Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 1439: Sweeping Jiangnan

Road Survival, I Have a Prompt System Chapter 1439 Sweeping Jiangnan

"Cowards, cowards, come back to me, this general will kill you!"

Aobai roared angrily.

"My lord, run!"

A soldier shouted loudly.

"This general won't run away. I am the number one in the Qing Dynasty, Batulu. I don't accept it!"

Aobai roared angrily.

In the next second, an explosive package landed on the hill.

Accompanied by a bang.

The Qing Dynasty's No. 1 Batulu turned into minced meat all over the floor.

"What kind of **** Baturu, that's all."

Han Yu stepped on the flesh and blood under his feet and pointed the banner forward.

"Strangle the enemy and don't let one go."

The cavalry corps, which had been waiting for a long time on the slopes of the two wings, received an order, mobilized their horses, and rushed towards the fleeing Eight Banners.

Now Han Yu's cavalry regiment has also updated its equipment.

In addition to the original saber and palm mine, it is also equipped with a short-barreled perpetual rifle.

Although the effective range of this gun was reduced due to the shortened barrel, it was convenient to use on horseback.

These cavalry chased and killed the Eight Banners soldiers.

While mobilizing the horses, he aimed at the rout soldiers and pulled the trigger.

bang bang bang.

Rows of rout soldiers were knocked down, and the enemy was weakened bit by bit. It was exactly the same as what the cavalry had done before, only the weapons used were changed.

Under the pursuit of the cavalry, none of the Eight Banners brought by Obai escaped alive.

All were chased and beheaded by the cavalry.

Han Yu also fulfilled his promise, stacking the heads of these people together, pouring them with quicklime, and turning them into a huge pyramid-like sculpture.

This is Jingguan, the symbol used to highlight martial arts.

Not only the Eight Banners soldiers brought by Oboi, but also the other six-way armies that cooperated with Oboi, also suffered head-on blows from various soldiers and horses.

It's just that those teams don't have cavalry, so they can't wipe out the enemy.

However, this was enough to make those enemies frightened and retreated to the province in embarrassment.

Some even collapsed on the spot and turned into rogues, sweeping up the surrounding villages, making those villagers miserable.

After annihilating the invading soldiers and horses, Han Yu did not stop, but let his army follow and catch up, without giving the opponent a chance to breathe, and at the same time entered the neighboring Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, Fujian and other provinces to expand Reclaim the area.

In addition to the army's pursuit and expansion of the results of the battle, Han Yu also let the navy start operations.

Although these navies have not been trained for a long time and are not yet familiar with the tactics, sailing along the coast is not a problem.

The huge naval fleet set sail from Guangzhou Bay, and hundreds of warships went north along the coastline and entered the mouth of the Yangtze River.

Then it entered various tributary waterways along the Yangtze River, supporting the army with naval guns.

All of a sudden, Han Yu's soldiers and horses swept across the entire south of the Yangtze River.

Occupies half of the country.

Even Jinling City was captured.

After learning that the old capital was taken down, Mu Tianbo was overjoyed, and hurriedly asked Han Yu to return to the old capital and become the emperor.

Han Yu actually didn't want to proclaim himself emperor so early.

But he knew that this kind of thing was beyond his control.

Only when he proclaims himself emperor, these people under his command can go further.

He doesn't need more fame benefits, but his men do.

For those subordinates, he has to go one step further.

Moreover, after ascending the throne and proclaiming himself emperor, he has more fame and some policies are easier to implement.

"Then go to Jinling City and become the emperor."

Han Yu led the First Legion and everyone who possessed the merits of Conglong to Jinling.

Subsequently, Han Yu officially ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor according to the ceremony of the Ming Dynasty, with the reign title Xuanwu.

After ascending the throne, he was canonized with hundreds of officials.

Because there were too few talents under him, Han Yu took advantage of the opportunity to modify the original system structure of Daming.

For example, some provinces and cities have been directly merged. For example, the five provinces of Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Henan and Shandong have merged into Zhili, the three provinces of Suhui and Jiangxi have merged into Liangjiang, and the provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi have merged into Liangjiang... The country is divided into eight major provinces in total. Each province has a governor general who is in charge of government affairs, but must not intervene in military affairs by any means.

The defense of each province is in the charge of the garrison army commander.

And the regiment leaders at all levels directly obey the direct orders of the emperor.

In addition, Han Yu also reset Jinyiwei, responsible for monitoring officials, collecting enemy intelligence, and arresting enemy spies.

The commander of Jinyiwei is directly responsible to the emperor.

In order to facilitate laziness, the Great Court will be changed to once a month.

The usual handling of government affairs is the imperial meeting.

The emperor took the lead and led the six ministers to hold a meeting together.

When encountering a problem, the six ministries will first draw up a solution, and the emperor will stamp it and execute it if he thinks it can be done. If he disagrees, he will call back and make a new plan.

This greatly reduced the emperor's workload, allowing Han Yu more time to manage the legion and complete the task of unifying the world.

Han Yu proclaimed himself emperor in Jinling and almost turned the Qing court upside down.

Aobai took away all the elites he could bring and mobilized the green battalions from all provinces.

Now, all that remains of the Qing Dynasty are the soldiers and horses of the Green Battalion in Zhili, part of the Mongolian Eight Banners in Mongolia, and some soldiers and horses left in their hometown in Liaodong.

The whole Qing Dynasty is like a weak tiger with only a layer of skin left.

More importantly, Han Yu blocked the Yangtze River waterway, occupied the south of the Yangtze River, and directly cut off the source of money and food for the Manchu Now there are less than one million taels of silver in the treasury of the Manchu Qing.

For an individual, this is a huge amount of wealth that cannot be spent in several lifetimes.

But that's too little for a country.

Especially in the case of the defeat of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, he needed a lot of money to recruit new troops and build an army to resist the Ming Dynasty's soldiers.

But without money, they can do nothing.

"What should I do? You have an idea."

Kangxi looked at the remaining three Gu Ming ministers and asked.

"Your Majesty, there are three strategies now."

Everyone looked at each other, and finally the seasoned Suo Ni spoke.

"What's the best policy?"

Kangxi asked.

"The best strategy is to go back to the homeland of Liaodong. Our ancestors once left a legacy. If we can't stay in the pass, we should go back outside the pass and return to our hometown."

"No, absolutely not going back!"

Before Kangxi could speak, Ye Bilong immediately objected.

He is used to the colorful world in the capital, and now he is not willing to let him go back to live a hard life.

"What about the middle policy?"

Kangxi asked.

"Order all provinces to organize regiment training to protect the environment and the people."

"No," Suksahar shook his head again and again. Once this order is issued, it will be equivalent to releasing the military ban. At that time, all provinces will organize powerful armed forces.

They might be able to block Da Ming's soldiers, but then what?

If you can block the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, you will naturally be able to block the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty.

At that time, what should these places do if they follow the example of the Ming Dynasty?

At that time, will this world still be full of people?

"Let's just say the worst policy." Kangxi said helplessly.

The above two were overthrown by Minister Gu Ming, so how would he choose?

"The worst strategy is to mobilize the army and fight Daming to the death!"

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