Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 990: Real Dragon vs. Giant Dragon

Latest website: Taixuan ancestor saw Gongsuncuo and others getting out of trouble, and then he was relieved.

He retracted the Kowloon Bell of the Avenue, suspended it above his head, and sprinkled the mysterious dragon-shaped golden light to protect himself.

The defensive power of this innate spirit treasure is extremely powerful, even if the holy sword in the hands of the **** of light is cut on it, it can't break the defense in a short time!

On the Rainbow Bridge, the immortals breathed a sigh of relief with lingering fears!

They looked at each other, and they all felt a bit of rejoicing from the bottom of their hearts. If it hadn't been for Elder Kongkong to follow by the name of the ancestor Taixuan, I am afraid that they would be completely planted in the abandoned land this time!

"Thanks to the Taoist Xuanqi of Kongkong Daoist, otherwise I will be in danger of my life this time if I can't wait for it!"

"Yeah, yeah, the rainbow bridge is really wonderful!"

Faced with the praises of the golden immortals, Kong Kong had to put away the grief in his heart, and dealt with a few words with strong fighting spirit.

Gongsun chuckled wrongly, and didn't say much.

However, he saw the expression of Elder Kongkong in his eyes, and knew that Kongkong's Rainbow Bridge was damaged.

It's just that his great power of good fortune realm does not need to be clear about certain things. In the future, a little care of Kong Kong and Yu Beast Sect will have infinite benefits, and it will naturally be able to make up for all the losses of Elder Kong Kong!


The Baiyun Immortal of the Jiutianshan Taoist Temple said: "This is not the time for small talk. I'd better go and help as soon as possible. It is important to defeat the Bright God Realm Alliance army!"

"Friends of the Taoists are quite true!"

The city lord of the Central Territory Organizes abiding by the rules and shakes his sleeves: "Now the battle is raging, and a certain family has learned a lot of novel methods in the deserted land, and is about to use this battle to try their skills!"

As he spoke, from his sleeves a hundred small puppets flew out of his sleeves. Some were round like a ball, some were square and square, some resembled statue puppets, and some were portrayed as birds, beasts, fish, and insects. Lifelike!

It’s just that no matter what shape, after flying out of his sleeves, all of them quickly swelled up, turning into hundreds of meters in size of organ puppets, humans or beasts. Powerful, some have four heads and eight arms, able to fight in all directions, and some have a thousand legs and a thousand feet, shaped like a centipede...

That's all, the key is that there are still many agency puppets that not only have the usual fighting methods used in agency cities, but also have strange weapons and equipment, which can launch a wave of violent violence that is completely different from the previous puppets. Let these puppets have a much stronger ability to attack and close combat at a distance!

On the other side, the ancestor of Yuguizong Beimang laughed, waved and released the ten thousand ghost banners, and directly summoned countless ghosts and ghosts, undead souls, and several super power-level undead ghosts, screaming towards all walks of life. The Alliance army kills.

The Five Poison Leader was not to be outdone, and opened his mouth to spray out a gray mist, wherever the mist passed, thousands of creatures were withered bones!

Look carefully, where is the mist, but countless Gu worms.

These gu worms are large or small, of different sizes, and their abilities are not the same, either ignore spell damage, or are not afraid of swords, or have the ability to hide and escape, or can swallow all energy, or It is to dive directly into the enemy's body and manipulate the opponent's body to kill the surrounding opponents!

Moreover, no matter any gu worm, all possesses highly poisonous, ordinary creatures will die when touched, and will die when touched. Even if the gods are caught by his poisonous spells, they can instantly turn into a dead bone!

Seeing this, the other great abilities all laughed, and showed off the magical powers they learned and comprehended in the deserted land, and each of them showed a powerful combat power far surpassed before entering the deserted land!

While this made them satisfied, they also became more and more show-off, using a series of powerful new ways to use them, and they would be envious of their fellow friends who were familiar with them!

Unexpectedly, these guys have entered the deserted land for only a few years, and they have changed in this way.

Of course, for several years from the outside world, thousands of years have passed in the abandoned land, so there is excuse for such a big change, but it still can't get rid of the emotions that make them feel envious.

Qin Feng was not in a hurry to make a move, his eyes swept around, watching the entire battlefield.

As far as the eyes can be, there is killing!

However, the protagonist at this moment seems to have changed.

From the army of cultivators in the Biluo practice world, into the billions of extraordinary legions in the deserted land!

These guys who have just come out of the abandoned land are already crazy after they came to the outside world, especially when they followed the guidance of several golden immortals and saw the opponent they were about to face, they were even more excited. Scream, rush towards the alliance army from all walks of life like crazy!

As long as the creatures that came out of the deserted land, except for the super strong and the powerful party, other existences, even the upper gods, cannot have enough resources for cultivation, let alone the middle and lower gods and the supernatural. The demigod is strong.

Countless creatures in the deserted land don’t know how many years they have not absorbed energy, tasted flesh and blood, let alone feel what it feels like to be full!

And now, the coalition forces from all walks of life appeared in front of them, which to them is equivalent to countless tender and delicious fat!

At this moment, there is no need for Brother Biluo to supervise them, and no one remembers reluctantly agreeing to the conditions of the strong Biluo at the beginning. They did not care about the formation or camp, and they swarmed. On the other hand, catching the alliance forces from all walks of life is a good kill.

That's all, it's not that the fighting frenzied opponents from all walks of life have not encountered them before, and it will not scare them.

But these lunatics in the Deserted Land not only carried out crazy killings on them, but also ate them while killing them, with blood dripping in their mouths.

Some don't care whether their opponents are still alive, grab them and deliver them to their mouths, chewing and swallowing half of their bodies, or even swallowing them whole-heartedly, and they can hear miserable screams from their stomachs.

There is also the huge body, with a strong inhalation, it can directly swallow tens of thousands of creatures on the battlefield.

When countless strong creatures of Abandoned Land joined the battlefield, they immediately brought dramatic changes to this huge battlefield. However, they were huge in number, and the weakest were the extraordinary powerhouses who mastered a trace of the power of the law.

Not to mention the armies of the ordinary and medium worlds. Even in the higher worlds and even the Light God Realm, there are very few armies made up of powerful men who master the power of the law, so many legions in the world are directly defeated. .

As long as there is not a sufficient number of strong people to stop, and if there is not enough tyrannical existence to direct the battle, the army of the ordinary world can only be crushed and defeated by the creatures of the deserted land, and it has to be eaten and wiped, full of corpses and broken bones. !

In fact, where these guys have gone, there are not many remaining bones, because many strong people will swallow them with bones.

After all, these bones also contain energy. For these powerful people who have been hungry for years and have been used to frugality, they are really not used to vomiting things out of their mouths!

The fighting power of the strong in the Abandoned Land is a mess, and the coalition forces from all walks of life are chaotic.

However, it is not them who are the most violent, but the army of the dragon and phoenix clans!

It's just that since these two clans have left the deserted land and appeared on the battlefield, their goals have been clear, pointing directly to the dragon family and the Phoenix Legion!

They did not entangle with the army of the ordinary world much, just like two sharp swords passing across the battlefield, directly dividing the alliance army from all walks of life into two halves. Anyone who dares to block the direction of the two races along the way will all strike. kill!

The real dragons are capable of clearing the way, spouting real water from their mouths and turning into oceans, scouring everything along the way, washing all the creatures blocking the road into the bottom of the water, and the entire body bones that have been consumed by the endless real water are gone, nothing is left!

On the other side of the Phoenix clan, the colorful sky phoenix headed by them spread their wings and soared, leading the Phoenix army tens of thousands of miles behind him. The fiery flames burned everything, and no strong man in the world dared to intercept the Phoenix clan’s forward direction.

As for the ordinary army, they didn't even have a chance to escape, so they were killed in the flames!

The Legion in the ordinary world is not worth mentioning in front of the phoenix and other divine birds.

What's more, this is the Phoenix army that has formed a huge army. It is nearly half of the strength of the Tianhuang Great World. Talking about the medium world, the high world is nothing in front of them!

Until later, when the coalition forces from all walks of life saw these two powerful and unmatched race targets directly targeting the dragon and the Phoenix, they commanded their subordinates to retreat from side to side, giving way to the dragon and phoenix tribes, completely ignoring the dragon and the dragon tribe. The ugly face of Phoenix!

Since people are here to trouble you, then you can take the initiative to deal with it, why let us die?

After all, the ordinary world has self-knowledge and knows that its own strength is far from enough to compare with the Dragon God Realm and the Phoenix Realm. The two powerful races that have suddenly emerged, let these two worlds deal with it!

So soon, the dragon and phoenix clan found their opponents!

A dragon roars, a dragon roars, a phoenix screams for nine days, and flames rush into the sky!

In an instant, the four major ethnic groups opened up two new battlefields, and all the creatures in the surrounding world retreated far, unwilling to join in when these four races were at war.

Even the monks of Biluo are no exception!

Not to mention that this war involves something deeper, if it is not necessary, the dragon and the phoenix are not willing to let Biluo intervene too much, so as not to affect some of the subsequent layout!

As they battled, the scene suddenly became much fierce. The huge bodies of the real dragon and the giant dragon collided, bit, and scratched each other. Not only did the dragon's blood spill over the void, but from time to time, huge dragon corpses were beaten out of the circle!

It's just that the casualties of the true dragon clan are relatively less. After all, these guys are all born sacred, and they can be comparable to the immortals in adulthood, but they are not comparable to the giant dragons with the strength of the ninth level of monsters.

The only problem is that the number of true dragons is relatively small, unlike the giant dragons. It not only mobilizes the huge power of the Dragon God Realm, but also summons more than half of the dragons cultivated in many worlds, so the giant dragons are here. This star field has a quantitative advantage.

If it weren't for a large army of flood dragons behind the real dragon, this battle would be really hard to fight. After all, many ants kill elephants, and the dragon family is not comparable to ants!


In the distant depths of the void stood two huge figures.

A body covered with golden light is the huge golden body of Buddha Amitabha, and an ancient mottled scale armor with wings on its back is the great dragon ancestor of the Dragon God Realm!

The reason why this giant dragon ancestor **** is especially valued by the **** of light is because he possesses the strength of the late stage of good fortune and even the peak.

It is precisely because of being so powerful that the Guangming God placed the candidate who would compete against Amitabha Buddha on the dragon ancestor God!

This dragon ancestor **** really did not bear the burden, and indeed blocked the second strongest in the big world of Biluo after Taixuan ancestor!

However, when the giant dragon ancestor and Amitabha were fighting fiercely, they suddenly saw the appearance of the true dragon family, and almost jumped up in shock, and was immediately slapped by Amitabha Buddha in the palm of the Buddha!

If he wasn't strong enough, I'm afraid he would get rid of it half-life in one fell swoop!

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