Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 650, Who is your father?

I jumped up immediately and said in a slightly excited tone: "I'm so angry that Lord Yama is Zhang Wanda's junior brother?!"

Zhou Mo said strangely: "Yes, what's wrong?"

I said, "Don't ask. Let's go to Laoyapo again!"

After getting in the car, I remembered that I had thought about never looking for Uncle Qi again, but now I turned around and wanted to look for Uncle Qi again. It was really...

When I arrived at Tongzilou, I picked up the thermos bucket and got out of the car. Zhou Mo asked, "Shall I go too?" I thought about it and agreed. I came to Uncle Qi's house with Zhou Mo. After knocking on the door, I felt a little embarrassed and called out: "Uncle Qi." Then I lowered my head. Uncle Qi said calmly: "You are here, come in." Zhou Mo and I went in together. Uncle Qi sat on the sofa and asked, "What's the matter?" I put the thermos bucket on the coffee table and said, "Uncle Qi, I want to ask you to see what's wrong with this soup."

Uncle Qi opened the lid, lowered his head to smell it, and then dipped the tip of his chopsticks into it to taste. Then, he said, "Wait a minute." He picked up the bucket and walked to another bedroom, while Zhou Mo and I continued to wait in the living room. After a while, I heard a "bang" in the bedroom, as if something had been knocked down. I was startled and quickly stood up and ran over. When he opened the door, he found Uncle Qi standing next to a table with a pale face. There were scattered bottles and cans on the table. The thermos bucket I brought knocked over and the soup was spilled all over the floor. I quickly asked: "Uncle Qi, what's wrong?"

Uncle Qi started coughing violently at this time. He first coughed with his back straight, and then bent over and coughed, as if he wanted to cough out his lungs. I didn't know how to help, so I could only stand aside anxiously. After a long time, Uncle Qi's coughing gradually stopped, and he slowly asked, "Where did you bring this soup from?" Zhou Mo said, "It's from my house. Our chef made it." Uncle Qi He looked at Zhou Mo and asked, "Is Zhang Wanda at your home?" Zhou Mo nodded: "Mr. Zhang is at my home."

"Hehe." Uncle Qi laughed happily, but the laughter was creepy, and then said: "There is nothing wrong with this soup. You can go back." But with his look, we all knew that there was something wrong with the soup. Zhou Mo and I looked at each other, but neither of us moved even an inch. I said: "Uncle Qi, can you tell me what was added to this soup? Why can't the food testing agency find it out, and your junior brother Zhang Wanda can't find it out either?" After hearing what I said, Uncle Qi actually sneered, As if very disdainful. He hesitated to speak, but then said: "I can't find out, there is indeed nothing wrong with this soup."

At this time, Zhou Mo was also a little anxious: "Uncle Qi, my father drinks this soup every day. What's wrong with this soup?"

Uncle Qi blinked and asked, "How long has your father been drinking?" Zhou Mo thought for a while and said, "It's been three months." Uncle Qi nodded and said, "Tell your father not to drink anymore." ." Zhou Mo asked: "Why?" Uncle Qi remained silent. Zhou Mo was anxious. She was 100% sure that there must be something wrong with the soup. In desperation, she suddenly knelt down and said seriously: "Uncle Qi, please save my father, can you show me a clear way?"

Uncle Qi sighed and said: "There is a kind of chronic poison in this soup. If you drink it once or twice for ten and a half months, there will be no problem. You may even have the illusion of 'dragon and tiger'. But if you drink it for a long time, your body will be different." The functions of the body will gradually fail, and modern medicine cannot find any problems at all. When you go back, tell your father not to drink this kind of soup again."

Zhou Mo broke into a cold sweat when he heard this. He kept saying thank you and stood up to pull me away, but I remained motionless and still looked at Uncle Qi. Zhou Mo asked: "Wang Hao, what's wrong?" But I looked at Uncle Qi and said: "Uncle Qi, thank you for your guidance in advance. But can you be a good person and do it to the end? Tell us who the murderer is. If the murderer is not eliminated, he will be killed in the future. He can also administer drugs." Zhou Mo asked strangely: "Isn't the murderer Xiao Wei? Didn't you see him poisoning with your own eyes?" I shook my head and said, "This kind of chronic disease cannot even be detected by formal institutions. Poison, how could someone like Xiao Wei be the real murderer? There must be someone else." Zhou Mo took a breath: "You mean..." She didn't say any more, we all already understood.

Uncle Qi was still indifferent and just said lightly: "I don't know who the murderer is." Zhou Mo looked at Uncle Qi and said seriously: "Uncle Qi, that man is highly respected and my father also trusts him. Unless you take action yourself. , otherwise no one would suspect him." Uncle Qi smiled bitterly: "Me? Will what I say work? Everyone knows that he is upright and chivalrous. He is the guest of many dignitaries, and he can say anything casually. It can be regarded as the supreme truth; but I am dark, despicable, cold and cruel, and can only associate with some roosters, dogs, and thieves, just like a rat crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats me. Who will believe what I say?"

There are only a few dozen words in these words, but they sound full of sadness. Does Uncle Qi also feel a lot of grievances in his heart?

"No, my dad will believe it." Zhou Mo said seriously.

"Who is your father?" Uncle Qi frowned.

"Zhou Honglin."

Zhou Mo only said three words, but Uncle Qi's expression suddenly changed. Immediately afterwards, he also said three words: "Let's go."

I couldn't figure out why Uncle Qi, who claimed to have withdrawn from the world, stayed in the Tongzi Tower and refused to go out, and didn't want to meddle in any other business, left immediately after hearing the three words "Zhou Honglin". But these are not important. What is important is that Uncle Qi followed us out. Uncle Qi coughed and went downstairs. The residents in the building stood up and watched in shock as Uncle Qi left.

"Zhou Honglin is in trouble." Uncle Qi only said five words, and everyone in the building looked relieved.

Sitting in the car, Uncle Qi asked more than once: "Your dad has really only been drinking for three months, right?" Zhou Mo nodded more than once and said, "Yes." Uncle Qi breathed a sigh of relief: "Three months." It's okay. Three months, then there's still hope. If it's more than three months, I'm afraid your father will..." Hearing this, Zhou Mo broke into a cold sweat and asked again: "What if, in three months? Months ago, did he take this kind of medicine through other methods?" Uncle Qi shook his head: "No. This kind of medicine can only be perfect when mixed with this kind of soup, achieving the purpose of 'killing people invisible'. Your father has a high position. Weight, if you die suddenly, there will definitely be careful inspection, so this method is the safest. If I am not wrong, this soup was also recommended by him, right?"

Zhou Mo said: "Then I don't know. I asked my dad what kind of soup this is, but he didn't tell me. Uncle Qi, what kind of soup is this?" Uncle Qi was stunned for a moment and suddenly coughed violently. . But I always feel that his cough is a bit fake, not as real as before. This cough lasted all the way, and Zhou Mo never had the chance to ask what kind of soup this was.

When we arrived at Zhou's house, Zhou Mo took Uncle Qi and me directly to her father's study. Without even looking at the door, he just opened it and walked in. Zhou Honglin was still reading. When he looked up and saw Uncle Qi, he immediately stood up, walked out from behind the desk quickly, and shouted in surprise: "Old Qi!" Uncle Qi's tone was also a little excited, and he held Zhou Honglin's hand and stretched it over. hand: "Brother Zhou!"

While I was stunned, the two of them even hugged each other warmly. I looked at Zhou Mo in surprise, and Zhou Mo explained: "They were very good friends in the early years. Moreover, my dad seemed to have done a big favor to Uncle Qi. I don't know exactly what happened. So in Qi's life Uncle, I can say with certainty that my father will believe what he says."

Now I understand why Uncle Qi couldn't wait and rushed over when he heard Zhou Honglin's name. I always thought that Uncle Qi was cold-blooded, cruel and unkind, but now it seems that he is also kind and righteous, and he knows how to repay kindness.

The two chatted for a while, and Zhou Honglin said: "Mr. Qi, aren't you in retreat in Tongzi Tower? Why did you come out of the mountain?" Uncle Qi stopped his smile at this time and said seriously: "Brother Zhou, is my senior brother at your house? ?" Zhou Honglin said: "Mr. Zhang? Yes, yes, he is with me. You also know that I have many enemies, so I asked him to come over and help me with food, hygiene and other issues." As he said, He smiled again: "I know that your senior brothers are not getting along, but it was an old thing more than ten years ago. Can you let it go now? You both have amazing medical skills. Wouldn't it be great to benefit society more?" good?"

Uncle Qi shook his head and said, "Brother Zhou, let's not talk about this for now. Let me ask you first, how is your health lately?"

Mentioning this, Zhou Honglin showed a proud look on his face and said: "Mr. Qi, it's not me. Among my peers, there are definitely not many who are as capable as me. Speaking of which, it's all thanks to your senior brother. Tailor-made for me..." At this point, he paused, looked at me and Zhou Mo, as if he was afraid of being heard by us, then put his mouth close to Uncle Qi's ear and whispered. But I have already guessed that Zhang Wanda was the one who made the soup.

After hearing this, Uncle Qi sighed and said, "Brother Zhou, do you believe what I said?" Zhou Honglin said, "Look at what you said! If I don't believe it, who do you believe?" Uncle Qi nodded, He said, "Okay, let me tell you, this soup..." He paused for a moment, then looked at Zhou Mo and me, then put his mouth to Zhou Honglin's ear and started talking.

Zhou Mo looked at me and said with an expression on his face: "I think I guessed what it was."

I nodded and said, "Actually, we are not young anymore. Why do adults always think that we still don't know anything?"

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