Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 991: Biluo 8 great fortune-breaking wandering gods

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The dragon ancestor was flew down in embarrassment when he was beaten by the golden body of the Buddha. The scales on the huge body were messy and fell off, dripping with blood, and he was very embarrassed.

However, when he reached his level, he didn't pay much attention to the trauma, and as the power flowed in his body, he instantly recovered.

He was shocked and angry in his heart!

It's not that the angry Buddha Amitabha injured his body and damaged his face.

Rather, he was furious at the appearance of the true dragon clan!

How is this going? Why did the dragon army of the original star field Celestial Dragon Realm appear here?

Could it be that the true dragon clan was aware of his plan, and only then did a large army be sent out to destroy himself?

So, did Zulong come?

When I thought of that incomparably powerful, the Eight Desolations in the vertical and horizontal directions could be described as an unparalleled existence in the world, the dragon ancestor **** felt a tremor in his heart!

If Zulong also comes, how can he resist?

Although in recent years, with the help of the luck of creating the dragon family and learning from the layout of the ancestor dragon, the dragon family has been dispersed into thousands of worlds, and the resources of many worlds have been used to support the dragon family. The pinnacle of good luck.

But he knew that there was still a huge gap between himself and Zulong!

Moreover, his layout and planning over the years is equivalent to seizing the luck of the dragon clan and sharing the benefits that the dragon clan should have. The three thousand universes in the universe also represent the origin of the three thousand avenues, and there is a certain number in the dark!

Once Ancestral Dragon knew that he was not only trying to compete with him for the origin of the Dragon Clan's aura, but also that he had developed the Dragon Clan so large, he was sure that Ancestral Dragon would never let him go!

Thinking of this, the Dragon Ancestor God felt a panic in his heart, so much so that he was a little absent-minded to fight against Amitabha Buddha!

Fortunately, Amitabha Buddha did not take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, nor did he take this opportunity to hurt the killer. Instead, he stepped back a few steps and distanced himself from him.

Because, in the distance, there are three powerful dragons who have turned into dragon heads and dressed in royal robes. They are coming quickly, and they have come close in an instant!

These are the three great powers of the good fortune realm, belonging to the strong good fortune of the dragon clan.

From this point, we can see the tyrannical nature of the dragon!

Although the dragons under the ancestors of the dragon are scattered across the world and multiply countless, there is no shortage of power in the middle and lower levels, and there are even immortal or even eternal powers, but he is the only one in the good fortune realm!

The most important reason is that the Dragon God Realm only belongs to the higher world.

Although it is the top-level higher world, it is still not a big world, so the endurance has an upper limit, and it can only accommodate such a strong fortune.

Of course, even if the Dragon God Realm could give birth to a second good fortune, the Dragon Ancestor God would not allow it.

Because this will divide his luck and reduce the possibility of him becoming the strongest in the future!

This is also the reason why he immediately decided to follow and attack the blue sky as soon as he heard the bewitching of the Guangming Protoss. Once the Dragon God Realm was promoted to the Great World, he would have great benefits for the entire Dragon Clan!

But the Celestial Realm is different.

That is a long-standing big world, with a deep heritage in the realm, and the laws of heaven are tyrannical. In addition to the strongest being Zulong, there is also a digital dragon king of good fortune!

In this expedition, Ancestral Dragon not only sent a large number of real dragon powerhouses, but also sent three of the existence of Good Fortune Realm, and one of them was a powerful existence second only to Ancestral Dragon, which was the second generation of Heavenly Dragon. The first, the ancestor of the Golden Dragon line, once held the first dragon king in the vast East China Sea.

Legend has it that he has survived for a long time. As early as when the human race did not occupy the prehistoric ancestral realm, and the lich races had not yet dominated the world, the ancestor of the golden dragon was already in the wild!

The ancestor dragon was able to send the dragon king of the golden dragon family, which shows that he attaches great importance to the ancestor **** of the dragon.

But at the same time, it also shows Zulong's determination to kill the dragon clan!

"I have seen three fellow Taoists!"

Buddha Amitabha took back his golden body and smiled and greeted the three dragon kings of good fortune in eleven!

"Buddha is polite!"

The three dragon kings of good fortune returned the gifts one after another.

This Amitabha Buddha was not low in seniority when he was in the prehistoric Buddhism. Now he is the ancestor of Buddhism in the great world of Biluo. Both sides had seen each other in the early years, so naturally he would not lose his courtesy.

What's more, now that the Dragon Clan has formed an alliance with Bi Luo, the relationship is getting closer, and of course it can't look strange!

After the greeting, the golden-robed dragon king Ao Ji, who was headed by him, stepped forward: "Buddha Amitabha, please stand back and watch the battle, and let this so-called giant dragon ancestor God wait for me to deal with!

Since this dragon dared to use the name of a giant dragon to try to divide the luck of my dragon clan, he naturally has some abilities. This king is about to try his methods! "

"So, there is King Lao Long, and this seat is waiting for good news!"

Buddha Amitabha nodded his head, his figure slowly drifted back, looking like it was slow, but actually manipulating the space, he immediately retreated tens of thousands of miles, giving up this battlefield area.

"Two elder brothers, you are watching the battle, let me try this guy first!"

Next to him, a black dragon king Ao Yuan, wearing a dark robe with a pair of black dragon horns on his head, took a step forward and was about to take a shot, but was blocked by Ao Na's hand: "Since this so-called giant dragon ancestor can follow Amitabha Buddha It's definitely not an easy one to fight on the upper and lower sides. I'll do it!"

On the opposite side, the Dragon Ancestor God looked at them with an ugly face, and was annoyed in his heart!

His goal is to become an existence like the Ancestral Dragon, and even in the future, he wants to occupy the dragon's luck, seize the dragon's merits, surpass the Ancestral Dragon in one fell swoop, and march on the path of immortality!

With such ambitious ambitions, he is now scrambling to fight him by several descendants of Zulong's descendants, which makes him really unacceptable!

"Asshole, you dare to humiliate me so much, you are looking for death!"

The ancestor of the dragon roared, flapped his wings, and said something he regretted: "What are you fighting for? Even if you go together, ancestors, I can still beat you all over the floor and find teeth!"

"Let's go together? You said it yourself!"

On the opposite side, after hearing this, the three dragon kings of good fortune did not feel annoyed at all, but laughed, and at the same time shot a mighty powerful attack for a tentative attack.

Then one after another turned into a million-foot-long dragon body, roaring towards the dragon ancestor god!

They want to defeat this unique dragon ancestor **** with the real body of the dragon clan. If they can kill or capture and suppress it in one fell swoop, bring it back to the original star field and hand it to the ancestor dragon to send it off.

As for refining or surrendering, that is Zulong's business.

And they, as long as they defeat the dragon ancestors, they can take advantage of the trend to attack the dragon **** realm, slay or surrender all the dragons, refine the whole world, seize the origin of the dragon **** realm, and take away all the power of the dragon family's luck. Use this as nourishment to make the Heavenly Dragon Realm more prosperous!

Although I don't know why this so-called dragon ancestor has the courage to steal the dragon's luck, since the other party did so, then they don't mind taking the dragon's luck in the opposite direction to support themselves.

Whether the three-headed dragon king or the giant dragon ancestor god, they are all huge and unfriended existences. They collide with each other, even if they are in the depths of the sky, it is a huge disaster to the surrounding space.

These behemoths not only control the profound principles of the Great Dao, but their own power is also terrifying. They are followed infinitely and vigorously in every move. A dragon swinging its tail can set off a void storm, and it can fight with any magical power. The void shivered and shattered.

This is also the main reason why many ancestors of good fortune chose to fight in the depths of the void, and did not get too close to the legions of all walks of life.

Otherwise, they will really get closer. Only the aftermath of their battle can cause countless lives to die, invisibly causing many killings, and let themselves be entangled in cause and effect!

Although at their level, ordinary killing and cause and effect can't shake their foundation at all, but if they are unscrupulous because of this, sooner or later, accidents will occur because of the heavy killing.

Unless those who are strong in the magic way can turn various negative energies into their own use, the stronger the existence, the less likely it will be to slaughter creatures!

This is also the reason why the major worlds, although they are expeditions, mainly rely on the strong below and the huge army to fight!

For a time, the stars burst by these giants, the void chaos, the violent power fluctuations and even the storm tides, make people frightened!


There are many powerful people in the Bright God Realm Alliance, especially in the higher worlds of the alliance, there are several particularly powerful higher worlds with world masters with good fortune realms.

In addition to the dragon ancestors of the Dragon God Realm, there are also the ancestors of the Phoenix family, a huge divine bird that spreads its wings to cover the sky and hides the sun.

In addition, there is the giant king of the mountain giant world, the world lord of the Pandora world, plus the ice goddess of the frost world, and a world that has been breached and escaped from the wandering void of the strong fortune Kaos, which is the birth of the Greek world. Of that innate god.

This innate **** was originally only a half-step realm of good fortune. In addition, it was sealed by his son, and it did not make any progress for countless years. It was not until the invasion of the blue sky that the third generation of the Greek **** Zeus was defeated. The last two **** kings were released, intending to let them help fight the blue sky together.

It’s a pity that in the end it was still unable to resist. The entire God Realm was occupied by various factions of Biluo, but Kaos was driven by the will of the Greek God Realm’s heavenly will, and was lucky enough to break through the realm in the battles with Biluo Mighty Power again and again. , Really set foot in the realm of good fortune.

It is precisely because of this that he has the strength to break out of the siege, escape from the completely defeated battlefield, and then is invited by the Bright God Realm to join the alliance while wandering in the void, and fight the Biluo invasion together!

Kaos also wanted to use the power of the Angel Protoss to defeat Biluo and retake the Greek God Realm, so the two sides hit it off and reached a covenant!

In this way, there are as many as six good fortune powerhouses from all walks of life in the Alliance alone, plus the six archangels of the Bright God Realm, and there are twelve good fortunes in total.

That's it, I haven't even counted the supreme power of the God of Light into it!

On the Biluo side, there were originally only five great powers of good fortune, plus the leader of the Fallen Angel family, the Great Demon King Lucifer, and only six. Such strength naturally cannot compete with the Bright Alliance.

However, Biluo has huge potential. Since Gongsun learned the news that the Bright God Realm wanted to form an alliance with various circles to besiege Biluo, he no longer suppressed his own cultivation base, and proved the good fortune.

And without the suppression of the first person in the eternal realm, the ancestors of the various factions who have accumulated enough for tens of thousands of years at the peak of the eternal realm have also proved one after another.

In just a few years, the ancient Guangming Buddha of the Great Guangming Temple of the Western Regions, the five-element ancestor of the Great Five Elements Sect of the Eastern Regions, and the weak water palace master of the Overseas Shenshui Palace, have successively proved the Great Way of Good Fortune, becoming the top power in the spiritual world. .

In this way, there will be eight powerful masters of good fortune, and they are already equal in number to the Bright God Realm!

Even if it is coupled with the Spring and Autumn ancestors who are unable to leave the world, but can exert a stronger strength in the big world of Biluo after being in harmony with the sky, Biluo's background is even stronger!

Of course, this is also related to Lucifer's rebellion against the Light God Realm back then, otherwise he would have the same strength in the amount of good fortune!

As for the specific strength, it will be known after fighting.

Although it seems that he still can't compete with the other's dozens of good fortune on the bright side, but fortunately, the Lord of Light is also a little guilty in his heart, lest Bi Luo send a strong man to copy his lair.

Besides, besides Biluo, the Bright God Realm has other powerful opponents, so I didn't dare to come out in full force, but left behind three archangels to sit in the Bright God Realm for emergencies.

And Biluo simply came out, anyway, there is the ancestor of the Spring and Autumn Period sitting in Biluo, as long as there is no digital good fortune invading at the same time, there is no risk of loss.

Gongsun went to the Abandoned Land by mistake, and there are still seven ancestors of good fortune, plus Lucifer, the great leader of the fallen angel, who is undefeated for the time being with eight to ten, but if it takes a long time, it will be unsustainable!

After all, although the Great Power of Good Fortune is also divided into strengths and weaknesses, it is absolutely impossible to tell the winners and losers in a short period of time, and even if the time is delayed, it is possible to fight for thousands of years!

And the two more fortune powerhouses in the Bright Alliance camp are the biggest variables!

Once Bi Luo fails to hold on to it, the situation may become one-sided.

Even If the Lord of Light is willing, he can continue to summon one or two archangels from the God Realm of Light to help in the fight at any time.

On the other hand, in addition to a few veteran destinies, all the others on the Biluo side are just recently promoted. Relatively speaking, the accumulation is far inferior to those who have long-standing proving ways.

Under this circumstance, the situation is very unfavorable for Biluo. If you are not careful, you will lose all the games!

Therefore, the Lord of Light and other powerhouses are full of confidence, feel that victory is in sight, and all of them are thinking about quickly defeating the army in front of them, and attacking the big world of Biluo as soon as possible to plunder!

In the end, he never expected that Bi Luo had hidden hands. Not only did he take a huge risk to break through the layers of time control, he summoned an army of billions of powers in the Abandoned Land, and the two great dragon and phoenix beast races came from afar. The original star field is here to help!

The Lord of Light was puzzled. Bi Luo summoned the lunatics in the Abandoned Land. Even if he could resist the backlash of the Abandoned Land, he would not be afraid that he would not be able to control them later and cause major chaos?

After all, there are countless people driving madness in the deserted land. Even the people who were originally good-natured have become extremely cruel in nature. The God of Light absolutely does not believe that Bi Luo can take care of the army of billions of powerful people with just a few immortality. If you bring them back to Biluo after the war, I am afraid that there will be great chaos in Biluo's realm.

If it is placed outside, there are bound to be countless strong people fleeing secretly, whether they are wandering in the void or fighting from all walks of life, they will cause countless killings. Among them, the cause and effect are related, and the strong will definitely suffer!

It's a pity that there is no time for the God of Light to think about these things.

Because with the strong attack of the powerful army of the deserted land and the two great beast races of dragon and phoenix, as well as the three masters of good fortune sent by each of the two clans, they directly disrupted his subordinates, and he had to reconsider the scene in front of him. The outcome of the war!

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