Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 651, Dog bites dog

After Uncle Qi finished speaking, Zhou Honglin's expression became shocked.

"Are you serious?" It was obvious that Zhou Honglin was a little doubtful.

"If you don't believe it, I'll leave now." Uncle Qi was very stubborn and proud. Just leave, heading towards the door.

"Hey, I didn't say I didn't believe it." Zhou Honglin quickly grabbed Uncle Qi and said, "I just can't accept it. Mr. Zhang and I have no grudges and treat each other with courtesy. Why would he harm me like this?"

Uncle Qi shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "In the eyes of everyone, they always think that he is upright and chivalrous. Only I know what he is! For money, what else can't he do? Brother Zhou, if you If you don’t believe it, call him over and I’ll confront him face to face. As long as I’m here, he will never dare to deny it.”

Zhou Honglin took a breath and said, "Mo Mo, go and invite Mr. Zhang over." There was already a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Zhou Mo immediately turned around and went out, but Zhou Honglin stopped her again: "Forget it, let's go find him together and save ourselves the trouble." Bento walked out first, and we all followed behind. After twisting and turning in the corridor, I finally came to a certain door. Zhou Honglin was about to raise his hand to knock on the door when he heard Butler Wang's voice coming from inside.

"Mr. Zhang, what should I do? I just saw that Zhou Mo brought back the 'Infuriated Lord of Hell'! Damn it, I didn't expect that boy named Wang Hao to actually know your junior brother!"

"Don't panic. Damn it!" Zhang Wanda's voice was also filled with anxiety: "If it doesn't work, just blame it all on Xiao Wei. Just say that Xiao Wei stole the medicine from me, and this medicine is the same as the whip. The soup blends into one, so even I can’t detect it!”

Zhou Honglin's complexion was ashen. There is no need to interrogate now, all the reasons are already understood. He pushed the door open, his face as cold as frost, and strode in, followed closely by the rest of us. Inside the room, it turned out to be Zhang Wanda and Butler Wang, both of whom looked horrified. Zhou Honglin walked over, looked at Zhang Wanda and said, "Mr. Zhang, you have made me suffer so much! It's a shame that I treat you as a guest of honor!"

Zhang Wanda immediately regained his composure and said, "Mr. Zhou, I don't understand what you are talking about."

Zhou Mo scolded: "Old beast, are you still pretending? We already heard what you and that barking dog said outside the door!"

Uncle Qi coughed twice and said slowly: "Brother, Mr. Zhou already knows the origin of that soup."

Only then did Zhang Wanda give up, and his face turned as pale as paper. Butler Wang shivered, bent his knees, and knelt down in front of Zhou Honglin: "Mr. Zhou, I was wrong. I don't dare to do it anymore. Please give me another chance."

Zhou Honglin sighed and said: "Steward Wang, I think I treat you well, why do you treat me like this?" Steward Wang pointed at Zhang Wanda and said, "It's him, he forced me! Mr. Zhou, I My loyalty to you can be learned from time to time, but he forced me to take a strange drug, and I had to ask him for the antidote once a month, otherwise I would be itchy all over and couldn't stand it! I was forced to have no choice! "

Zhang Wanda scolded: "You are such a heartless piece of shit, now you blame me if something goes wrong? When did I feed you medicine? You were the one who invited me here to harm Zhou Honglin. !”

Butler Wang suddenly pounced and pushed hard against Zhang Wanda's leg. Zhang Wanda was old and frail, and his legs and feet were inconvenient, so he fell hard to the ground. Butler Wang sat on top of him, slapped him from left to right, and cursed: "You fart, you fart!" Zhang Wanda screamed after being beaten, but he had no strength to resist at all, which was far worse than Uncle Qi. I stared at the two of them dumbfounded, and now I know what it means to be a dog biting a dog. Zhou Mo couldn't stand it anymore, so he rushed forward and kicked Butler Wang on the back. Butler Wang was kicked to the ground. Zhou Mo rushed over and slapped him again, scolding: "You still don't tell the truth?"

Butler Wang cried sadly: "Miss, I am telling the truth. Zhang Wanda forced me to do everything!"

Zhou Honglin shook his head, walked to the window, opened it, and said to a line of bodyguards patrolling downstairs: "You guys, come up here!" I grinned by the door, knowing that something good was going to happen soon. Butler Wang crawled in front of Zhou Honglin like a dog, dragged his trouser legs and said with tears in his eyes: "Mr. Zhou, I was really forced. It was Zhang Wanda who framed me." Zhou Honglin didn't do anything. Moved, he said calmly: "If you don't tell the truth, I'm afraid you won't have a chance."

As soon as he finished speaking, seven or eight tall bodyguards broke in. A boss said: "Mr. Zhou, what's going on?" Zhou Honglin pointed at Zhang Wanda and Butler Wang and said, "Beat them both until they tell the truth." Butler Wang made an "ouch" and dragged Zhou Honglin's Pantleg cried loudly: "Mr. Zhou, for the sake of my hard work for so many years, even without credit, just believe me this time. It was really Zhang Wanda who forced me..."

The head of the bodyguard looked stern, and he obviously didn't know why he wanted to beat Zhang Wanda and Butler Wang. But this was Zhou Honglin's order, and he had no choice but to carry it out unconditionally, so he had to lead his people forward. Zhang Wanda's expression changed, and he struggled to get up. He looked at Zhou Honglin and said, "You dare to touch me?!" Zhou Honglin snorted: "When I respect you, you are still a human being; when I disrespect you, you are still a human being. An egg? Give me a good beating!" The head of the bodyguard became more confident and divided his men into two groups, heading towards the two of them respectively.

At this moment, a cell phone rang. Zhang Wanda took out his cell phone, looked happy, and quickly picked it up: "Secretary Fu, it's you..." Zhou Honglin's expression changed and he raised his hand, causing the bodyguards to temporarily stop their actions. Just listen to Zhang Wanda continue to say: "You have some health problems, right? Well... Of course, of course I am free. But I am at Mr. Zhou's house, and I don't know if he is willing to let me out... Well, you know Well, when you live under someone else’s side, you have to act based on their opinions...Okay, okay."

Speaking of this, Zhang Wanda handed the phone to Zhou Honglin with a smile: "Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Fu Baofeng." Zhou Honglin's face darkened, he took the phone and said gently: "Secretary Fu, I am Zhou Honglin." Because I was far away from Zhou Honglin, I could hear the voice on the phone. I just heard Secretary Fu say: "Mr. Zhou, I'm feeling ill. Can you ask Mr. Zhang to come over and take a look at me?" Zhou Honglin immediately said: "Yes, of course." Secretary Fu said again: "Haha, okay , I’ll send someone to pick him up.”

Zhou Honglin handed the phone to Zhang Wanda. Zhang Wanda took the phone and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhou, I'm sorry, I'm going to take the first step." Zhou Honglin sneered: "The mountains will remain green and the water will flow forever. There will be many opportunities for us to meet in the future. I hope you can meet me every time." Such good luck!" Zhang Wanda's expression changed and he said: "Mr. Zhou, once I leave, I will definitely not come back again. I just want to say one last thing, it was indeed Butler Wang who bribed me. As for the person behind him, Who he is, I really don’t know.”

Butler Wang said "Wow" and cursed: "You fart, you fart, it's obviously you who threatens me!"

Zhang Wanda snorted and walked toward the door on crutches. When he walked up to Uncle Qi, he said leisurely: "What a quitter. I've never seen anyone slap me in the face like this, hehe." As he said that, he left. Uncle Qi's face naturally didn't look good. After Zhang Wanda left, Uncle Qi also said: "Brother Zhou, if you stop the soup, your body will slowly eliminate the toxins. I will prescribe you another medicine and drink it together to make the toxins disappear faster. It's okay. I'll leave first. You can find someone to write down the recipe." Zhou Honglin probably knew Uncle Qi's difficulties, so he didn't force him to stay and said: "Mo Mo, go and take care of this matter, and then Send Mr. Qi back." Zhou Mo took Uncle Qi and left.

Only me, Zhou Honglin, Butler Wang, and the seven or eight bodyguards were left in the room. Zhou Honglin said: "Let's do it." The bodyguards stepped forward and kicked and punched Butler Wang. Butler Wang covered his head and begged for mercy, but refused to say anything. I looked around and brought a chair to Zhou Honglin. Zhou Honglin sat down and said to me, "You can sit down too."

I moved a slightly lower stool and sat next to Zhou Honglin. I like to watch fights and stuff like that. To be honest, I feel like I’m going to do something too. Ever since I killed the plane, I haven't relaxed my muscles anymore. These bodyguards worked very hard, all of them were big and round, and they all used very professional blows. They hit Butler Wang on his ribs and joints, and they hit him so hard that he couldn't scream for a while.

As soon as Zhou Honglin waved his hand, the bodyguards stopped. Zhou Honglin asked: "Are you willing to tell the truth?"

Butler Wang lay on the ground and gasped: "Mr. Zhou, I didn't lie to you, it's really Zhang Wanda..."

Zhou Honglin raised his hand: "Continue."

Seven or eight bodyguards continued to fight. It would be a bit crowded to fight together, so we came four by four, kicking Butler Wang tossing and turning like he was making pancakes. After beating for a while, blood came out of Butler Wang's mouth and nose. Zhou Honglin asked him again if he wanted to tell him, but he still said that it was Zhang Wanda who instigated it, so the bodyguards continued to beat him. After repeating this three or four times, Butler Wang gritted his teeth and always said that Zhang Wanda did it. The head bodyguard said: "Mr. Zhou, if you beat me again, you will die. He should be telling the truth."

Zhou Honglin frowned and stared at Butler Wang. Butler Wang said weakly: "Mr. Zhou, believe me..." Seeing his miserable appearance, several bodyguards couldn't bear it. However, they are very professional and they will never stop if Zhou Honglin doesn't let him. Zhou Honglin put his hands on his legs and kept tapping them. He felt a little anxious inside.

Could it be that what Butler Wang said is true? Was everything ordered by Zhang Wanda? Why would Wanda do this? If the real enemy cannot be dug out, dangers will continue to come in the future...

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