Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 670, Negotiation

I stuck out my tongue secretly. In fact, I have no plans to practice martial arts, and those words are just flattery. As you get involved in society more, you slowly learn to say what others like to hear. For Zhao Tiequan, he is definitely most willing to hear other people's affirmation of Kung Fu.

As soon as he opened the thread of conversation, Zhao Tiequan couldn't hold it in anymore, and said a bunch of words about Jianghu. The general idea was that Jianghu was in decline now, and it was not as pure as before. Everyone practiced martial arts diligently, and there was a difference between dignity and inferiority. Point of view, it is against the principles and ethics for a disciple to beat his master. Nowadays, if you just get a gun, you can go out and mess around in the world. How many young men have killed their bosses with one shot? Talking about this, Zhao Tiequan shook his head: "There are also some who beat the old master to death with random punches. They slashed randomly with a knife, and they didn't follow the routine at all. They were all underhanded moves. It was really hard to guard against. Hey. , after all, the world is still in decline..."

I held back my laughter because I felt that Zhao Tiequan must be talking about the Slap King. He was an experienced master, but the slap king was a little bastard who messed up his fists, but ended up slicing his stomach open with a knife.

As we talked all the way, we arrived at the private room. Bai Yanluo hadn't come yet, so Zhao Tiequan and I sat down and sipped tea slowly. Zhao Tiequan said: "Bai Yanluo has become famous and developed rapidly in recent years. He should not take us old guys seriously anymore."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the private room opened, and Bai Yanluo walked in with a smile, cupped his hands and said, "Master Zhao, I'm sorry for the traffic jam." He was as gentle and elegant as ever. Zhao Tiequan also stood up, cupped his hands and said, "Brother, sit down." Every move they made was quite ancient. Bai Yanluo didn't behave like this when he saw other people. He only used this courtesy when he saw Zhao Tiequan. I also stood up quickly and called out: "Brother." Although I was already the leader of the Black Tiger Gang, Bai Yanluo was always the eldest brother.

Zhao Tiequan looked at me in surprise, obviously not expecting me to call Bai Yanluo that way. Because of the rules of the road, this person is your boss, so you can call him big brother. And Bai Yanluo also deliberately wanted to show off in front of Zhao Tiequan, and said with a smile: "Mouse, how is Yu Chengfei doing recently? I heard that he is hospitalized, but I haven't seen him yet." I said, "They were all drunk. , But it’s not a big problem, the doctor asked Brother Yu to stop drinking.” I didn’t want to tell Bai Yanluo about Yu Chengfei vomiting blood, and there was no need to explain the reason. Bai Yanluo smiled and said: "Let him take good care of his health. As long as I am here, no one dares to go to DT Bar to cause trouble."

Zhao Tiequan looked at me and then at Bai Yanluo. Bai Yanluo explained: "My subordinate Yu Chengfei is Mouse's eldest brother." Zhao Tiequan said with some sourness: "Brother, it turns out that the leader of the Black Tiger Gang is also one of yours. You have such a big power, and you can fight with the black tiger gang." "Yam Luo is fighting hard." Bai Yanluo waved his hands and said, "Hey~ why should we fight hard? Making money is the most important thing now!"

We all know in our hearts that if we want to make more money, of course we have to kill other big guys. But Zhao Tiequan didn't point it out, he just laughed and said: "Ask for good fortune, seek good fortune." Then Bai Yanluo sat down and asked the waiter to serve a cup of Biluochun. Normally when we talk at Kaiyuan Restaurant, we just order a few dishes as a token, and no one eats them afterward. Gradually, everyone stopped wasting money and just ordered a few cups of tea and talked about things.

After everyone sat down, Zhao Tiequan told the story about Zhang Shundong, and deliberately made the situation very serious, saying that we almost started fighting. "Brother, think about it, if I get involved with the Black Tiger Gang, how serious will the consequences be? Isn't it an exaggeration to say that Kaiyuan Road is a river of blood? Is that how your subordinate Zhang Shundong does things?"

Bai Yanluo remained silent, picked up the cup, blew on the floating tea leaves, and took a gentle sip. Zhao Tiequan continued: "I have also checked. This matter was Zhang Shundong's idea alone and has nothing to do with you, brother. So I won't embarrass you. I just need to deal with Zhang Shundong." After that, he also said: He picked up the cup, took a sip, and looked at me sideways.

I cleared my throat and said: "Brother, I am now the leader of the Black Tiger Gang, and my words and deeds represent the Black Tiger Gang. The brothers in the gang are very angry now, because everyone was prepared and Brother Zhao and his gang had a fight! Later, I had a better idea. I caught a few of the minions and questioned them carefully. I threw several of them from upstairs before I found out the truth. If this matter is not dealt with, , the brothers feel uncomfortable."

Bai Yanluo put the cup on the table, nodded and said: "I really don't know that Dongzi does these things in private. But if he does something wrong, he does something wrong, and I, as the boss, can't protect him. Then please Master Zhao. Tell Mouse, what do you want me to do with Dongzi?" This guy was so cunning that he actually kicked the ball to us.

Zhao Tiequan smiled and said: "Brother, Zhang Shundong is yours, how can we overstep his place? But I believe that brother, you are still standing today because you are clear in rewards and punishments, and you are fair in dealing with things, and you will definitely give us a satisfactory answer."

I was speechless in my heart, Zhao Tiequan and his grandmother were even better at speaking. Bai Yanluo was silent for a moment, and finally said: "Dongzi made a mistake this time and offended both of you at the same time. Logically speaking, the crime is unforgivable. However, I think it was his first offense and it did not cause any serious consequences. What serious consequences? Just like attempted murder and killing someone are always different. How about this, I call him over, apologize to you two, and then pay you two hundred thousand yuan each. How about this? "

I took a breath, I didn't expect Bai Yanluo to protect Zhang Shundong so much. Did he really think that Zhao Tiequan and I were dead? But then I remembered that when Bai Yanluo took me and Yu Chengfei to negotiate with Black Yama, in the end the result was just an apology and a toast. This shows that it is a long-standing tradition for Bai Yanluo to protect his younger brother.

Putting aside the element of hatred, I think Bai Yanluo is really a good big brother.

Yu Chengfei said he was hypocritical, but I haven’t seen it yet.

For a while, Zhao Tiequan and I didn't speak. The private room fell silent as the three of them drank tea. Zhao Tiequan put down the tea cup and said: "Brother, your punishment is a bit too light, isn't it? Even if it is attempted murder, you still have to be sentenced. Why don't you just pay some money and let it go? Brother Wang Hao and I must be thinking Not convinced."

Bai Yanluo chuckled and said, "Besides the legal principles, there is nothing more than human feelings. And according to the rules of our Taoism, sometimes you don't need to pay for your life if you kill someone. Today, the two brothers just look at my face and let it go. Can I spare my life? Just think that I owe you two a favor, and I will pay it back if I have the chance to do so someday."

Bai Yanluo was soft yet hard, a bit threatening. This guy is so protective of his calf, which makes it difficult for Zhao Tiequan and I to deal with it. I suddenly realized that Bai Yanluo dared to be so tough because of the power in his hands. Since killing Scar Zhang, he has taken over a lot of the opponent's territory. The more places there are, the more money there will be, and naturally there will be more brothers. Bai Yanluo is really proud of himself now.

Bai Yanluo suddenly said: "Mouse, what do you think?"

I looked up and saw Bai Yanluo looking at me with a smile. I understand what he means. He defeated me first, and then it was easy to defeat Zhao Iron Fist. As long as I let go, his chances of winning will be greatly improved. Bai Yanluo is usually nice to me, so logically I should just give up and agree to his "apology". But I know it won't work. Putting aside my personal grudges, even Yu Chengfei wants Zhang Shundong dead. I have to seize this opportunity and not let it go, trying to kill Zhang Shundong with Bai Yanluo's hand.

Zhao Tiequan also looked at me. I said: "Brother, when things have come to this point, I have to be fair. If Brother Zhao and I let Zhang Shundong go, none of our brothers will be able to swallow this breath. I hope you will consider the overall situation and do something for us." Think about it. In short, Zhang Shundong must die!" His tone became tougher involuntarily.

I hardened, and Zhao Tiequan also hardened and said, "Yes, we came here today just to save Zhang Shundong's life. Brother, it's not that I don't give you face, it's that your subordinate did too much. If you let him go, , neither of us can mess around anymore."

Bai Yanluo breathed out, and the smile on his face slowly disappeared, replaced by a face full of gloom.

My heart suddenly skipped a beat, and I couldn't help but look at Zhao Tiequan. Zhao Tiequan also looked serious, but the two of us did not change our stance.

"Dongzi cannot die." Bai Yanluo said, "He has done a lot for me over the years, and I must protect him once."

Negotiations reached a deadlock.

This is clearly the rhythm of the collapse of the talks.

Once the talks collapse, all three of us will be in trouble. Zhao Tiequan and I join forces to fight Bai Yanluo. This is inevitable.

I also said word for word: "Zhang Shundong must die."

Zhao Tiequan said: "Agree."

Bai Yanluo's face became even stiffer. His hand was holding the teacup, and the teacup seemed to be broken due to excessive force.

Once it is broken, Bai Yanluo's emotions will inevitably explode, and the relationship between us will completely collapse!

At this moment, we all held our breath, waiting for Bai Yanluo's ultimatum.


The fragrance of tea lingers, and the private room is peaceful, but the murderous intention hidden in the secret is enough to cause a bloody storm on Kaiyuan Road.

At this moment, a series of cell phone ringtones suddenly rang. Bai Yanluo let go of the tea cup, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, put it to his ear and listened. As he listened, his expression suddenly changed! The gloom just now turned into full of anger, Bai Yanluo's eyes sparkled. Zhao Tiequan and I looked at each other, not knowing what was going on. After a long time, Bai Yanluo put down the phone.

"No need to negotiate." He said: "Dongzi is dead."

Zhao Tiequan and I looked shocked, we didn't expect this result at all!

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