Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 671: Condolences and resignation

After the shock, Zhao Tiequan and I looked at each other and read doubts in each other's eyes. We have some doubts that Zhang Shundong is not dead at all, and Bai Yanluo pretended that he was dead just to pass our test. How can there be such a coincidence in this world?

Bai Yanluo also saw our doubts and said, "Actually, I don't believe it, so let's go and have a look together. It is said that the police have not arrived at the scene of the murder yet." He got up and walked out of the private room. Zhao Tiequan and I followed him, thinking See what tricks he is going to play. After leaving Kaiyuan Restaurant, Bai Yanluo got into a black Mercedes-Benz, and Zhao Tiequan and I followed behind in the Accord.

On Kaiyuan Road, in addition to the numerous luxurious and luxurious high-rise buildings on both sides of the road, the small alleys between the high-rise buildings that lead to nowhere are also a scenery. In these small alleys, there are usually small restaurants, hotels, barber shops, grocery stores, sex shops, etc., which are all places where ordinary people of the upper class come. The Mercedes-Benz turned into one of the alleys, and my Accord followed suit. The alley was bumpy and sewage-filled, and the speed of the car became very slow, so I had to follow slowly. This city has smooth and clean thoroughfares like Kaiyuan Road, as well as bumpy and narrow lanes like today's.

After walking about a few dozen meters, the Mercedes-Benz stopped at the door of a "Lanzhou Noodle House". I pressed close to Mercedes-Benz's butt and stopped. Bai Yanluo got out of the car, followed by four bodyguards. Zhao Tiequan and I also got out of the car, of course it was just the two of us. Suddenly we felt that we were so shabby and could not compare to Bai Yanluo's magnificence. Bai Yanluo walked into the noodle shop, and we followed him.

The noodle shop was empty, and there was a man covered in blood lying on the floor in the lobby. The tables and chairs around him were in a mess, and there were some broken beer bottles on the ground, as if he had just experienced a fierce fight. Bai Yanluo knelt down and straightened the man's head on the ground. Only then did we see that it was really Zhang Shundong. Bai Yanluo and I looked at each other, but we didn't expect this person to die here.

Bai Yanluo sighed, stood up and asked his bodyguard: "Where are Dongzi's people?" The bodyguard said: "Brother Dong only brought four or five people here for dinner. When the murder happened, they were all scared away." Bai Yanluo said. Yan Luo shook his head: "I have always said that the essence of my brother is not too much. Too many? What does it matter if there are too many? It can't compare to someone who dares to fight for his life." After saying this, he asked: "Who killed him?"

The bodyguard said: "According to eyewitnesses, the other party was young, only eighteen or nineteen years old. He had a lot of hair and was very ruthless. He was chasing Brother Dong's life from the beginning." He put his hand on his neck. At the aorta, he continued: "I smashed the beer bottle and stabbed it directly in here. It didn't count that it was stabbed in, but it was also turned back and forth a few times. Brother Dong couldn't survive at that time, and his younger brothers dispersed in a hurry. It was the hotel waiter who called the police. The murderer also ran away, and no one saw where he went."

My heart suddenly trembled, my hair was blowing, and the attack was so ruthless, only... Yuan Shao was the only one left!

Zhao Tiequan exclaimed beside him: "Are all children today so cruel?"

Bai Yanluo sat down, stared at the gradually cold body on the ground, and said calmly: "A Fei has a man named Yuan Shao, who is the number one red stick in their gang. According to the description, it seems that it was probably Yuan Shao who killed him. The hands, appearance, and age all match.”

"Oh." The bodyguard seemed to be recalling Mr. Yuan's appearance.

Bai Yanluo and I thought of going together. We both knew that only Mr. Yuan could do this. So I became anxious, wondering how Mr. Yuan is doing now? Killing someone in public can't be hidden from the underworld, nor can it be hidden from the white people. The only way is to run away. I wonder if he ran away, where is he now?

Although Bai Yanluo pretended to be calm, his heavy breathing revealed the anger in his heart. There is no doubt that Zhang Shundong is his favorite general, which can be seen from the fact that he handed over the splendid nightclub to Zhang Shundong. "The younger brother killed the elder brother. This is a big deal." Bai Yanluo tried his best to control his tone and said at the same time: "Call Ah Fei and Hongzhu over and comment on this truth today. At the same time, arrange for people to search. Mr. Yuan, don’t let him get away.”

"Yes." One of the bodyguards called on the spot and quickly arranged and deployed the next strategy. "Don't miss any of the train stations, bus stations, airports, national highway crossings, and highway crossings in Beiyuan City. Be sure to find Mr. Yuan!"

A dragnet woven by Bai Yanluo has spread to the entire Beiyuan City.

Sirens sounded outside, and the police finally arrived. Liu Qingfei came in with several policemen and quickly bent down to inspect the body. Bai Yanluo sat beside him without saying a word, his eyes slightly cold. Liu Qingfei called out the hotel proprietress and waiters and started asking questions in the lobby. After asking, he had a general understanding of the murderer's appearance, so he turned to Bai Yanluo and asked: "Do you know who the murderer is?" Bai Yanluo shook his head: "I don't know."

Although Bai Yanluo hated Yuan Shao very much, he didn't go to the police to find Yuan Shao. He also wanted to catch him and deal with it according to the family law. Liu Qingfei snorted coldly: "If you don't report the knowledge, I can arrest you!" Bai Yanluo said calmly: "Liu Suo, my brothers are dead, and you are telling me this here? Okay, you can Let me catch it!" He stretched out his hands.

Liu Qingfei hesitated for a moment, but in the end he didn't take action. He said impatiently: "If you don't know, just leave quickly. Don't interfere with our handling of the case here. When we finish checking the body, we will notify you to come and take it away!" He also knew that he was arrested rashly. What consequences will there be for Bai Yanluo? Those little hooligans can annoy him to death.

Bai Yanluo stood up and walked out calmly without looking at Zhang Shundong. Zhao Tiequan and I also came to the door. Bai Yanluo's face was full of sadness, and he stood under the sun and sighed: "Master Zhao, Brother Mouse, I originally wanted to try my best to save his life from you two, but I didn't expect that he failed to live up to his expectations and died in this way. Place. We don’t need to negotiate anymore.”

Zhao Tiequan cupped his hands and said, "My condolences." I didn't say anything, and I couldn't say anything good.

Zhao Tiequan and I got into the car and drove away from this small restaurant, leaving Bai Yanluo behind us further and further away.

Not long after the murder occurred, Yu Chengfei received the news. At that time, he was telling jokes to make the little nurse happy, and his cell phone suddenly rang. He realized that something might be wrong because his brothers had never come to him since he was hospitalized and did not want to disturb his rest. So when the phone rings, it means something has happened, and something big that they can't handle!

The call was from Meng Liang. The following is their call record.

"Brother Yu, Master Yuan killed Zhang Shundong."

"Grass, where was it killed? Did many people see it? Where was the body?"

"In a small restaurant, there were quite a lot of people. The body was dumped there. Mr. Yuan went back to the bar, took some money, and left in a hurry."

"Does Bai Yanluo know?"

"I heard that I got it. I'm on my way to the restaurant."

"Damn it, tell Mr. Yuan to move quickly, don't let Bai Yanluo block the road. By then, this kid will be unable to fly!"

After hanging up the phone, Yu Chengfei pulled out the infusion needle and walked around the ward. After listening to the call just now, the little nurse turned pale with fright. She realized how dangerous the pale man in front of her was. Less than five minutes later, Yu Chengfei's cell phone rang again. This time it was Bai Yanluo's bodyguard who called, informing Yu Chengfei to have a meeting somewhere. As soon as the call was made, Yu Chengfei understood that Bai Yanluo already knew about it, and he was probably setting up a dragnet to search for Young Master Yuan throughout the city.

Yu Chengfei's guess was correct. Bai Yanluo's men were now active at all traffic stops in Beiyuan City. These traffic stops are often the domain of petty thieves who specialize in stealing foreign tourists passing by. Bai Yanluo's base is in the south of the city. After moving to other places for activities, he will naturally face doubts and backlash. These little thieves thought these gangsters were here to steal business and quickly told their big brother. After these big brothers figured out the identities of the gangsters, they called Bai Yanluo's cell phone and asked what was going on. Bai Yanluo said honestly that he was searching for a younger brother who was a criminal below, and hoped that it would be convenient for the elder brothers. The younger brother killing the elder brother is a happy thing to see in the Tao, and the elder brothers from all walks of life are also happy to see the joke, so they let Bai Yanluo go.

These gangsters have heard about Yuan Shao through word of mouth and already know his general appearance: eighteen or nineteen years old, with an afro, a typical gangster. The characteristics are obvious, and everyone is very confident in this manhunt, because the nearest train will leave in twenty minutes. There were always cars leaving at the bus station, and the highway entrance was also blocked by people. They checked each car one by one. People guessed that Mr. Yuan would not choose a car. As for the plane, if you need an ID card, just ask a friend in the aviation system to check it, and there is no sign of Yuan Shao.

So everyone focused on the train station, because you don’t need an ID card to buy a train ticket. Hundreds of gangsters gathered here, searching for a young gangster with an afro.

Twenty minutes later, Yu Chengfei, who was still in the ward, received another call from Meng Liang.

"Master Yuan ran away and threw away his mobile phone card. He said he would hide for a little longer this time and contact us again if he had a chance."

Yu Chengfei breathed out: "This coward finally ran away. It's not easy to escape from Bai Yanluo's dragnet." After hanging up the phone, he felt a little more relaxed. This was not the first time Yuan Shao ran away, and Yu Chengfei was not worried about his safety.

The little nurse had already run away secretly, and at this time Nan Nan also opened the door and came in. Nannan went out to buy food and didn't know what had happened. When she came back, she saw that the infusion needle had been pulled out. She frowned slightly, and an unknown premonition arose spontaneously.

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