was not an indecisive person. He shot it with a single palm, and the vast palms slammed on the trunk of the willow demon, a powerful shock. With the help of the force, the green life form, which was originally like a stream, suddenly turned into a fountain, which was powerful.

On the other palm of Pei Junlin, the strong mana is running, turning into a forbidden light curtain, directly gathering all the splashing green life.

In just a few breaths, those splashed green life-forms have gradually disappeared, and Pei Junlin let go of his control power, and let the willow demon whose branches and leaves had turned dry and yellow, slammed into the ground.

After doing all this, Pei Junlin put the gathered life body into the space ring, and flew directly to help Li Tianpei, who is one enemy and two, although Li Tianpei's strength is very strong, but one enemy two is still very reluctant, short In a few short breathing times, it's a little messy.

"I'll help you kill a tree demon later!"

Pei Junlin said, Li Tianpei's sudden help was really a big surprise to him.

This military genius has always felt very cold, taciturn, lonely, and totally out of touch with the group, but at the critical moment, he could not hesitate to disregard his own danger, and help Pei with one enemy and two. Junlin secured enough time.

Li Tianpei was silent, as if he hadn't heard it, but focused on launching sharp attacks.

The weapon he used was a knife, which was sharp and sharp. One shot was an endless curtain of swords. Dozens of hundreds of knives were cut in one fell swoop. Endless. There was a kind of desperate Saburo posture that became unsuccessful!

Pei Junlin shared a peach tree demon, which caused Li Tianpei's pressure to drop sharply. The blade of the sword in his hand became fiercer and thicker. The willow demon that hit was bursting out, branches and leaves flying, and the large trunk was full of dense wounds. , Seeping green life.


Suddenly, at this moment, Pei Junlin, who was concentrating on a fight with the Peach Tree Demon, blasted out with a punch of blue flames, which was the ghostly fire of Pei Junlin that had not been used for a long time!

Since breaking through the realm, Pei Junlin's flame technique has fully developed its due power, and has become a magical power. The flame is empty and everything is burned!

what! !! !!

The scream of sorrow full of pain came from the vast flames, and the willow tree monster that caught off guard was directly ignited, and the painful whole body trembled, and it could not be extinguished.

Among the five elements, Huokemu is an eternal truth. Pei Junlin's sudden flame magical power has given unprecedented damage to the willow demon, and even shocked the gods in the middle and late stages of the distant wars and the strongest peak. We ~ ~ When everyone saw the willow demon covered in flames, the human side was pleasantly surprised, but the demon side was roaring.

At this moment, Li Tianpei took advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to cut off the root of the willow tree demon, and the surging life flew into the void, attracting a lot of attention!

An angry roar came from all directions in succession. A well-known tree demon strong saw the terrible death of the clan. In the middle of the demon god, the strong even tried to approach this side and kill the bones.

But it was stopped by the strong human beings, the war between the two sides escalated again, and the sound of horrible energy collision resounded in this world.

At this time, the peach tree demon opposite Pei Junlin was frightened, especially when he saw Pei Junlin's cold and ruthless gaze, he turned around and ran away, and the two feet formed by the tree roots remained in the void. The next afterimage was extremely fast.

But unfortunately, his speed is no faster than Pei Junlin's flying sword!

The blue light flows, Changhong runs through the sun, and a cyan sword light penetrates his trunk directly at a speed beyond the sound barrier, which immediately makes this peach tree demon slammed into the ground below.

But the matter is far from over. In the void, Pei Junlin grasped the sword and controlled the Qinghong sword. The sword was like a meteor and fast as lightning. He successively pierced the trunk of the peach tree demon. A transparent hole.

In the end, he turned into a **** from the sky, stepped on the trunk of the peach tree demon who was dying, and hit the ground directly from the sky hundreds of meters high!

Remember this book's domain name:.书 趣 阁 _Mobile version reading URL: m.shuquge

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