Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 1440: Land and sea go hand in hand

Survival on the road, I have a prompt system Chapter 1440 Sea and land go hand in hand

After three full days of discussion, the Qing court finally made up its mind to mobilize the army to fight to the death with the Ming army.

If you can win, that is the best.

They took advantage of the power of the great victory to gain a firm foothold in the north, and even took the opportunity to send troops south to retake the south.

If it fails, they will lose even the power to rule the north, so they can only let go of the military ban and let the provinces supervise the regiment training to protect themselves.

If that doesn't work, then you can only leave the customs.

In order to complete this plan, they even divided the Eight Banners of Mongolia and the Eight Banners stationed in Liaodong.

After pressing the last capital, the Qing court still felt that it was not enough.

Started to recruit men in Liaodong.

In addition to Jianzhou Jurchen, there are many ethnic minorities in Liaodong.

In the eyes of the Jianzhou Jurchens, these people are no different from barbarians.

Heavy corvees and taxes were often assigned to them.

For this decisive battle, they directly recruited all the males from all ethnic groups.

Together with Zhili's Lvying Zong, a total of 300,000 troops was formed.

In order to ensure logistics, another 300,000 civilian husbands were forced to recruit in Zhili, which was known as an army of 600,000.

Under the personal command of Suke Saha and E Bilong, this army marched towards Jinling, intending to attack Huanglong directly and break through the core of the Ming Dynasty in one fell swoop.

Naturally, such a large military operation cannot be avoided.

When the army was dispatched, the detailed plan had already fallen to Han Yu's desk.

"Everyone has a look, what do you think should be done?"

Han Yu distributed the plan to everyone.

Han Yu abolished the kneeling ceremony during the court and restored the tradition before the Han Dynasty. Civil and military officials each had a seat and a small table.

"Your Majesty, the old minister is willing to lead the army to conquer the demons and restore my country."

Mu Tianbo said hastily.

He never dreamed that in just a few months, he would change from a defeated general to a great general with thousands of troops in his hands.

Even, half of the country was restored.

And all of this is thanks to the man in front of me.

Now, he believes that as long as he is given another year or two, his homeland can be fully restored.

At that time, even if it is death, he will be able to rest in peace.

Therefore, he couldn't wait to stand up, wanting to personally lead this war to restore his homeland.

He also wants to leave his name in history.

Not only Mu Tianbo had this idea, but the other legion commanders also had the same idea, and they all asked for a fight.

Seeing everyone's positive appearance, Han Yu was very happy.

People are available.

"Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient. The battle against the Qing court must be carried out, but not only all the way, but also many ways."

"The specific battle plan is to divide the troops into three groups."

"The first route is that I personally command and lead ten legions to the north to deal with the main force of the Qing court."

"The second route, commanded by Mu Jiansheng, led five legions and set off by boat. They landed from Liaodong and went straight to Fengtian. One of them broke through the lair of the Qing demon. Don't let them escape to the mountains and forests to recuperate. We must cut the grass and root out, so as not to cause future troubles forever."

"Follow the order." Mu Jiansheng got up and took the order.

"The third route, under the command of old general Mu Tianbo, led five legions, set off by boat, landed from Dagu, and went straight to the capital after landing, directly killing all the princes and nobles of the Qing court."

"Obey!" Mu Tianbo also stood up.

His face became a little flushed with excitement.

When he thought of having the opportunity to kill the leader of the Qing Yao, he couldn't contain his excitement.

For many years, they have been beaten passively, and now there is a chance to capture the leader of the Qing Yao, which makes him extremely excited.

It's a pity that the old opponent Dorgon died, otherwise, he would have to fight him again.

The battle plan was drawn up, and the six departments began to operate.

The Ministry of Industry stepped up the production of weapons and ammunition, the Ministry of Households allocated a lot of money and food needed for the expedition, and the Ministry of War was responsible for allocating troops and distributing tasks.

The whole country started to work like a huge machine.

In addition to the three-way army arranged by Han Yu, the corps originally stationed in Sichuan Province and Hubei Province also began to march towards the neighboring Shaanxi, Gansu, Ninghe and Henan provinces to support the remaining three-way army.

Originally, this road was just a sheep attack, but because the Qing government had already withdrawn all the troops in these areas in order to deal with the decisive battle of the main force and the Southern Expedition presided over by Oboi.

In many counties, there are even only a hundred or ten military commanders.

The Ming army in these areas was like entering no one's land, and they occupied a large area in a few days.

However, at this time, the Qing government was unable to care about the war in this area, so it could only order the county magistrates and squires from all over the country to recruit strong men and form regiments to protect the environment and the people.

However, before the start of the war, Han Yu had already dispatched some smart and capable Jinyiwei into the area controlled by the Qing court.

They have only one task, and that is to publicize various policies of Ming Dynasty.

Equal distribution of land, exemption from taxation, exemption from corvee, and free education, these are the big killers to win the hearts of the people in any agricultural society.

Han Yu's four-pronged approach, the effect can be imagined.

Although those landlords and rich merchants held a lot of money, they could only recruit some green skins.

The rest of the peasants were watching, waiting for the return of the Ming army to overthrow those landlords and divide the land equally.

Because the preliminary work was done relatively well, the Ming army made rapid progress in Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningyu and other provinces.

New county towns are captured every day.

Intensified battle reports fly to the capital like snowflakes every day.

However, the Qing court had no intention of managing them at this time.

Because, their land of Longxing, Liaodong was captured.

Because they were traveling by boat, Mu Jiansheng's army moved much faster than Han entered Liaodong seven days ago.

The main force of the Eight Banners has already entered the customs, and the remaining main force is all stationed in Shengjing.

As a result, he was also recruited a few days ago to go to a decisive battle with the Ming army.

Even the young men have been drawn out.

This caused Liaodong's defense to be even weaker than other provinces.

Mu Jiansheng was almost carrying out an armed parade, easily captured Shengjing along the way.

After learning that his hometown was captured, Xiaozhuang was so angry that he couldn't get sick. He lay on the bed and vented too much gas and breathed too little, and he seemed to be dying.

The only ones who can call the shots in the entire Qing court are Tuogu veteran Suo Ni and eight-year-old Kangxi.

"How should this be done?"

Kangxi looked at the battle reports of frequent defeats everywhere, and didn't know what to do.

His backbone, Xiaozhuang, has collapsed, and all this makes him at a loss.

"Shouldn't we send the army back to conquer the land of Longxing first, and then have a decisive battle with the Ming army?"

Kangxi asked.

"It's absolutely impossible." Suo Ni hurriedly stopped him.

"The army must not change the order overnight. Besides, the army is about to fight the enemy at this time. If it is called back at this time, the army will inevitably be in chaos. We can only have a decisive battle with the Ming army first, and then plan later."

Soni said.

Kangxi wanted to say something more, when suddenly a **** ran in.

"Taku Urgent Report!"

"Why is there an urgent report from Dagu?" Suo Ni frowned.

Suddenly, he thought of the powerful navy of the Ming army, and the loss of Liaodong was because the Ming army landed from the sea and rushed all the way into Shengjing from the sea.

"Could it be..."

Suo Ni felt cold all over his body, and grabbed the battle report.

I saw the words on it: "The Ming army is powerful, with more than a thousand warships, and tens of thousands of cannons are fired. The Dagukou missed, and the Ming army has already landed..."

Seeing this, Suo Ni spat out a mouthful of blood.

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